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View Full Version : favorite animated movies

guster girl
10-23-2004, 03:19 PM
I love Disney, of course, and, there are too many I love to really pick a favorite! But, besides Disney, there are a few animated films I love. the first two that come to mind aren't pretty movies, they're animated but not for young viewers....

Watership Down
Plague Dogs

some others I love, just off the top of my head...

Finding Nemo
The Last Unicorn
Alice in Wonderland
Mary Poppins (live and animated, of course!)
Snow White
The Little Mermaid
The Land Before Time
Peanuts christmas (I can't remember if that's the name or not!)
Scruffy (a little cartoon movie I remember from my childhood)
Sleeping Beauty

There's a lot more, just of Disney titles, but, I'm drawing a blank! I'm sure when people start listing their favorites, it'll jog my memory! I have several hundred Disney vhs, but, they're still over at my ex's. :( Soon, I'll get them back! :)

Holly's mom
10-23-2004, 03:55 PM
Oh, that brings back fond memories of when our daughter was growing up! We watched many animated moves, and still have the vhs's here at home. My favorites are:

Disney's Lady and the Tramp
Beauty and the Beast
101 Dalmations
The Little Mermaid
Oliver and Company

10-23-2004, 04:04 PM
Finding Nemo is the CUTEST animated movie. :p I love it!

10-23-2004, 04:20 PM
I love Finding Nemo especially Dori(sp?)
Lion King
Land before time
Little Mermaid
Bugs Life
hmmm my mind went blank I'll be back when I can think of more:p