View Full Version : Dog Walk 2004

10-23-2004, 03:27 PM
Well, the girls, my mom and I were all able to attend our local Dog Walk 2004 to support our local humane society! What a great time we all had!!! There were hundreds of dogs...I had no clue there were that many people involved in their dog's lives around here...I rarely see evidence, but today was great! We had a few different rescue leagues out trying to adopt, the humane society had some pups that the local restaurants were supporting and paying for their adoption fee if a family was interested, and a lot of different contests. It was held at a huge tourist spot in our area...like a boardwalk away from the beach! This was the first time I was able to attend such an event and WOW what a great time! The girls are exhausted! Well, on to the photos...

There were a few mascots from local supporters out meeting and greeting...the girls weren't too thrilled to meet them...

Waiting for the festivities to start

Chloe was a little skiddish today with all the excitement, but a good girl!

*more to come....*

10-23-2004, 03:32 PM
This is Belle...my good friend's Springer mix! What a doll baby...only 4 months old!

A friend we met who was dressed up as Woody from Toy Story! Doesn't he look like a "pillow person" (if you're familar)

This little guy won our local celebrity contest! He will have interviews with all the local TV stations!!!

On the way home...the trip was exhausting!! The girls were happy to see the couch when we got home!

We all had a great time and the event raised $55,000 for the humane society!!! What a great day!!! :D

10-23-2004, 03:42 PM
Looks like a good time was had by all! I think all your dogs are gorgeous, but Chloe is just too cute!

guster girl
10-23-2004, 03:45 PM
Sahara's beautiful! What kind of dog is she?

10-23-2004, 03:47 PM
"harrie"...hehe...is a Great Dane puppy. She's turning 6 months old tomorrow!! :D :D :D

10-23-2004, 05:01 PM
Great pictures. :D


10-23-2004, 09:03 PM
Awww I love Chloe! What a pretty girl! :)

Great pictures!! Looks like it was a ton of fun!! :D

10-24-2004, 03:51 AM
Oh Your pics are Fabulous!!!!!
Your pups are adorable!!!!
A New Dane Pup!!!!

Glad your area was able to raise so much money...
We are going to Our Local Mutt March next Sat....I have gotten quite alot of pledges at work....
I am not sure if I will dress Joey up or not....He loves the gatherings,But he doesn't love costumes!!!

Keep those Great Pics Coming!!!!:) :D