View Full Version : Our second new addition! Trouble!!!

10-19-2004, 09:47 PM
Ok yes...some may be confused. If you go over to Dog General you will understand about this title. We added two new members to our household this summer. One is our new canine sibling Sequoia Rose.

The second is our little bundle of teeth, claws and energy by the name of Trouble!!

Yes some of you may not be crazy about that name but it fits him. He terrorizes the other cats...chases them all over the house! He is fearless and can't wait to dive into the latest adventure. He and our new husky Sequoia have had several "discussions" :eek: through the porch screen. He will bite so hard he has drawn blood numerous times. But you just can't help but love him.

We found him while driving home from work one evening. He was lying in meatloaf position on the side of a major highway. Cars and trucks were whizzing by at 70+ miles per hour!:eek: :eek:

I hollered KITTEN!!!! and my husband immediatly pulled to the side of the road. He was on the opposite side so I waited until the traffic was clear before I started to approach hime. I said kitty kitty very softly...he turned his head.....screamed at the top of his lungs and raced for me as fast as his legs would carry him. I placed him in the car and beat the bushes for any more but he was the only one. The next day we took him to the vet for his first check up. There were no worms in his stool....no fleas on his little body and he tested negative! I really think he had been dropped off just shortly before we came along. He was thin but he is so active that he really burns the calories!

I had intended to place him in another home but due to his extreme biting tendencies I didn't feel I could place him in a home with children or elderly. In fact we had some kids here for a party one weekend and they all wanted to hold the kitten. I warned the parents that he bites but they said it was fine with them. So...........the kids picked him up and he tolerated it for about 30 seconds before he....yes....bit. I had warned them so no one got upset and he only really gently pinched them the first time. They had quickly let him go so they didn't get the real chomp down. So after having him for a couple of months.......what can you do? I am attached!!!! So now we are up to 5 cats and a dog with cat issues.....ay yi yi......life is never dull here. All the pictures are of him sleeping or just waking because he doesn't slow down long enough for a full body shot yet! *L*




One time when Deirdre allowed him to share my lap


10-19-2004, 11:38 PM
What a cute handful. Welcome to PT Trouble!!!

10-19-2004, 11:39 PM
Ohhh... he's so precious, just look at that little face!! :D AWWW!

10-19-2004, 11:48 PM
What a precious little thing!! Congrats on the super cute addition. :)

10-20-2004, 12:07 AM
I had a friend who had a cat named Trouble he was black. sounds just like hers she decided she wanted a cat so she went out to her FIL dairy barn and capture one of the youngest kittens . Boy I still have scars from that day. Most of them were freals and of course people wuld drop off cats all the time(farm way out of town) He did become a great lovy cat but did it take lots of patience and time.
On the lite side maybe he needs some of the found cats canadian catnip to mellow him out. :)

Laura's Babies
10-20-2004, 08:26 AM
Look how pretty he is!! Thank God you saw him on the side of the road and stopped to get him!! How can people DO that to poor innocent animals!!! He sure is pretty!!

10-20-2004, 08:34 AM
What a sweet Little Face,and bless you,for helping,those Poor Animals,when they needed it,the most,and you will find,that you will be rewarded,a million fold,with love,and friendship!