View Full Version : Flea & Tick stuff

10-22-2004, 10:31 PM
Umm anyone know of any Flea & Tick stuff at PetSmart??My mom said that the Frontline is too expensive???it works 100 times better than the stuff you buy at the petstore,so i dont see why she would want to take him off it?? And when he was on the Hartz stuff from the petstore,he got Fleas REALLY bad when he came home from the kennel,and when he had frontline he didnt get any.
Anyone know of any decent stuff??Just incase she doesnt want to buy Frontline again.

10-22-2004, 10:50 PM
hhmmm...I've only had good luck with Frontline, but I haven't really tested all of them. Maybe you can hunt on the internet for a discount distributor. That may help the costs out a bit. Fleas can be sooo annoying, it is just best to use the best. Hopefully, you'll be able to stick with Frontline. My vet has a program that gives discounts when you buy larger quanities. Chloe is only a little girl, but when I get her flea meds, I do it for the year and it ends up costing about $130 AND I get 6 free! :D Bestest of luck!