View Full Version : Meowmie how come the other kitty won't play with me?

10-25-2004, 08:54 AM
Oh how I wish I had a camcorder to show you guys what I saw last night. After my friend Kaylynn left with her cat Nina my precious Mina jumped onto a tub we had in front of our full lenght mirror and started to play with "the other kitty". She would swat at her reflection, play for a few minutes and then look at me and meow as if saying "Why won't she play with me mommy?" It was just sooo precious.

I haven't heard back yet on Cassidy so I'm hoping very soon. Keep your fingers crossed that he is still up for adoption.:D

10-25-2004, 09:25 AM
That must have been funny,taht her twin sister,would not come,out and play,with her! She,hopefully,was hurt,too much,at the aloofness,of the other Cat! And we hope,too that Cassidy,will be available,and will be Your Furr Ever Cat,very soon!

Laura's Babies
10-25-2004, 09:47 AM
:D :D :D :D

Giz saw a cat in our mirrow and she took a dive at it... BHAM! . Then she tippy toes around behind it looking for the cat that just knocked the daylights out of her, ready for a fight but that coward wasn't there! :D (She has learned to leave that kitty alone, to fast for her!)

10-25-2004, 09:50 AM
Too cute!!! I love it when the kitties try to play with their reflection. AWW poor Mina must have felt rejected when that twin did not want to play with her!:( I bet Cassidy will adore her - hope that adoption goes through - let us know as soon as you hear something OK? It's Monday so hopefully TODAY:eek: If not - then another kitty will show up to be her sibling:D

10-25-2004, 12:26 PM
LOL!!! Too funny!! I love it when kittens do such silly things! :D :D :D

10-25-2004, 02:05 PM
It's funny when they do that when they see themselves in a mirror. I have a full length mirror in my bedroom and when Poppy was in there and past by the mirror the first time, he did an about turn, looked at the mirror and started walking towards it doing a little halloween cat. It was too cute.