View Full Version : People who vandalize make me sick...rant

10-18-2004, 07:07 PM
Today on my way to town (it must have been about 8:40) and coming into town there is a sign that says "BE POLITE" and spray painted underneath it was "Go f*** yourself"!! :mad: It made me SO mad. Why do people do that? I don't get it. :confused: My dad said that someone was probably high on meth or something (cause meth use in our state is VERY high) but I don't know...someone who wasn't high could have done it too. It just makes me sick that people are that rude. :( Oh, and on my way back from town (about 11 something) someone was already painting over it. This is a stupid little rant, but yeah. :rolleyes: Some people! :mad:

10-18-2004, 07:26 PM
There's no telling how much that sign cost the city . . . and now they'll have to replace it . . . with your tax dollars.

It really is sad . . . people can be so disrespectful and rude.

10-18-2004, 07:35 PM
oh blah...why can't people be respectful?!?!:mad:

10-19-2004, 10:04 AM
Vandalizim Annoys me too. Once some moron painted on the side of a church "Brown Pride nationwide" Yeah, like Im going to be proud of someone who will paint on a church!

10-19-2004, 08:00 PM
It's not a silly rant, just had the same one myself recently, a girl vandalising my hubby's work van for the hell of it, I could not agree more , I HATE mindless vandalism of any kind, and people who spray paint, or taggers as they are called here really bug me bigtime.

I remember when I was re-painting our fence, and some smart A.. came along and drew with chalk over it, it was a big enough job for me alone to do without having to repaint that, I was ticked off to put it politely.

I think if they get caught , they should have to go around and get all the chewing gum off the footpaths and streets, that might deter them a little. GRRR......

10-20-2004, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by carole
I think if they get caught , they should have to go around and get all the chewing gum off the footpaths and streets, that might deter them a little. GRRR......

LOL....that made me laugh...and they can get the chewing gum from underneath church pews off too! :D :p

10-20-2004, 01:55 PM
Yeah that might make them think twice before destroying someones property, trouble is they do it when no-one is around and don't get caught.

10-20-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by carole
Yeah that might make them think twice before destroying someones property, trouble is they do it when no-one is around and don't get caught.

Yep, I know. A while back my friend told me that some kids broke the DQ front window in the town she lives in and she thinks that they won't catch the kids. :mad:

10-20-2004, 05:51 PM
I just pulled an X-Ray 'badge' out of the CD-ROM slot in the computer down stairs.

All the operating room personnel are issued a 'badge' that counts all the 'rads' that they are exposed to.....

Too many rads and you have to 'sit out' for a while to prevent you from being over exposed and getting sick.

I do not know if it was done on accident or on purpose...

That is the kind of vandalism/stupid human trick that really irks me...Not only is the computer all jacked up, that person has to sit out their primary job....

My theory??

They wanted out of their job for a while so they stuck the badge in the reader to see if it would radiate it enough to give a false reading.
