View Full Version : Mishkka & Beanie *PICS*

10-25-2004, 07:39 AM
I finally got a few photos of these two jokers!
They get along famously - I THINK...if they're not sleeping or eating - they are scrapping. It's all they do - but they both seem to really enjoy it and there have been no injuries.
Do you guys think this is normal for two young male cats or should I be worried??
Anyway - here are some pics, hope you enjoy;
First a couple of rare peaceful moments;
and on to the wrestiling;
scrappy Beanie (poor baby has an eye infection!)

10-25-2004, 08:01 AM
Gorgeous pictures! And yes I think it is normal for two cat boys to do a lot of wrestling. On Mishka's first pics you can see it is fun- he is somehow "inviting" Beanie to come over and play. In the last pics they are taking it a little more serious but as long as there is no bloodshed I would accept it. Filou and Tigris can be seen (and heard:rolleyes: ) fighting like this even now after 8,5 years together.

Killearn Kitties
10-25-2004, 08:14 AM
Aww, I love a good wrestling picture!! :D It looks perfectly normal to me. I hope that little eye infection clears up soon.

10-25-2004, 08:33 AM
Anotherr Feline Dynasmic Duo,and it looks,as though,they can look,out,onto thje main street,of your town,and that everyone,in town,can see them.Cool!

Laura's Babies
10-25-2004, 09:57 AM
They will be ok. I call it "Play fighting" and they start doing that as wee little ones. As long as they are not drawing blood and trying to really hurt one another, I would let them just go on and play.

Samanth and the rest of mine have had some issues and there was a lot of slapping and hissing going on but they have worked it out now and they are all getting along so much better. They have come a long way in 4 months.

10-25-2004, 10:01 AM
Great pictures! That same wrestling match can be seen at our house also - between Dylan and Eliot - and is great fun and sportsmanship:D Sometimes they get a bit rough but it is all fun and games for the most part:) I am glad your two are getting along and it really does appear that they ARE!!! Beautiful kitties, too:)

Hope the eye problem clears up soon. We have had a few of those and usually a few days on eye drops clears them right up if they do not go away on their own - which is usually the case. I wipe the eyes with warm wet cotton balls. For mine - it seems to be an allergy of some type as even a trip to the vet has shown no organisms in the eye under a microsopic smear.

10-25-2004, 12:31 PM
What GREAT pictures!!! I love kitty wrestling!! Those two are so color matched that they look like an opposite set of each other. They are adorable and it's about time we saw some pictures of them!
Too cute!!!:D

10-25-2004, 02:02 PM
Oh yes those wrestling pictures are quite common in my household also. Perfectly normal.

Mishkka & Beanie are such pretty cats.

I hope Beanie's little eye infection gets better soon.

10-25-2004, 05:36 PM
Yay, pictures!!!

That wrestling looks very normal and very familiar to me. I see that a lot with Jazz and Scout and now constantly with Rocky and Rumor.