View Full Version : BC girl at the pound..

10-24-2004, 04:11 PM
:( agility was canceled yesterday. So, we went to the animal control shelter since we were downtown anyway, and my friend Alisha lost her cat a few days ago and I was curious. I walked past the dogs completely, I knew I would just break down if I stopped to look at them, and I'd spend atleast an hour there. I was looking at all the cats, atleast 50.. when they brought in this beautiful tri-color Border Collie girl. I didn't even want to look at her, so I just walked by, but she turned around and tried to jump on me, and her paws just delicately rested on my legs, and I seriously was about to cry right there... I asked the lady holding her leash if she was adopted. "no, she just got here". She is so young, she must be at most 6 months old, and she was very scared but still so sweet to me. I had Gonzo's treats and I gave her a few and she gently took them from me. I left, and completely tried to forget her... my parents keep saying, no more dogs, and I try to listen. I tried to call the shelter yesterday to ask more about her, they said they don't know anything.. she's a stray and can be put down any day now.

I knew just about nothing about her, but I just went on Petfinder, because its my home page, and immediately my regular search for 'Border Collie' of any age or gender popped up.. and there she was! She was first on the list, it was like fate! oh my gosh, I am dying right now trying to keep quiet about this, but I'm asking my parents to go see her again tomorrow. Even to foster her, would be so rewarding and would make me so happy.. I know Gonzo would adore her, I just know. she has the personality that he loves most, I would hate for her to be killed, or to be bounced around the wrong homes for her. look at those eyes! it's seriously killing me. I'm sorry, this probably belongs on the rescue board, but I wanted to post it here.

this is my girl (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=3532623&adTarget=468petsgeneral&SessionID=417c17164036e85e-app2&display=&preview=1&row=25&tmpl=&stat=)

10-24-2004, 04:22 PM
Is there a BC rescue group around the area that can help?

Or even if it isn't a group near by maybe we could work up a, oh heck I don't know what you call it other than in greyhound terms. GUR, greyhound underground railroad.

Where different people do different legs of driving to get the pet to it's forever home or foster home.

Just tossing out some thoughs :)

10-24-2004, 04:56 PM
Aww what a beautiful girl! I really hope you get to foster her at least! :)

I hope she doesn't get PTS.. :( Maybe you can ask the Norcal BC Rescue to post her on their shelter website page?

10-24-2004, 05:36 PM
Wow, she's a beauty.

Good luck with trying to foster her, I hope the girl doesn't have to be PTS so soon. :(

10-24-2004, 05:53 PM
What a beauty, I hope she doesn't get put to sleep:(

Hopefully she will find her forever home with you!

10-24-2004, 08:12 PM
Wow this is so wierd I am in the sacramento area also and she looks so much like my casey that I rescued from animal control 1 year ago.

10-25-2004, 01:42 AM
thanks for the replies :).... it's not looking good with my parents, I got in a fight today with my dad while he was putting in a new dog door, and I will be very unexpectedly busy tomorrow, but I will try so hard to go see her!! I'm definately calling BCRNC tomorrow. We are good friends with one of the presidents/founders of it, so I'll call her and talk to her about the baby. I love her so much, I could not just leave her to chance.

10-25-2004, 06:20 PM
GOod luck with everything and keep us updated please. I clicked on the link but couldn't see the picture:(

10-25-2004, 09:14 PM
Go get HER!!!!!!!!!!!
Right Now!!!!!