View Full Version : What do your cats do that you just love?

10-22-2004, 02:35 PM
What's that one special thing that your cats do that you can't get enough of? I have three special girls and each one shows they love me differently.

Grey Girl - she loves when I take a bath and wash my hair. After I wash the soap out, she'll lick my hair to help me dry it. I have to sit close to her because if I don't, she'll gently paw at my head and cry sadly until I scoot over. When I do, though, she bops me on the head! I guess she's training me!

Weezie - she's soft and orange with long hair. When I curl up to go to sleep, she crawls under the covers with me and purrs me to sleep.

Eepie - Eepie makes sure I'm sleeping good. Every night I'll wake up at about two in the morning and there she is, sleeping on my chest, purring her little heart out. She's got the loudest purr. I swear I can hear it in my dreams!

10-22-2004, 02:36 PM
If you happen to have pictures of them doing your favorite thing about them, please, please, please post them! Thanks!

10-22-2004, 02:57 PM
Eliot gets behind me on the dresser when I am at the computer and pats me on the back when he wants attention - I turn around and get nose rubs and head bumpies. This is very special because he is not usually very affectionate:)

Dylan just LOOKS at me. He always stays in the room I am in. He does not really like to be loved on very much, but he LOOKS at me and watches me with his eyes in such a way that I know he loves me:D He does love to have his belly schmoozled so if he sees me appoaching, he will sometimes roll over and start making air biscuits and he knows I am going to schmoozle his belly. But the special part is the look in his eyes.

Emily is very sweet but mostly daddy's girl. Lizzie and Robbie are still babies and everything they do at this point is special! Right now I would have to say what I love most about them is how excited they act everytime they see me:D :D

10-22-2004, 03:00 PM
Tigger gives "High Fives"...if you put your hand out in front of her face she will jump up and run her head under your hand.

Smokey loves to climb up me and will let me hold him like a little baby.

Abner is the baby in the family and I just can not get enough of his talking. He has these little "mews" and when he does them his mouth makes little fish lips. Abner is also a milk lover and if I have a glass of milk he will run around the house following me and talking the whole way.

10-22-2004, 03:06 PM
Blacky would watch in the window for me to come home from school. When I got home, he'd run to me meowing as if to catch up what happened in my day.

He'd also sit on top of the tv, or shelf and when I'd walk past him, he'd meow to be petted. I would pet him and then walk past him again. If I did not pet him, he'd reach out his paws and pat me with them. I loved it because he was my special cat.

Blacky was also my guard cat. He'd follow me every where, sleep in my room, and watch my every move. Blacky would also check on me very often to see if I was okay.


10-22-2004, 03:49 PM
Tito - always jumps up in my lap when I tell him to, and loves to snuggle and purr in my ear. When I am on the computer, he always jumps up in the chair with me, sits in my lap and snuggles (or sleeps on top of the monitor).

Sophie - purrs verrrrry loudly in the mornings when she first wakes up, and in the evenings when I come home. Swats at my hair. Sits in my closet on top of a shoebox while I get dressed every morning. Lays on her side and stretches out (loooong kitty!) and lets me give her belly rubs. Squeaks instead of meows. Sleeps under the covers with me.


10-22-2004, 03:54 PM
Mishi likes being close to me. When I'm at the computer he will come up under my left side because he knows I will reach down with my hand and pet him. When I'm taking a nap or reading in bed he will walk up to my pillow and plop down in just the perfect spot so he can keep an eye on me, be close, purr and get petted.

Mitzi high-fives me to get my attention .... she will walk up to me when I'm at the PC and put her paw on my leg to get my attention. If I'm sitting on the sofa watching TV, she will walk on me up to my chest and knead on my stomach or chest; when she really gets going she will put her paws on my mouth where she knows she will get a kiss. It's SO sweet!

10-22-2004, 04:12 PM
When I go to bed at night, Grover jumps into bed with me and licks my nose, eyes, lips and my face and then she just cuddles just as close as she can get to me and go to sleep like that. I just love that! Just make me love her that much more everytime. Funny she wakes me the same way every morning. God, how I love Grover, my sweet little girl!


Laura's Babies
10-22-2004, 05:02 PM
I have not been able to capture the way Amy looks at me that touches my heart EVERY sing time. She does it as she rubs my legs in the kitchen, knowing I will give her treats when she does it. (Looking up at me with her head tilted to the side) When Kevlin comes to get her and she is in the car in her kennel, she gives me "that" look and I just melt into a crying buubbering idiot and tell him to just leave before I take her back inside and quit my job so I can stay home with her.

Chester, what he does is the appointed job he has for himself, "The Protector", watching over his "girls" and me like a mother hen. If I am upset, he will sit by me, never taking his eyes off of me and "meowing" at me every now and then like to comfort me.

Giz, she has her time every day that she want her attention, getting in my lap and gets those happy feet going 90 MPH and purring like a 18 wheeler.. You can not ignor her or brush her off when she is in this mood.

Samantha.... she gets in my lap and purs and loves on me. We share that "HOME" feeling that we wanted for so long that finally happened when my neighbor said I could have her. She looks at me with the dreamiest eyes that says it all....

10-22-2004, 05:51 PM
Bella imitates Snowy.

Snowy has a favorite toy he carries around, and sings while he does it.

Well, Bella has noticed this, and while she doesn't use her voice that much, I heard a long CRY while I was in the kitchen, I turned and it was Bella, with Snowy's toy in her mouth. She ran up on the counter and dropped it in my hand, saying: Mama, is that what I'm supposed to do with this thing? :p

10-22-2004, 11:45 PM
Tiger isn't the most affectionate cat - she will have cuddles when SHE wants them. But I can guarantee that after every shower I have, I will open the door and she will be sitting outside waiting very patiently, or if the door to our laundry is open then she will wait until she hears the shower get turned off and trot into the bathroom (laundry-toilet-bathroom are all connected). When she arrives, she smooches up against my leg, before I've had a chance to dry it (so now her fur is all wet!), tail straight up and she will look up at me with her big beautiful green eyes and give a loud but short meow, as if she doesn't want to seem too demanding. I'll then pick her up and she will face away from me, I'll kiss the back of her head or make kissing noises and her whiskers will stretch forwards and she will sing back to me, her front legs will grip my hand and she will 'playbite' my fingers. I am not sure why she does it, but I think that she might think it's too much like a bird sound. She usually stays with me like that for a long time, until I don't want to hold her anymore. That's really the only time she has cuddles and sings with me!
I won't indulge you with a photo of me just out of the shower! (Not that I have one!)


Masar the Siamese has cuddles in the mornings under the covers every day that he can - he loves sleeping in!


10-22-2004, 11:55 PM

10-23-2004, 12:05 AM

10-23-2004, 12:06 AM

10-23-2004, 12:27 AM
Ilio - I love how he loves to lie across my shoulders while I'm walking around the house, and he just purrs and sometimes licks my cheek. He is SUCH a sweetheart, not to mention a little flirt!! :D hehe

Lali - I love how she acts as if she's a little princess. I like it when she jumps on my lap and wants attention. I love how she puts up with my torturing her (like dressing her up and taking pictures)! hehe :D :p

10-23-2004, 02:23 AM
Oh, I just love all these stories. This is one of the best parts of Pet Talk. Since it would be impossible for me to thousands of cats (oh, but how I wish!) I love to hear people's stories and see pictures of such loved pets and people. I get to feel as if I'm sharing a bit of the kitty, too. I've been hinting for a digtail camera for my birthday so hopefully soon, it'll be easier for me to post pics and you all can share in my kitties too.

10-23-2004, 08:39 AM
The fact,that they love me,and when I come home,they crowd around me,to see me,JJJ3,to see if there are Whiskas Temptations!!And The Fact,that thery love me,makes me so happy,and the fact,that we will always be together,makes me not afraid,or angry,about anything,that might happen,in my life!

10-23-2004, 10:15 PM
EVERYTHING!! If I had to pick an absolute favorite it would be the way Sash goes "hmmmmm" everytime I touch him or walk by him. I love it! I also love when he kneads me or lays his head over my shoulder before going to sleep in bed. I just love when he sits straight up and looks so furry and pretty. Wow, I could go on and on about everything I love about my boy. :D