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10-22-2004, 12:52 PM
What do your cats do when you come into the house?

Whenever I get home from work, I unlock the door, open it and Sophie goes running out into the hallway (I live in an apartment). She can hear me coming into the building and fumbling with my keys, so she sits there in front of the door and waits for me to open it. She runs to the neighbor's door across the hall - they must have a cat or something because she's obsessed with that door. She sniffs it and scratches the carpet in front of it. I put the mail and my keys down, turn around and go to get Sophie. As soon as I walk towards her, she does the "rub-my-belly" flip-over thing and starts purring. I bring her back inside, and shut the door, and look to my right to see Tito awake and digging his claws into the scratching post, stretching. I put Sophie down, and Tito starts his meowing, rubbing all over me, etc. I sit down and Tito jumps into my lap, where he proceeds to get in my face and meow and beg for scritchies and food. :rolleyes:

That's my average weekday from 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM!! :D

10-22-2004, 12:55 PM
Mina comes running to the top of the stairs and stands there and meows until I pick her up and cuddle with her while I walk through the apartment. Then she is glued to my side for the rest of the night.

Laura's Babies
10-22-2004, 01:15 PM
I get quite a homecoming when I get home and am still getting it from Amy. In the whole year I have had her, she has not spent as much time in my lap as she has since I brought them home night before last... The way she ran up that hall that night I went to get them with that cripple (but cute) little gait she has when she heard my voice will forever warm my heart. There is just not enough room in my lap for the homecoming I get from all of them!!

10-22-2004, 01:25 PM
That is so funny!
I also live in an apartment - Mishka can hear me as soon as I get off the elevator. I have no idea how he can tell but I have heard that cats can distinguish their owner’s footsteps!
Either that or he meows every time someone gets off the on my floor – and he is LOUD.
I can hear him meowing at the door as I walk down the hallway. As soon as I open the door he comes out (meowing the whole time), looks and sniffs around the neighbors door!!!
I always have to put my stuff down and go and get him - as soon as he sees me he takes off (meowing the whole time - of course). We have a little chase and then he happily runs back home - where he leads me to his kruchies bowl. Little Bean is quickly learning from Mishka..

10-23-2004, 09:42 AM
Actually JJJ3,and Michael,race down,the stirs,Michael,to see me,JJJ3,to see,if there are treats! The Others,greet me,as there are all curled,up,on the bed,and hate,to move!

10-23-2004, 10:22 AM
Grover is always so happy to see me, she gets in my lap and starts giving me head bumpies, licking my face, lips, and nose! She can't stand for me to leave her.

The other night when I started to go to bed, I called for her and then noticed she was at the bedroom door with her nose stuck to the crack of the door, smelling to see if I had already gone to bed. She can't stand for me to even go to bed without taking her to bed with me. She crys until she gets into the bedroom with me. Darn, I love Grover so much!

Now Stubby, he is just laid back and thinks this is his house and well you lucky if you come in or not! What a boy!
