View Full Version : The dog's most recent escapade...

10-18-2004, 03:24 PM
Dusty and Roxy got loose the other day. I was frantically searching for them when I got a phone call from a vet. She had them in the back seat of her car and she was waiting for me on the side of a busy road. So I hurried over there to meet her and boy did her car stink! I was thinking "What the heck!?" Well, she'd found Dusty and Roxy in a cow pasture rolling in manure. She said at first, she thought they were farm dogs but then they ran out of the pasture into traffic, so she snatched them. They had crossed some pretty major streets in order to get to the pastures. I am so thankful that they didn't get hit. They got some big baths in the driveway. When we were finished, I had to clean the heck out of the driveway too. There was poop everywhere. lol. Why do dogs roll in poop?!

There is way to much construction and stuff going on around here, I am going to padlock the gates for now on.

10-18-2004, 04:03 PM
Looks like they used up a few of thier lives,, kinda like cats!!!

10-18-2004, 04:17 PM
How wonderful of that vet to save your stinky dogs. I think any of us here would have done that too though. Poor lady she must have had quite the time cleaning her car when she got home. I'm glad the pups are back home safe.

10-18-2004, 08:46 PM
uugghhh... who to feel more sorry for? that poor woman and you for havin to deal with poo, or the dogs for nearly getting hurt?? Thank God she was there at the right time to save them... I guess a tip for her would be to buy lots, and lots, and lots of air freshners for the car lol :D