View Full Version : (not sure where this goes) Hi, I'm new!

10-23-2004, 04:13 PM
Hi everyone I'm new to this forum. (I actually found it through Greytalk and certainly didn't like my first impression of everythign here, but decided to stop by and give it a chace as surely not everyone was represented in the monstrosity of a thread we had there today!...I have read through a lot of posts and really am enjoying the general atmosphere I got from those!) Can't wait to get to know more of you! I am a member of Blind Dogs, UtahDogs, Greytalk, Pet Talk (I'm one of the mods...obviously it's a different PT fromt his one!) Blind/Deaf Dog Forum, and Petfinder's Forum.

Some about me; I'm 18 years old and am currently attending evening classes at a local college working towards my Associate in Science degree; I eventually hope to become a professional trainer/behaviorist; and start or get involved with a rescue dedicated to rescueing "lethal whites" and other dogs with 'special needs' specifically dogs with vision and hearing impairments to any degree.
In my spare time I like to do anything with the dogs including Agility, Obedience, hiking or just sitting around together. I also enjoy making dog collars and leashes, and cross-stitching. I am planning to move soon and Scout and Willow will come with me, as will Beau (bird) after things have gotten settled in at the new house.

I currently have two dogs, two cats (deeply missing my Boo cat), and a bird.
Scout is an Australian Shepherd (possibly Border Collie mix) who do to a genetic defect is blind and deaf in one ear. I adopted him last February after he had been at the rescue (Angels for Animals) for somewhere around two years; I had visited AFA a couple of times during Scout's stay and instantly fell in love with him but was unable to adopt him until February.
Willow is also an Australian Shepherd; and is the newest member of the family adopted the 8th of this month (October); she had been at Cedar City Animal control for around a month and a half before I adopted her. (the usual holding period is 3-7 days sometimes longer if they have the space; so she's a lucky girl) Like Scout she has a genetic defect resulting in her being completely deaf.
Ivy is a gray tabby that was dumped in the parking lot of a local grocery store about three years a go; not wanting her to get hit we took her home...two weeks later we found out she was pregant. (she was spayed after the kittens were weaned, and the four resulting kittens have also been altered and found new homes)
Boo was my black cat and had been abondened up at Fish Lake (he was left in a box; he was clearly somebody's pet as he was nuetered and de-clawed definitely something I wouldn't of had done); he was originally found by my uncle who worked there at the time; he kept him for a couple of months but when the seasonal job was over Boo needed a new home so we took him in.
Beau is my bird a cockatiel he had been bounced around quite a bit before I adopted him...I've been told that he was originally taken from a lady who had several birds in poor conditions that she was keeping in a room of her house. Do to his past Beau isn't the friendliest guy but will allow me to handle him; I'm not sure how old he actually is but am guessing somewhere between 4-6 years.

I still live at home (at least till December) so I'll include my parents pets as well which includes a Miniature Poodle, Cinnamon, a Mixed Breed, Toby (also adopted from AFA) and another cat Buddy, who we found abondened in the mountains behind our home when he and two litter mates were around two weeks old (going by the vets guess), the two other kittens didn't make it but Buddy thrived and is now a happy healthy eleven year old. (are you noticing a pattern on how we got our cats??) And a pond full of fish.
As you can tell we have a houseful, but everyone has their special place in the family.

10-23-2004, 04:17 PM
Welcome to PT:D

People around here like blabbermouths which I am not but wish I was and they also LOVE PICTURES so if you don't mind showing them off we don't mind looking at them;)

Hope you will find it warm and friendly:)

10-23-2004, 04:18 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I'm glad you decided to give it a chance. We're really a great bunch of people.

Do you have any pictures of your pets? We LOVE pictures! :D

10-23-2004, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the welcome's Katiesmom and binka_nugget....I have tons of pictures of my pets however most of them are in a webalbum that is down at the moment (one reason my sig has been showing as a red X)...I will have to see what I have saved directly on the computer and post those.

Edited to add that there are also a couple of pictures of Scout and Willow on their website (link in signature)

10-23-2004, 04:26 PM
Awww, they are so precious:)

10-23-2004, 04:30 PM
This is Scout, my blind and unilaterally deaf Australian Shepherd/Border Collie

10-23-2004, 04:30 PM
This is Willow, my deaf Australian Shepherd

10-23-2004, 04:32 PM
Beau (my Cockatiel)

10-23-2004, 04:33 PM
And this is Ivy (Gray Tabby Cat)...I'll have to post the pics of everyone else when my webalbum is working again!

10-23-2004, 05:07 PM
Glad to hear you're giving the board a chance.. it's too bad you got a bad first impression. But now that you're here..

Welcome to Pet Talk! :D Your Aussies are gorgeous and Ivy is beautiful! And Beau is adorable. Hope to see more pictures soon!

10-23-2004, 05:10 PM
A very warm welcome to Pet Talk.


10-23-2004, 05:40 PM
Welcome to PT and thanks for giving us another chance. I think you will like it here and we will enjoy hearing about your gorgeous fur family.

I have a Scout too but she's a cat, my orange girl.

Hope to see you around here more.

10-23-2004, 05:46 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!!! I'm so glad you decided to give us a try! What an amazing young woman you are. I greatly admire your dedication and obvious, great love for all creatures, especially those with special needs:):):) Thanks for jumping right in and posting pics; your babies are precious:) I look forward to getting to know you and your "family!" Sandra

10-23-2004, 06:00 PM
Welcome to PT. I hope you enjoy it here as most everyone does. I'd love a chance to get to know you and just maybe you might have some good advice for a owner of a newly blind dog. My Mooch after 17 years has lost all site, so I'm new to just how to re-train her to her sudden loss. So far we are doing good, but any new ideas are always welcome. :)

You Babies are just beautifully, Btw.

10-23-2004, 06:12 PM
Welcome to PT....I have only been a member a month or so and love it as I am sure you will too!
Gracie is my 5 month old yorkie poo (will be the 25th anywho)

10-23-2004, 10:40 PM
Thanks again for all of the warm welcomes!!
Fox-Gal I will be PM'ing you shortly. :)

10-23-2004, 10:46 PM
I'm so sorry I didn't see this until now.

Welcome to Pet Talk. I just know that when you get to know this crazy group you'll be glad you joined in. Would love to see more pictures of your furfamily.

Bless you for looking after all these beautiful special needs furbabies. I really admire you. My name is Vickie by the way but I prefer to be called Slick. It's a nickname that I earned about 12 years ago and it just stuck. :D I'm owned by two senior kitties.

10-23-2004, 11:59 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I was amazed to see another Utahn join. ;) There isn't any others here that currently post (that I'm aware of). I'm a member of Utah Dogs also but I haven't posted in a while. I live in the Utah County area. I have one dog, a 2 year old siberian husky named Nebo. I live with my parents and they have two schnauzers named Reggie and Sydney. I hope you enjoy this forum! :)

10-24-2004, 01:22 AM
Wow, Scout is beautiful!! I also used to have a deaf Aussie/BC mix (but she was mostly white with tan markings, and blue eyes)... So I understand and can relate to a lot about what you're saying about deaf dogs. It's good to have another deafie lover on this forum! They're such beautiful, extremely intelligent dogs. I definitely hope to get another deaf dog in the future. :)

I hope to see many more pictures of your pretty pups in the near future!

Welcome to PT!! :D

10-24-2004, 11:06 AM


10-24-2004, 01:41 PM
Welcome!!! I'm glad you decided to join us. Your pets are beautiful!!! I love your cockatiel. ;) Hope you enjoy PT as much as we all do!