View Full Version : Film camera

10-22-2004, 11:33 AM
This person let me borrow one of her cameras...it's really nice, but I have NO clue how to use it. I've never used a camera this complicated before.......and I'm sure film cameras aren't that complicated, but I know digitals aren't!! Anyway..here is a pic of the camera:

It's a pentax...something or other o_O lol....anyway. Some of my pics turned out ok, but a lot didn't..I have a lot to work on. I'm going to take my pics in to show her and hopefully she can show me how to improve.

Here is the gallery if you want to look at them all...I'll only post a few

The camera has manual adjustments for shutter speed so you can leave it open longer and get weird pics like this..(also painting with light which I haven't done yet, but I'll show you when I do)

More in the gallery

10-22-2004, 11:50 AM
Great photos :D. I get alot of photos like the one of Josie with my digital ;). Also i am thnking about getting myself another film camera again soon, before my father shot through he had the best camera ever (Film) it was a Nikon and was pretty old but it took awesome pics, BUT he smashed it to pieces :( .

I love the photo of Zeke man, also could we have a Zeke/Flyball update soon ;).

10-22-2004, 12:28 PM
I LOVE that picture of Zeke!! :D

I also really like this picture:


Cinder & Smoke
10-22-2004, 12:46 PM
Check out http://www.Pentax.com - they have some camera manuals
on the site - but :( NOT one for the MZ-7 model.

The Canadian site has a download for the MZ-6 model at >>

http://www.pentax.ca/support/manual_pdfs/slr/MZ-6.pdf (http://www.pentax.ca/support/manual_pdfs/slr/MZ-6.pdf)

The USA site has a download for the MZ-S model at >>

http://www.pentaximaging.com/files/manual/MZ-S.pdf (http://www.pentaximaging.com/files/manual/MZ-S.pdf)

But to look at your pictures - you're doing pretty well withOUT
the instructions! ;)

10-22-2004, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Check out http://www.Pentax.com - they have some camera manuals
on the site - but :( NOT one for the MZ-7 model.

The Canadian site has a download for the MZ-6 model at >>

http://www.pentax.ca/support/manual_pdfs/slr/MZ-6.pdf (http://www.pentax.ca/support/manual_pdfs/slr/MZ-6.pdf)

The USA site has a download for the MZ-S model at >>

http://www.pentaximaging.com/files/manual/MZ-S.pdf (http://www.pentaximaging.com/files/manual/MZ-S.pdf)

But to look at your pictures - you're doing pretty well withOUT
the instructions! ;)

Thanks a lot!!

but unforutunatlynow I must kill you..because apon looking at that site I have fallen in love with one of those pentax digitals that cost like 900-1700 bucks T-T but it's sooo beautiful -cries-

10-22-2004, 03:59 PM
Wow! Those are AMAZING!!!! :D YOu are so talented! :D Your pups are so cute! ;)

10-22-2004, 06:03 PM