View Full Version : Argh... Photobucket...

10-21-2004, 05:41 PM
I just read that other thread, and what PCB said about her's being too big is happening to me. :mad: I almost want to open another account there, because it took me forever to get all my imagestation pictures over to Photobucket and I don't want to do it again unless I absolutely have to. Here's what it says:

*Your album is 60.59 MB. Free accounts are limited to 25 MB.
Please upgrade or reduce your album size by removing pictures.

What makes me angry is if its so much over, why didn't they tell me sooner?? When I just passed 25mb?? Argh...

Where else can I store photos besides Imagestation and Photobucket that has a lot of space? I'm so angry. I have new Gavin pics I want to upload. :(

10-21-2004, 05:49 PM
Mine is the same way.

I *think* your space resets every month?? So if you go to your account options and see when you joined, your space will probably be reset on that day(of every month) so you can have 25mbs of free space again.

I think thats how it works.

10-21-2004, 05:51 PM
Yeah, I joined the third... :mad: Still annoyed!!

10-21-2004, 06:46 PM
I went ahead and "upgraded". It was $25 but I DO use it an awful lot:) Actually, it was only $15 because I had donated $10 to lift the limits. If you donate even $5 or so, they lift your limits. So, you might want to make a small donation or upgrade.

10-21-2004, 07:08 PM
That happened to me too. I got an email 24 hours before they disabled my account, warning me to delete some pictures. They did not, however, tell me my account would be disabled if I did not do so within 24 hours. So, I waited too long and it got turned off.

Does anyone know a good free image hosting sit that supports GIFs besides Photobucket?