View Full Version : Name help (again)

10-19-2004, 08:29 AM
This time for Evie. I like the name itself, but it doesn't "fit" her. I know that there's confusion (even within myself) over the pronounciation of it - Evie as in sounds like Eddie only with a V instead of D (which is what the person who nmaed her said) Or Evie as in Adam and Eve. Then there are the people who hear me prounce it as it should that think I'm saying Ebby.

And my most favorite misunderstanding of the name - Abby. Thats what my husband thought it was up til last night when I said we should re-name her. He was saying how he doesn't have a propblem with the name Abby. :D I said, "I don't either, but her name is Evie" LOL

So PTers, put on your thinking caps and help me come up with a name that fits my little girl. Abby's actually not bad. CCL: would you be ok with me using essentially the same name as you sweet Abigail's name? :)

10-19-2004, 08:32 AM
I love the name Sheba,it has a nobility,about it,and for a brief,too brief time,I was living,with Sheba,the RB Cat,of my dear Late Aunt,and Uncle,and that ,would be a tribute,to two Great Pet Guardians,and thier Cats!

10-19-2004, 09:03 AM
You could just change it to Eve??

I love naming pets :)

Lets see....


I like girly names for girl pets :)

Samantha Puppy
10-19-2004, 09:07 AM
I like Evie (ee-vee). Abby's cute too. I also like:


10-19-2004, 09:49 AM
Kim, I have come to the conclusion that there are so many PT kitties that it's almost impossible to come up with a name that hasn't been used. I would not in the least mind you using the name Abigail/Abby. I thought we would shorten Abigails name to Abby but that doesn't seem to be happening. Hubby and I both call her Abigail. You use Abby and I'll stick with Abigail. How does that sound?

Somebody around here already has the name Abigail anyway and darned if I can remember who. I'm getting so old! :eek:

10-19-2004, 09:55 AM
I love the name Abby! I have a collie named Abby . . . I've always loved that name.

It's close to Evie too. She wouldn't be too confused.


10-19-2004, 09:58 AM
Thanks CCL. We like the name Abby, but I was wondering if there was anything else out there that I might like better.

I was tossing around the name Ella ... I liked it enough to name my first foster that. I'm not so sure the family liked it as much as me. Ellie is cute too. Seems I like those E names... I just have to find the right one!

10-19-2004, 10:26 AM
I like Abby or Eden

10-19-2004, 10:38 AM
how about Lani - Hawaiian for "heaven" sounds like "Laaaa" "Nie". Or how about "Halo". Just thought of it when I looked at her picture. I like uncommon names mostly but really I jut really wants one that fits. :) Debbie

10-19-2004, 10:40 AM
Actually I think "Lani" sounds like "Lawn" "EEE" now that I think about it - I have a Hawaiian friend and if I remember right he pronouces it as above - I was thinking of an island over there at first... :) Debbie

10-19-2004, 10:50 AM
I like Abby - my best friend's daughter is named that.

I also like Ellie. The lost cat we found this summer and kept till we found her owners real name was Ellie. We called her Mattie - short for Matilda.

Funny but I have a bad tendency to pick names for my female cats that make people unsure of their sex - Scout, Jazz and now Rumor. Some of the names I've considered in the past for these three were
Jinx (for Jazz - she was so unhealthy)
I've always like Roxanne or Roxy for a girl but my sister has a cat named that now.

10-19-2004, 10:59 AM
These are not E names but i like.....

Jade (My Yumi was Jade for about a day)
Evelyn (Yes it is an E name :D )

I have been leaning towards alot of Androgynous names latley like, Franki (However you want to spell it), Bobbi etc, for when i find my next cat/ kitten soon.

10-19-2004, 11:15 AM
I just did a search and came up with the following names :D.

EDIE- E dee



ELI - E lie :D

ÉLOISE - ay-lo-EEZ (My little Cousins name)

Well i am still searching and will post anymore i come up with.

10-19-2004, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by cloverfdx
These are not E names but i like.....

Jade (My Yumi was Jade for about a day)
Evelyn (Yes it is an E name :D )

Evelyn is actually what Evie was shortened from - Harold and Evelyn were the old couple who found Harry and Evie.

She is a girly girl, so she needs a definate girly girl name. Something that is without doubt feminine. I was thinking Lily (after my grandmom who's name was Lillian) but that is just too weird since Pouncer's "girlfriend" is Kirten's Lily! Lily might think he's cheating on her ;) LOL

10-19-2004, 11:58 AM
This is long but well worth it.I typed this in a long time ago.(I don't where I found it)but it has so many many cat names.I printed them all out and saved them in my catfolder file for future cats that come here to live.


Laura's Babies
10-19-2004, 12:14 PM
I like Ellie or Abby... Both would be no real big change for her....

10-19-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady

Somebody around here already has the name Abigail anyway and darned if I can remember who. I'm getting so old! :eek:
That would be me CCL! I think I have named cats and kittens everything by now LOL! Non-stop parade coming through here, that it's gotten to the point of sending some out for others to name. :eek: :D I love the names "Katie", "Emma", "Abby", "Audrey" and so many more. :D I prefer names that aren't over-used..and won't mention those that make my eyes:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ! Don't want to offend anyone. ;)

10-19-2004, 05:53 PM
Well, I found out what the name name Abby/Abigail means: "Father's Joy". Which fits, especially since Hubby named her, and she's quickly becoming a daddy's girl.

10-19-2004, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady

Somebody around here already has the name Abigail anyway and darned if I can remember who. I'm getting so old! :eek:

That would be me. We have Abigail, and we call her Abby, or Abby-Dabby-Doodlebug. Abigail means source of delight, and the world these days can use all the delight we can muster. It is a beautiful name, one that should be used by many - :)

10-19-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Grace
That would be me. We have Abigail, and we call her Abby, or Abby-Dabby-Doodlebug. Abigail means source of delight, and the world these days can use all the delight we can muster. It is a beautiful name, one that should be used by many - :)
And here too...Abba-Gabba-Gail..Gabby-Gail..Goofy-Gabba-Gail..I agree, a lovely name, for a lovely girl. (well several lovely girlies LOL) :D :D My Abigail ended up a 'keeper' years back as not only was she feral, but a badly injured little girl. Her front paw was crushed by something, and after repeated trips to the vets for wrapping, etc. months went by, and finally when she went for her spay, several claws had to be removed in order to stop the chronic bleeding that went on. She basically has a quater of a paw on one front foot. She's a goofy little long whiskered sweetie-pie going on 9?