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10-20-2004, 04:11 PM
I saw the comfort food thread and this came to me while I was standing behind a doctor in the cafeteria here at work. She had some of the SADDEST tacos on her plate......they were the assembly line type....

It's a different question than "what is your favorite comfort food..."

It has to do with the food you grew up on.

I grew up on Mexican food.....So when I go to a Mex restaurant, I measure every dish by what my mom cooked. There are variations on every dish, according to the people, area, recipes and ingredients.


There are some Mexican meat dishes where chocolate is added.....that grosses me out!!!!:eek: :eek:

Do you measure dishes by what you 'know'???


A taco and orange soda gives you the 5 food groups.

Meat, veggies, cheese, bread and fruit!:confused:

10-20-2004, 04:37 PM
Hey I've got a dynamite Chili recipe that has chocolate in it; guaranteed to knock your socks off. Maybe I'll make it next July.

Would we want to see your bare feet??? :eek: :D:

I grew up on rare roast beef, mashed potatoes, yorkshire pudding and lots of gravy, along with overcooked vegetables.

Wed and Sat mornings were for bacon and eggs.

Sun mornings were pancakes and sausages.

(hey don't blame me, it was the 50's and no one cared about cholesterol back then)

When I was in school Mom made me eat those healthy sammies with whole grain bread. I was the one who traded for bologna and mustard on white bread. To this day I do NOT eat brown bread.

LOL :D :D Couldn't remember how to spell bologna so had to sing the song to myself..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-20-2004, 06:28 PM
I almost picked "I don't care" but
nothing beats a good home cooked meal.
(not talking about my cooking) lol

I laughed when I read the last choice "as long as someone else picks up the tab." lol

10-20-2004, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by KYS

(not talking about my cooking) lol

LOL! LOL! My mom would never win any prizes for her cooking so I can't even tell you what I was raised on. It's true that there is nothing like a home cooked meal but sometimes it's just good to eat something that you didn't have to cook yourself. When I get a chance to go out to eat I take it, so I checked "I don't care." LOL!

10-20-2004, 06:50 PM
An afterthought...Richard you can probably identify with this....

Everything tastes better cooked over an open fire when you are camping.

The eggs can be burnt, the toast black and the bacon too crumbly, but you'll eat it, because it just tastes that good outdoors.:) :)

10-20-2004, 07:34 PM
I grew up on a farm, so there was always plenty of Meat, poultry, Bacon, eggs, veges, plums and every fruit imaginable, milk,(which I only like small quantity's of to this day) and my mother used to make the most yummiest slices, Spliced Slice,like a apple spiced cake strudel thingy, Louise cake, caramel slice, the list could go on and on.

We had plain food, but it was yummie , except for the Rice pudding my parents made me eat, to this day I still HATE it!!

10-20-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by slick
...LOL :D :D Couldn't remember how to spell bologna so had to sing the song to myself..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R...my bologna has a second name....


10-20-2004, 08:12 PM
Nothing beats my moms homecooked meals! :D Meaning the meat sides, hot mashed photatos, cooked veggies....Mmm!