View Full Version : Cubby wont come out from under the bed! Advice please?!?

10-18-2004, 07:19 AM
We brought Cubby to the new house yesterday late afternoon, I put him in the bedroom and told all the kids that was here to stay out of there.

He hasn't come out to eat, drink, or use the litter boxes. I cleaned out the boxes yesterday but I left a few peices of his work in there so he could smell him self.

We (hubby and I) have been going in there every few minutes and putting his food under there and his water dish, he has been eating out of them as long as we put them under there.

Last night while I was trying to sleep he came all the way out and cried then when I went to grab him to put him on the bed he took off and ran back under the bed. Which would normaly be fine but our bedroom is so small we can't get a carpet cleaner under there to clean it if he does go potty under there. Not unless we empty out the whole room.

We had the bedroom all set up before we brought him in. I went and got him some breakfast (bacon and sasauge) to try to get him out, he was almost out for the bacon but then I blew it by moving the dish that the bacon is in.

How can I get Cubby out from under the bed, besides dragging him out. I need help please....

10-18-2004, 08:08 AM
Please don't force him out.
He needs time for feel comfortable.

Make sure his litter box is close, and he doesn't have to traverse an open space to get to it.

Play a game with him while he's under the bed, with a toy.

Get him to purr, by scratching his head.

But let him know, that it's O.K. he's under there and he can come out when he's ready.

Many adult cats do this. As long as he's eating and drinking, he will want his litter box soon enough.

He may like the darkness of night to come out and explore.
If you drag him out, he's likely to stay there longer.

Good luck.

Come on Cubby, it's safe out there, you can do it.

Laura's Babies
10-18-2004, 08:09 AM
Give him time. Just talk to him often to let him know you are THERE.. He will eventually get "settled" and his nerves settle as he feels safer and he will venture out, maybe while you are sleep at first but I think he will come around in time.

10-18-2004, 08:17 AM
Every time I stick my head under there or my hands he is purring. We have tried to play a few games with him all he does is just lay there and look at us like were nuts.

10-18-2004, 08:24 AM
Mina did the same thing we we brought her home. She wouldn't come out from under the bed. Just give Cubby some time, and he'll slowly start comeing out.

10-18-2004, 08:29 AM
Cubby isn't happy with you and the change in his enviroment. So he has to "chill" and relax. Harder you try he will sense the stress your projecting, go about your normal routine. He is eating and drinking eventually will have enough to pee and poop.

10-18-2004, 08:50 AM
Let me come,out ,when he feels like it,as he wont starve,under the bed! Michael,was so scared,of the new house,that he tore a hole,in the muslin,of the bed,and hid,there for a week,before he came out!KFC saved the day.

10-18-2004, 01:58 PM
Some cats take longer than others to adjust to change. (Heck, I take longer to adjust to change than some people. Hmmm, I wonder if retreating under a bed would help me...) ;) :p :rolleyes:

I agree with the others. Give Cubby some adjustment time.

10-18-2004, 02:44 PM
I doubt that he'll use his new "bedroom" as his new bathroom since he has to sleep there.

I know its hard, but just give him a little more time. Every cat is different, some adjust right away and others take awhile.

Take care Cubby.:)

10-18-2004, 03:48 PM
I doubt that he'll use his new "bedroom" as his new bathroom since he has to sleep there.

That's part of the problem, I took him to my mom's for a weekend so she could watch him for me. He urinated on her brand new couch, a few blankets, entertainment center, carpet and everything else he could get close to. He then slept in it because he was so scared. Good thing my mom loves cats, she just laughed it off and got to cleaning, I offered to go over there and help the cleaning, but she said no, that I needed to stay home and make sure Cubby is okay! :D

I did get him out from under the bed with some food. I picked him up and walked him through the house and made sure to show him every window he could look out. Now he hides behind the couch, under a chair or wraped up in a blanket. I think he looks so cute in the blanket except for the scared look on his face. Ever now and then he ventures out to take a look around. :D

We have found out that he is very afraid of ceiling fans. Every where he walks he looks up at them if their not on he will continue walking, if they are on he stops and turns arounds and goes some where else.

I have also showed him his litter boxes, which he hasn't used yet, I have showed him where his food is and of course his water dishes. I keep talking to him and petting him.

His fur feel really dirty, but I have seen him bathing, so I think either he peed, or he's just scared to the point that his fur feels like that. Either way he is getting a little better. S-L-O-W-L-Y!

10-18-2004, 04:43 PM
Oh poor Cubby! Give him some time, Im sure he will get used to things. Wish I could give you advice, but Remus is such a bold little snot that when he went to the MILs for the first time he proceded to try to order her dogs and cats around! So much for him being a scardey cat!

Edwina's Secretary
10-18-2004, 05:37 PM
Having just moved the E's over 2000 miles....under the bed is a good place. When we stopped at hotels during the trip that is where they slept (try getting them out and into the cages next morning!) But during the night they ate, drank and used the litter box. They spent some time under the bed here too (and still go there some) but after a week and a half you would think this was the only home they had ever known!

10-18-2004, 05:58 PM
I hope to get ceiling fans installed soon; but I am worried as so many cats are afraid of them. Has anyone had luck introducing them to their cats?

Edwina's Secretary
10-18-2004, 06:30 PM
We had ceiling fans in all most every room in Chicago and ran them 24/7/52. (I love ceiling fans!) Never had a problem with either cat and the fans! Never even thought about it!

10-18-2004, 08:38 PM
We have two ceiling fans in the house that run 24/7 no problems with the kids and fans.

10-18-2004, 10:24 PM
I don't have any advice but I just know that when I brought Kylie home that is what she did for a few days. She would come out very infrequently.
I will be thinking of you and Cubby....
Good Luck! Congratulations on your new home!

10-19-2004, 05:58 AM
When we have gone through this hiding experience I found it best to just go about my daily business and not let them pick up on any stress from me. One day he will just come stolling out like nothing had ever happened. As long as he's eating some and using the litter box I wouldn't worry. He just needs to do it on his own terms in his own time.
Keep us posted.

Come on out from under the bed Cubby and make momma feel better!!:)

10-19-2004, 08:34 AM
Poor Cubby. How is he today?

10-19-2004, 08:47 AM
We have ceiling fans and although I have to admit our new kitty (2-1/2 years old from the Animal Control) was fascinated by them - would stare and stare and stare.. :) :) She didn't seem scared. She was scared of the garbage disposal at first but now the sound doesn't bother her. She also gets scared still of the vacuum cleaner - she won't run but she will watch it and if you go by her she is just as tense as can be and shakey...... We took her to our RV this weekend and she did fine - explored the place and made it home. We were real worried about it - I'm not sure she liked the car though. I have noticed that if I ignore her she comes around quicker. Maybe if you ignore him he will want to get your attention and come out. I'm new to cats but I'm thinking about you both! Debbie

10-19-2004, 03:03 PM
So far today he has been very good! He has used both litter boxes and he has eaten out of his food dish.

This morning hubby woke me up. He kept pulling on my arm and when I turned over to yell at him to stop there was Cubby curled up right next to me under the blankets. It was so nice having him lay right next to me again.

Today we stepped outside and we didn't shut the screen door quick enough and out comes Cubby. He came right out on the back porch, looked around then wanted to go back inside. An hour or so ago hubby and I decided to put up the bird feeder that we got a few weeks ago and as we were doing that I opened up the back door so Cubby could come out there with me. He stay right by my side and looked around. I wouldn't let him go in certain places it would be to easy for him to hide.

He has never wanted to go outside before, not even when he was a kitten.

10-19-2004, 05:53 PM
I am glad he is out. But I knoew that he would be. Change is very scary, and under the bed is a perfect place to feel safe.

AS for ceiling fans, Willow was pertified of them. For him, it took a while, but when he finally learned they could do no harm, he accepted them.

10-19-2004, 07:47 PM
Hi, The Gingercat stayed behind the couch, most of the time for around a month when he first came to live with us; I just let him take his time and gradually moved his food further into the room. Every now and then, about 3 times a day, I would drag him out, give him a real cuddle and pet and take him to the kitty litter wher i left him in private. most often he would fly like a bat out of H--- back to the 'safety' of the couch. He still goes behind there if he feels threatened by a stranger arriving at the house, 3 years later. I believe you just need to give him time to get used to the strange surroundings, let him decide the speed of adaption. I would certainly not fuss him too much. he will return to normal in time and he will eat when he gets hungry and he will certainly come out to use the 'facillities' he won't mess where he is at present sleeping/living. best of luck to you all in your new home.
Angie and The Gingercat:)