View Full Version : Meet Mama to be Holly!

10-21-2004, 09:37 PM
It was an easy name to pick for this lovely abandoned mama to be. She was rescued on Hollingsworth Street, and by my guess, her kittens to be will be eight weeks old on Christmas Day!

The babies are slugging away at her insides! I think if they had a chance THEY could beat the Red Soxs! LOL! :D


Happy, happy Holly! :)


Everytime I go into the bathroom, I ask her "are you having them now"?:D She looks up sweetly! :)

10-21-2004, 09:45 PM
She's BEAUTIFUL! Poor Mami! I'm glad she had you to take her of her and babies!

10-21-2004, 09:47 PM
Welcome to the birthing hotel, Miss Holly! Can't wait to see those babies!!!;)

10-21-2004, 09:59 PM
Good Golly Miss Holly! You are beautiful! I can't wait to see your babies' arrival.

Laura's Babies
10-21-2004, 10:14 PM
1,2,3.... PUSH!! You look like you are ready to pop girl... Good luck with the birth Holly, we can't wait to meet your little ones!!

She sure is a pretty girl and I know she will be a good Mommie to those babies.

10-21-2004, 10:30 PM
She is beautiful! And :eek: what a big belly!! Im guessing those babies are comming soon?

Can't wait to see them ;)

10-21-2004, 10:32 PM
Oh, I can't wait to see those babies! Holly is just adorable, and does look like she is ready to deliver at any moment!


10-21-2004, 10:44 PM
I asked you how many went out and then how many did you take in.... you said "ONE!" you NEVER said ONE ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH! JAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!! You have got to call people and find other foster homes before you drop dead. I am serious.

10-21-2004, 10:52 PM
Oh gosh, she is such a pretty tabby and I love the name you gave her, Holly.

Can't wait to see pics of her babies and hope all goes well.

10-21-2004, 11:01 PM
Welcome to PT, beautiful Holly! You have an amazing birthing home. :)

Congrats on the impending births, we can't wait to see them.

10-21-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by leslie
I asked you how many went out and then how many did you take in.... you said "ONE!" you NEVER said ONE ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH! JAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!! You have got to call people and find other foster homes before you drop dead. I am serious.
I didn't cheat at all! SEVEN went out..and more (close to) eight week olds ready to go soon! SO THERE! ALL the babies here with the exception of one litter are, close to adoption age, and I'll have none WHAAHHH! Holly does have the choice of going to Larry's, but the last time I had a birth around here was almost a year ago! THEY all went to Larrys! MY TURN! :D

10-22-2004, 07:13 AM
Oh Holly you are one gorgeous momma to be! You are in a wonderful birthing center Holly so let em go before you POP! That belly is huge!!

Kissies to the pretty momma to be!!

Laura's Babies
10-22-2004, 08:48 AM
Babies yet? Holly, what are you waiting for... Us PT'ers are waiting to welcome your little ones!

10-22-2004, 08:51 AM
Holly is a beauty and I also love her name. She looks so sweet:) Can't wait to hear about the birth and see the babies!!! Looks like you have a nice "delivery" room all set up!! (softly lined bathtub-great place!!)

10-22-2004, 09:01 AM
How anyone,could abandon,a wonerous Cat,like Holly,is beyond me,Bless You,for giving sanctuary,to Holly,and her family,to be!

10-22-2004, 09:19 AM
She can't give birth in my tub! But there's a large carrier in there now, all lined with soft Velux blankets. Is there a kitty lamaze coach anywhere in the neighborhood? :D

10-22-2004, 09:33 AM
Thank goodness Holly is now relaxing with a belly full of babies.She was so worried until you saved her.I would love another female cat here.(LOL)I'm getting outnumbered.Holly looks like a real sweetiepie.
I love her fur coloring and her face is gorgeous.Probably trying to figure out who you are.LOL.I'm sure by now she realizes your her savier.And how is Madeline and babies doing?You got your hands full.

10-22-2004, 10:44 AM
Holly is a very sweet affectionate girl Carla. I'm guessing she'll have at least four babies..maybe more! :confused: She'll be one of those kitties that holds them in for weeks though right? She looks like a watermelon now, and I can see all those wee ones kickin' away in her.She most likely had four kittens the previous litter, as four nipples are pre-used. Madeline's kittens are doing great, and are starting to open their eyes now. I pick each one up, kiss them on the face (they hiss LOL) and say "WELCOME TO THE WORLD"! :D Madeline is a very happy cat who loves to be kissed too. No spits from her though...just purrs. ;)

10-22-2004, 11:30 AM
Holly, you are now warm and dry and have a safe place to have your kitties. It was meant to be.:)