View Full Version : New Toy for Mina ****too cute***

10-21-2004, 07:47 AM
I'm getting a new digital camera next month so I can post more pictures of Mina then, but I have to share this story.

I came home from class last night with this cute little toy for Mina. Its a ball that when you turn it on it rolls by itself and has a ferret attached to it. Well I gave it to Mina and she chased it all around the house. She was almost as upset with me when I turned it off as she is when I take QSL's Kirby's picture off my computer screen. (she hisses at ME!!) She was just sooo cute last night. I wish I can a camcorder so I could show you.

10-21-2004, 07:53 AM
LOL! I can just picture Mina with that toy. :D I'd love to see a picture of it, hope you will post one when you get your digital camera. I'm sure Fister would love a toy like that - and I wouldn't have to crawl around on the floor to throw it again and again.

10-21-2004, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Randi
LOL! I can just picture Mina with that toy. :D I'd love to see a picture of it, hope you will post one when you get your digital camera. I'm sure Fister would love a toy like that - and I wouldn't have to crawl around on the floor to throw it again and again.

You can bet I will Randi. I will probably post so many that everyone will get sick of them. I bought the toy at Wal-Mart. She also likes the interactive mice too.:D

Laura's Babies
10-21-2004, 08:09 AM
I had one of those toys YEARS ago and the cats LOVED it.. That thing looks so REAL!!! Now, I am going to have to go to Wal Mart and see if I can find one for these guys!! gee whiz, I must have got that first one 10 or more years ago and it is long gone now... It went to Florida with me when I moved over there and I don't remember what happened to it after that.....

Hay, hurry and get that camera and get one with a video mode... A video of the kitties with that would be SOoooo funny!!

10-21-2004, 08:18 AM
LOL... I know exactly what toy you're talking about - I saw it at the PEt EXpo a few weeks ago and was tempted to buy it for the cats myself... only I knew Nicki would lay claim to it. :D

Can't wait unitl you get the digicam!

10-21-2004, 08:23 AM
The Found Cats,are glad,that the Toy,was just the one,that Mina really liked,and they hope that she has years,and years of FUN,with it!