View Full Version : NO CAT IN OUR BED! hubby said - Or is she???? haha

10-19-2004, 10:55 AM
We left the door to the bedroom open finally late last week and we got her off the bed a few times and then it seemed she stopped - welllll She got in the cubby hole behind our heads - the headboard has like a bookcase in it with a mirror area right behind our heads. She thinks we are asleep and she jumps up and walks on top of our pillows and getts in the cubby hole!!! haha We finally figured it out because in the morning she would be swatting and playing with hubby's hand that he had under the pillow by his head! Also I wasn't totally asleep last night and saw her do it... :) She's in the bed! This weekend we took her to the RV we have out on land 90 minutes away and I thought it was so small in there and she had a hard day with the drive out there and a new place that I didn't protest when she got on the bed (my hubby was already asleep) and she slept at my feet both nights. :) It is all ok till in the morning around 5:30am she starts jumping at out feet under the covers and then on the sides of the bed and then stands by my motion activated night light so it won't go off and stays on - she is a smart mess! Debbie

10-19-2004, 11:13 AM
LOL, she is a smart girl. Good for her.

10-19-2004, 11:31 AM
Yup, she'll be a permanant bed-buddy in no time;) Smart girl!! heehee

10-19-2004, 11:36 AM
LOL.. soon your husband will be a convert too. My husband is sooo funny with the cats. I think he's got a heart of gold (and people assume he's a tyrant) because every night he worries about where the kitties are and even prefers to sleep nearly falling off the edge of the bed if it means his little cat friends are cosy in bed! :D

PS: We had three kitties with us last night - BLISS

Laura's Babies
10-19-2004, 12:26 PM
I think that motion activated light would have to GO!! They ARE smart enough to figure out if they want to play, all they need is some light!!

They are also smart enough to figure out to wait till "someone" goes to sleep to get on the bed...

10-19-2004, 12:41 PM
Unfortunately I like the nightlight because I like to sleep in the dark but if I wake up at night I need light to see and sometimes am not awake enough (don't even remember) to hit the light so hubby used to be scambling half asleep himself trying to find the flashlight he keeps by the bed... :) We all have problems I guess... :) Debbie

10-20-2004, 09:51 AM
That is a Clever Cat,finding a warm place,to snooze!