View Full Version : Argh...I got a stupid parking ticket!

10-22-2004, 09:28 PM
My husband & I were out tonight looking for a cheap wedding dress that I could wear for Halloween. I found a great deal....only $12.00 & honestly all it was worth. Well, we start walking back towards my car & Matthew goes running towards this tow truck when......"no car!":eek:
It was parked several blocks away with a $90.00 ticket on it!!!!!
(So the "cheap" dress I purchased wasn't so cheap after all, it cost me an extra $90.00)
Life just sucks sometimes!!!! My husband parked at a meter that apparently wasn't to be used between the hours of 3:00-5:30 p.m. The bad part is there was NO SIGN posted in the front & we put money into that meter.

AGH......And I thought things we going to start looking up, darn it! :rolleyes:

10-22-2004, 09:29 PM
:eek: oh god, for a second i thought someone stole your car or something! :eek:

10-23-2004, 08:21 AM

You might want to contest the ticket, seeing as there were no signs telling you NOT to park there during a certain time AND you put money in the meter, it seems to me that it's THEIR boo-boo, not yours.

I had that happen to me one time. I parked on the street where the sign said "No parking after 4 pm". I got back to my car and there was a ticket on the windshield. The TIME on the ticket was 3:56 pm. Hellooooooooo???? I guess the cop was a little anxious to get off duty. I went to City Hall (in CT), contested it and won! It's worth a try!

Good luck.

10-23-2004, 11:36 AM
Sorry to hear that.

I agree with moosmom, you should contest it if there was no sign.

Good luck.

10-23-2004, 12:25 PM
get a camera and take pictures of the area, then appeal the ticket. i did that once and the traffic magistrate cut the fine in half. $90 is a lot of money. regards, joyce

10-23-2004, 12:57 PM
I know how you feel, Tina! Just ours didn't cost that much. There were no signs either! That really sucks!
