View Full Version : Bob, such a BAD boy!

10-20-2004, 02:33 PM
I'm still gobsmacked by what he did .....

Dannielle and I were playing games with him - inside because it is so wet out. First we played a version of soccer, he was the goalkeeper and he was having a great time. Then, when he began holding onto the ball, we stopped and began his favourite game of find ... he was running around in his element trying to find the hidden treat when suddenly he stopped and pooped on the mat!! Really!! Right in front of us!! :eek:

He is so in the doghouse!!

10-20-2004, 02:36 PM
Awww, poor guy! Did he not potty outside since its so wet? My dogs are much more hesitant to go when the grass is wet, silly things!

When dogs are really active, that makes them have to potty and sometimes they just can't help it. I bet Bob got so excited and just couldn't hold it anymore :o

I'm sure you can't stay mad at him long with that cute face and beautiful eyes of his!

10-20-2004, 02:39 PM

That's a new word!! LOL!!!! :D

Don't feel too bad, Chris. My Murphy did it last night. I heard her barking and got up immediately, but not immediately enough!!!! :p Poor Bob didn't want to go out in the rain!

PJ's Mom
10-20-2004, 02:46 PM
Peej does that sometimes when it's raining. He just doesn't like to get wet. ;)

10-20-2004, 03:00 PM
No, nothing to do with it being wet, he'll go out in rain, snow, whatever, even thunderstorms don't faze him. :)

Originally posted by aly
When dogs are really active, that makes them have to potty and sometimes they just can't help it. I bet Bob got so excited and just couldn't hold it anymore :o
That's exactly the reason Aly! When we play outside he always stops and poos at some point. I really should have made him go outside half-way through playing.
The thing is though he was not bothered one little bit! He was wagging his tail and grinning! Then, just as I was going to clean up my son called to say he was on his way to get Danni. Quick pick-up, mop, send him in his crate then take Danni out to the car. Came back in, let him out of crate with some very stern words and he grabbed his toy and was like, "So, can we play again now?"!

That dog ..... grrr :D

10-20-2004, 06:19 PM
LOL! I guess he did not want to take a break from

Sorry he is in the dog house, but I can sympathize with you. :D

10-20-2004, 06:36 PM

Bob and BAD in the same sentence............. can't believe it!!??

...but then I read the story .........Oooooo, yup - BAD BOB indeed! :rolleyes:

10-20-2004, 07:01 PM
Well, I'm sorry, but I just can't put Bad and Bob in the same sentence.

Bob, when you gotta go, you gotta go, but maybe next time it would be a good idea to head for the door when you feel the urge. LOL

I Wuv you Bob!!! Slurpy kisses on the way from Auntie Slick.

Holly's mom
10-20-2004, 07:18 PM
:eek: BOB!! I can't believe it!!

10-20-2004, 07:19 PM
Sorry Chris, I just can't help but laugh. :D

Chester did that once a long time ago.

10-20-2004, 07:21 PM
LOL LOL I'm sorry, but this just made me chuckle! Especially since I can see the look on your face and the look on his! Honestly...going right in front of you like that! LOL LOL Silly boy!!


10-20-2004, 07:39 PM
Aww, poor Bob, caught up in the action and excitement and nature calls. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go!