View Full Version : Mr. Magoo in honor of Laura's return

10-22-2004, 07:14 PM
The Goo man is a little upset with me since I haven't posted many pictures of him lately. He wants to show off to everyone and now that his Auntie Laura has returned he thinks now would be a good time.

Hi Ebberbuddy!

Yea, my darn ole eye is swelled up again! Momma says we have to go back to the new doc and get it fixed. She said next year we are gonna go have some more sirjury!!! This is what I think about that!

Momma says that even though this came out kind of blurry you all gotta see it. She says it shows ya how much I love that little girl they call Abigail. She is a sweet little thing!! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid143/p5aaa4adf721d6d50800aa92f2c74af26/f68bdbec.jpg

Momma told me to sit still for a few minutes so she could get some pictures. I let her get a couple before I had to move on. I was busy!

Momma loves my "Spilled Milk Chin" and she's always kissin on it! Geesh! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid143/pef9a4190c0e71f7a9f241f655ec65965/f68bdbe7.jpg

I love them chin scritchies! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid143/p893283e261e799fe7db12606a8ec1656/f68bdbe1.jpg

Me and that silly little youngin they call Rosco were playin on the tree. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid143/p88f8d324a7c81b0f21646a9f0d8c5b46/f68bdbc4.jpg

There was this really nice lady named Debbie that came to see me all the way from Ohio! She yelled at my momma about her "huggy" pillow and made momma give it back to me. Hehe I thought that was pretty funny!
Thanks Debbie! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid143/p4b7121ce5731961a6d233e27ae16d84c/f68bdbcf.jpg

Well that's about all I been up to these days. I just wanted to say hi to y'all and give Auntie Laura a picture welcome back!!
Thanks Ebberbuddy for bein my friend!!

10-22-2004, 07:31 PM
Yeah!!!! Magooster pics!!!!
It's been way too long. So sorry that your swelling is up again. I sure hope that new doc and maybe the sir jury can fix it all up permanently. I must say though, that you do look rather **ahem** fluffy and please, I only mean that in an affectionate way. I still love you no matter how you look.

So pleased to see that you are getting along with your siblings. Kisses and smoochies to you sweetheart. :)

10-22-2004, 08:05 PM
MAGOO!!!! You precious sweet boy. It was getting time to start WHHINNING about some pictures of you handsome boy. :D I adore the picture of Daddy Magoo washing his little girl Abigail. So sweet. :) :) :) I'm also very happy to see you got your pillow back (or is it girlfriend)? :confused: :D Give that spilt milk chin a kiss for me too please! ;)

10-22-2004, 08:20 PM
Magoo is soooooooooooooooo sweet!!!! He's definitely the star of Pet Talk > Cat!

Laura's Babies
10-22-2004, 09:44 PM
Welllllll, if these hadn't showed up by tomorrow..... I was gonna start (you know what! ) I have been waiting for these for how long now????

Hay Magoo Sweetheart! You are still looking good to Aunt Laura! Still a mighty handsome boy and I see you still got your baby! I am so happy for you being mentor, big brother, Grandpa and caretaker of that sweet little girl. There is so much love in that heart of yours....Nobody can call you a hardened ole scrappy street cat anymore. You are such a handsome boy, I love every inch of you and I am so jealous that Debbie got to see you and I haven't got to have the Magooster experience yet! I hope you were good for her and turned on the Magooster charm... you must have if she told Mommie to let you have her huggie pillow!! Wow man, you are one sweetheart and I LOVE MY MAGOOSTER!! Many Hugs and kisses to you sweet Maggo!

10-22-2004, 09:58 PM
Oh my dear sweet Magoo. How good it is to see you.:)
But I am so :( knowing that your eye is acting up again. I hope when the time comes for your surgery, it will be the last time you have to go through this.

I'm so glad that you have bonded with the little ones. It's so good to see you playing and cuddling with them. It truly warms my heart.

I'm so glad that Debbie made meowmie give you your pillow back.
Had me ROTFLMAO though.

Thanks Lisa, for a great picker upper.:D

Love you Magoo.:)

10-22-2004, 10:09 PM
Hi precious boy ... you get more handsome every day ... just look at that beautiful RUFF of yours!!!:eek: :eek: :)

10-22-2004, 11:15 PM
Magoo you are looking so handsome and my oh my, that winter mane has really filled in. You don't look so much like Ripley's Mini Me right now.

I hope your eye feels better soon and hopefully that doc can take care of it once and for all next year.

Hugs, Smooches and Scritchies!!

10-22-2004, 11:16 PM
Magoo! You are the greatest! It is so sweet of you to be Abigail's papa figure or, at least, a lovin' boy figure!!! Are you playing with her too!??? Looks like your swollen eye doesn't bother you and that you would just be happy to let it be left alone! (Ain't gonna happen, sorry to tell ya)! Anyway, your mom is gonna let you love on the pillow as much as you want cuz she knows it makes you happy! Thanks Magoo for sharing!!!

10-22-2004, 11:37 PM
I'm glad I got my Internet back in time to see these pictures of our dear sweet Magoo! I just don't think we get to see enough pictures of that dear sweet boy!

Thanks Lisa, for the pictures, they were all so good!


10-23-2004, 08:52 AM
Hi Scrappy Magoo,The Found Cats,are plaesed,to see you,and send you a Special MMMMEEEEOOOW!

Laura's Babies
10-23-2004, 10:39 AM
peek, peek, peeking again!

10-23-2004, 10:45 AM
Aww Magoo! It's SO good to see you and that beautiful fluffy ruff of yours, your spilled milk chin, your juicy paws :D. I'm so sorry your eye socket is in need of attention again. Your new vet is a very kind man and will take very good care of you until you can have your sir-jury.

P.S. Good to have MY Internet back up again. I installed DSL last weekend and was immediately hit by viruses. It was a very painful weekend dealing with the mess, but it's all working well now (knock on wooden head)

10-23-2004, 12:59 PM

How lovely - more pics., of our fave Mr/Magoo! Oh gorgeous furboy trillions of nose kissies flying across the miles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


10-23-2004, 01:09 PM

OMG!!!! How cute is this???? Is he in love? :)


10-23-2004, 01:15 PM
That Magoo is one beautiful cat.To think how he was when he was found makes me so sad.You've giving him a better life than anyone could imagine.Look at that happy happy Magoo!!!!:D

10-23-2004, 02:07 PM
The perfect Magoo.

1 hurt and sick kitty.
One ton of love.
100 tons of support
One furniture/cage nightmare.
A little Time
One bite (optional):eek:
Liberal pinches of patience
One huggie pillow
A loving household.

Mix all the ingredients inside the loving household.
Set aside.
Turn up the household warmth setting to "High".
Place the mixture inside.

Recipe is done when the Magooster will accept neck scritches.


guster girl
10-23-2004, 04:21 PM
He is so gorgeous, I wish I could meet him!

10-23-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady

There was this really nice lady named Debbie that came to see me all the way from Ohio! She yelled at my momma about her "huggy" pillow and made momma give it back to me. Hehe I thought that was pretty funny!
Thanks Debbie! http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid143/p4b7121ce5731961a6d233e27ae16d84c/f68bdbcf.jpg

ROFLMBO Oh Magoo! I am so glad you still have your pillow:D I thought for sure it *disappeared* again as soon as I left - but now I am happy that you still have it and you are happy. You made the most gracious and friendly host at your house and I still think about you and get lonesome for my visit to your house and for your momma! HUGS and chin scritches to you sweet fella;)

10-23-2004, 07:39 PM
I'm so jealous cause I want to meet Magoo and his wonderful siblings!!

What adorable, cuddly pictures! He's such a cutie and reminds me so much of Samson with his eyes.

Does he have to be on anti-biotics all the time?

Please give him lots and lots of kisses from me. :)

10-23-2004, 09:52 PM
Magoo you are so beautiful and so sweet kissing Abilgail. Magoo just looks like a big cuddly teddy bear I would LOVE to hug. It's so wonderful seeing how happy he is. I'm very sorry to see his eye swelling again, I hope they can fix it for him.

10-24-2004, 07:25 AM
Thanks everybody for the wonderful comments on our boy Magoo.

Slick, Magoo is getting a bit plush for sure but a he has gotten exceptionally furry too. He is a mass of fuzzy fur and a pain to brush! He thinks the brush is just another toy to grab and play with. Makes things difficult to say the least! When he was weighed about 8 weeks ago he only weighed 10lbs which shocked me! He looks and feels like a porker! I think it's those short legs.

Richard, that was such a wonderful recipe!! When it all came out of the oven it was great but I have to say the preperation was a total pain! (literally!) Whenever I follow a recipe I always leave out the optional stuff and now I know why!!;) :D

Kelly, He is not on any anitbiotics. The new doc thinks they may have left a portion of a tear duct in his eye and it's still producing tears. That is what keeps building up behind the skin. We are going to do surgery and see if he can find it and remove it.

Magoo is a wonderful buddy and a funny little guy to have around. He doesn't know he is handicapped so I have decided that I don't know it either.

Magoo sends kissies, headbumpies, and lots of love to all his PT buddies!:D :D :D

10-24-2004, 08:35 AM
Magoo, sweetie, if your momma takes your huggie pillow away again, you let me know and I will mail you another one for Christmas.:p

10-24-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
. Magoo sends kissies, headbumpies, and lots of love to all his PT buddies!:D :D :D

That's "millions" of head bumpies, kissies and love!!!!!!!!!!!

Right back atcha sweetness xxxxxxx
