View Full Version : "Hi" from Luna and Lily (with photo)

10-23-2004, 01:02 PM
Luna and Lily are very sorry that meowmie was too busy too post. They had to stay alone during the days, but obviously enjoyed each other's company a lot. They're having extended playing sessions now and have fun chasing each other, and Lily, who is 17 months old today, still likes to pretend that she's Luna's kitten! She was suckling an hour ago: :)



10-23-2004, 01:05 PM
Oh would you look at those sweet furry babies xxxxxxx
Great pic. Kirsten.


10-23-2004, 01:13 PM
OMG, Kirsten, that is just the sweetest picture! They are so adorable together!

Thanks for posting the picture, you get some time, how about some more pictures?


10-23-2004, 01:31 PM
Kirsten, how adorable they are. And it doesn't seem to stop as they grow up! You're so lucky:D

10-23-2004, 01:44 PM
Aww, Hi Luna and Lily. It's so good to see you two sweeties. Tell your meowmie not to work too hard and to give you lots of scritchies and treats.

10-23-2004, 01:55 PM
Hi Luna and Lily! :) It's so good to see you again - and your meowmie! ;)

It's so sweet to see you snuggling up like that! I remember how worried your meowmie was when you arrived on the scene Lily.

I wonder how Fister would react to a sister or brother! :eek:

Laura's Babies
10-23-2004, 02:21 PM
I would love to bury my nose in that fur too! That is SOOooo sweet!

10-23-2004, 03:47 PM
Hi Kirsten!! It is so good to hear from you and to see Lily and Luna - what a cute picture that is:D Hope you are doing well with your back and not working too hard!

10-23-2004, 04:05 PM
Kirsten, how we missed you! Pouncer's missed Lily most of all ;) But as they say "absence makes the heart grow fonder."

Looks like while you were gone that Lily did some growing. She doesn't look so much smaller than Luina anymore. I loveto see her acting still like a baby. Pouncer does too.

So much has happened since you've been gone! I hope you can catch some time to catch up on all the new kitties adopted into PT families!

Randi, Fister definately needs a brother! :D

Felicia's Mom
10-23-2004, 09:25 PM
Kirsten, it is good to see photos of Luna and Lily. They are both beautiful.:)

10-23-2004, 10:18 PM
What sweet babies you are Luna and Lily! :)

10-23-2004, 11:13 PM
Aw, what a darling pic. The girls look gorgeous as always. :)

10-23-2004, 11:44 PM
Aww, that's so sweet, Kirsten :)

10-24-2004, 05:31 AM

Hey, it is great to see you back here. I am sorry for your loss, and also feel for you. I bet working in the restaurant
was very stressful.

I love the pictures of your kitty babies!

You have said you have back trouble and that is something I have in common (other than the love for cats). I hurt my back while working in childcare and had to do physical therapy and deal with alot of pain. I discovered yoga and it has helped a lot in the pain and loosening me up. Just thought I'd share that with you.


10-24-2004, 06:53 AM
Would you look at that! Those two girls are always going to be in love. Luna is such a good mother figure to the silly little, never gonna grow up Lily. How cute and sweet!

Take care Kirsten and don't work to hard! We miss you!!:)

10-24-2004, 07:32 AM

Killearn Kitties
10-24-2004, 07:47 AM
Hi Luna and Lily!! How lovely to see you again.

Hope you're looking after meowmie. ;)

10-24-2004, 12:45 PM
Hi Kirsten,Lily,and Luna,we missed you,so much.and we are happy,to see you,again.Sad news,we lost BJ,our Pal!

10-24-2004, 02:02 PM
Luna and Lily are happy that you have enjoyed their photo! :)

My girls are like that every day, so I'm sure they really love each other! :)

catnapper, Lily is missing Pouncer, too! :) She's also worried that he may fall in the love with the new little girl, Evie... LOL

She's still a little one btw, much smaller than Luna. The picture is "cheating" a bit in that regard, guess it's the perspective.

You're right, I've missed a lot here lately. :o Many new kitties around now, and hopefully not to many have left for the RB...

And yes, I agree, I think Fister needs a little brother! :D

Palomino21, thanks for the advice with the yoga. If this was the only thing that may help, why not give it a try? I've heard many positive things about it! After I had surgery, I was told by the doctors that I would always be in pain, too many other things are messed up, and they can't be cured.

catmandu, I'm very sorry about your loss! :( Saw in the memorial forum that the Found Cats have lost another one of their friends, too - that's so sad! :(
