View Full Version : Is this a normal and safe motherly type behavior?

10-19-2004, 03:34 PM
Jazz has been playing with the kittens a lot lately and she seems like she may some motherly instincts towards them because she looks for them and checks on them when they are sleeping. I think she may have even been calling them last night.

Anyway, what I'm concerned about is how she acts when she tries to bathe Rocky. She tends to throw an arm over him to pin him down and then she looks like she is biting his head and neck area. He doesn't act like it hurts but sometimes he is squirming to get away because I think he'd rather play. She does end up licking him a little but then he usually leaves.

Is she just grooming him and is this natural or should I be conerned about this putting her whole mouth around his head. I've never been around mother's with kittens so I don't know but hubby says it's normal. It really scares me when it looks like she is biting his neck.

10-19-2004, 03:42 PM
My kitty Hannah does that same exact thing to Squeekers. I got worried at first, but the I realized she was just grooming him. I think that I would just watch extra carefully, just to make sure its play/grooming. I always thought that when a mother cat carries her babies, it had to hurt, but it doesnt. Maybe it is just an instinct that the cat/kitten knows but we dont? So I think it is probably pretty normal. :D

Laura's Babies
10-19-2004, 04:18 PM
I will leave that one to the experienced ones but I would be afraid like you are.. We ARE worriers and it is scarey.. Until you get a better answer, I would just watch Mommie cat close to make sure she don't hurt baby...

10-19-2004, 04:49 PM
Thanks for the replies kt and Laura. Anyone else have any experience with this kind of thing?

For those who don't know, Jazz is not their mother and has never had or been around kittens before.

10-19-2004, 04:54 PM
It's normal behaviour. Just keep a peek that Jazz doesn't get too rough with them. Skippy (the guy in my new siggy) loves to pin down Gabriel (catlover4ever's baby to be) and bite his neck. Poor baby screams for me to rescue him so he can get back to important things like playing! It's a dominance thing with Skippy though. He never pins Gracie down oddly enough. :confused:

10-19-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
It's normal behaviour. Just keep a peek that Jazz doesn't get too rough with them. Skippy (the guy in my new siggy) loves to pin down Gabriel (catlover4ever's baby to be) and bite his neck. Poor baby screams for me to rescue him so he can get back to important things like playing! It's a dominance thing with Skippy though. He never pins Gracie down oddly enough. :confused:
That interesting that he never pins Gracie down because Jazz doesn't do it to Rumor (female) just Rocky(male) of course Jazz is a female too so who knows. She seems to like to play with Rocky more too.

Thanks Jan.

10-19-2004, 05:05 PM
I think its a good sign that Jazz is showing such motherly instincts. I also would just keep an eye on her to make sure she's not being overly rough.

10-19-2004, 05:47 PM
Monte does that to the other CATS! He washes them with such vigor that he chews a bit on them.

It sounds perfectly normal and actually wonderful. She likes him!! Maybe she just doesn't like Rumor as much ;)

10-19-2004, 05:50 PM
Perfectly normal, and a VERY GOOD MOTHERLY SIGN!!!!:D :D
They bite down and chew to get small particles out of their fur!;)

10-19-2004, 06:38 PM
Like others have said Lori. Normal behaviour. My Katie would do the same thing to Mooky when he was just a widdle guy. :)

10-19-2004, 08:42 PM
Thank you all very much. I feel better now. I'm such a nervous magervous when it comes to the furkids.:D

10-20-2004, 05:48 AM
I think this is wonderful news! Jazz really loves Rocky and wants to keep him spic and span. I promise you Lori that if Jazz were to hurt him he would squeal like crazy!;) As long as he isn't in pain then I think this is fantastic. Jazz is being very motherly but I wonder why she doesn't do it to Rumor? She must have felt some kind of bond with Rocky and this is great news!!:D

10-20-2004, 05:51 AM
I get nervous too, Lori - I took these just awhile ago - and this is one of the gentler sessions:rolleyes:
Eliot pins her and gets a wild look!
Here - Eliot is biting Lizzie and she is squealing like he is killing her - just when I am about to freak - he lets her go - what does she do? - pounce on him again!:eek:

10-20-2004, 09:06 AM
I think,that that is standard procedure,for a Mom,Cat Grooming,a Little one,and what child truly appreciates,what his Mom,is doing,for them?

10-20-2004, 11:21 AM
Thanks Lisa - you all are making me feel better about it. I think one reason she doesn't do it to Rumor is that Rumor acts a little afraid of her still. Rocky is our outgoing boy who LOVES everyone and Rumor is a bit reserved although I did catch her playing a game of swat the paws around the scratching post with Scout. Very promising for both kitties!

Debbie - those pictures look very familiar, LOL. Jazz and Rocky look the same way when she is biting on him. She gets very excited and her pupils are dilated when she does that. One reason I kind of freak out.

10-20-2004, 02:37 PM
Our oldest male cat, Fluffy does this to the two younger ones all the time. I never knew that a male cat could be so "motherly" but they are.

Its really funny to see Fluffy grooming Yoshi, and Yoshi trying to groom Fluffy at the same time. Usually Fluffy gets mad, because he doesn't want to be groomed. Yoshi was just doing what he was taught!! :rolleyes:

Don't worry about it, its perfectly normal. You just might see one of the kittens try to groom Jazz one of these days! Have the camera ready, its priceless :D