View Full Version : I just had the biggest scare..

10-24-2004, 03:45 PM
Today some people came in to vacuum our air vents. We had to keep the laundry room door open and the garage door open. It was really loud when they were doing it, so Blueberry hid under my parents' bed. He hates loud noises. Then after awhile, we found out that he was missing..we looked all over the house many times and couldn't find him anywhere. I even walked around outside but couldn't find him. Then I got so scared and thought he really ran away and got lost that I started to cry.
Then I came back in the house and turns out he was hiding in a tiny space behind a drawer in a closet:rolleyes:

lol sorry for the pointless thread, but I got really really scared:p I'm SO glad he wasn't really missing though, or else I wouldn't know what to do:(

10-24-2004, 03:56 PM
You came here to share your ordeal with your PT friends, so this is NOT a pointless thread.

Poor you and poor sweet Blueberry for being so scared of the noise. I can relate to kitties being scared with certain noises.

I'm so sorry that you were crying from thinking he had gotten out but so happy to hear that you found him.

(((((HUGS))))) to you and kisses to Blueberry.

I think it is about time we see some new pics of this sweetheart.
I know my hubby would love it. HINT HINT ;)

10-24-2004, 03:59 PM
Now, mum, you know those scary noises are monsters than cat eat up itty bitty kitties like Blueberry, don't you? ;)

(Glad he's safe and sound, I know your heart must have been racing a mile a minute!)

10-24-2004, 04:01 PM
Not pointless at all - Tiffany - just a concerned pet owner.

Sooooooooo pleased Blueberry hadn't escaped just decided to search out a 'quiet place' until all the noise ceased. He obviously fell asleep!!!!!


10-24-2004, 04:02 PM
Aww:( I'm glad you found him!!

No more scaring your meowmie like that, Blueberry!

10-24-2004, 04:21 PM
So glad you found him:eek: I know that heart stopping panic when a kitty goes missing! I think we probably ALL do!! Ah, but Blueberry is fine now:) So-how is Meowmie???

10-24-2004, 04:30 PM
Thanks everyone:) lol I just feel kind of stupid...searching up and down the street crying when he was inside the whole time:p

Lorraine- hehe maybe I'll take some pictures sometime this week or the next:p Seems like its been forever since I've posted some. School has kept me busy:(

and Debbie- Lol just got over the big scare awhile ago, but I'm doing ok thanks;)

10-24-2004, 05:39 PM
I'm glad Blueberry was safe and sound.

My husband wants to have our air ducts cleaned like that but the cats are the main reason I don't. There is no where they can hide, be safe and away from the noise.

10-24-2004, 06:17 PM
Oh can I relate to your scare, Bluekat!!! We once had a summer cottage on Cape Cod. After a particularly hot summer, we decided to put in a window air conditioner in the bedroom. Turned out we needed to up the electric service to that outlet to handle the load. It was a sweltering hot day. The electrician came, and needed to get into the "attic" to access the elec. line. Access to the attic was an opening in the bedroom ceiling. After he was done, he told me it had to be 120 plus up there! After he left, I looked high and low for my kitty Chessa. She was no where to be found. I searched high and low, figuring she was hiding somewhere. I called and called her name but I couldn't find her ANYWHERE! I was frantic and called the fire department, figuring she had somehow climbed the ladder and had escaped into the sweltering hot attic. If she had gotten in there, I feared for sure she had already suffocated:( The fire dept came and they were so sweet; they searched the attic (which was empty) and couldn't find her anywhere. They said they even pulled back the wall insulation, to see if she was there. I cried and cried, figuring that she had escaped out the door when the electrician was working. Then, out of nowhere, I heard a sound coming from the kitchen. It seemed to be coming from the cabinet under the sink. I had looked there!!! Well, not well enough it seems! I opend up the cabinet...no Chessa....more sounds. It was coming from the lobster pot in the back! I pulled it to the front and there was my Chessa, waking up from a nice nappie in the lobster pot:D I know now who WELL these kitties and keep themselves hidden, when they want:D

10-24-2004, 06:25 PM
I know how you feel when you can't find a pet at all! Just recently this weeken I was cleaning the piggie's cage when all of a sudden they were gone . I called their names and looked everywhere for them and I found them popcorning around under my bed (their cage is in my room). It's such a relief to find them, isn't it?

10-24-2004, 07:53 PM
I know I've had my heart in my hand...literally ...when those wee ones make themselves scarce. I always imagine the worse. I feel for you dear... you can't help but fear for them. Just whisper a sigh of relief that that silly Blue is okay and can take care of himself. Bad ole blue for makin your meowmie cry. Give her some good cuddles for making her worry bout you.

10-24-2004, 08:02 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone:) Yea, I was very relieved when we found him.:p

Sandra- Wow I can't imagine how scared you must've been!:eek: Glad she was found though! It was the same with me, Blueberry was hiding in my parents' closet, where I've checked many times. But he was actually behind the drawer lol...if only I checked well enough the first time I would've found him:p

Laura's Babies
10-24-2004, 08:03 PM
Anyone who has one of these fur babies KNOWS what that is like!


10-25-2004, 09:33 AM
That is so wonderful,that you found Blueberry,safe,and sound,and that he didnt sneak out.When Ever The Found Cats think,that I am taking them,for granted,they hide,and make me look,for them,just,to teach,me a lesson!

10-25-2004, 09:38 AM
Now Tiffiany. There is no such thing as a "Pointless Thread" in this forum. I'm glad to hear that Blueberry is ok and that you were able to find him. I know how it feels. Mina got outside the other day while I was bringing the laundry into the apartment, and she didn't like it. She was meowing at the door when I went to get the second basket.

10-25-2004, 12:30 PM
I'm also so sorry you were scared.What an awful feeling.Thinking of your pet running out of the house.So very very glad Blueberry is safe at home.Vaccuming in my house is almost the same with the cats leaving the scene to go hide or find a quieter room.I cannot blame them.I hate the noise too.;)

10-25-2004, 01:49 PM
Oh Tiffany, I was so relieved to hear Blueberry was found, safe and sound:) But you know, you always think you've looked EVERYWHERE but those scamps sure know how to outwit us! Give Blueberry a hug for me:):):)

10-25-2004, 03:54 PM
Thank goodness all is well.

This happened to us when we moved. We thought our Jessie Cat had gotten outside. We searched high and low for over an hour shaking her treat can, calling her name. We went outside and did the same thing.

We had thought the worst until I went into the bedroom and the duvet started to move! She was hiding under the covers. She must have been in such a deep sleep that she didn't hear the noise we were making.

10-25-2004, 05:56 PM
Thanks everyone:)

LOL I guess most cat owners have experienced this before then:p