View Full Version : Hi..New here..

10-18-2004, 02:49 AM
Hello... I just can't stop reading!!!! lol..anyway I am Victoria and I have 5 dogs and a cat named Friday..
I am C0-Manager of a MSN dog group I love. I live In Oregon..no one else ever does..sniff. sniff.;)
My Fur-babies are....
3 Papillons..Mic, Annabelle and Isabelle
a Kelpie/Chi Mix.."Jackie" yes it happened!:eek:
a...GSD/Malmute...120lbs... bigger than Pappys for sure.. I love all sizes & breeds of dogs..they just have to be canine and I think they are special..I was raised on a Farm..so I actually Love all animals.
This site sure has alot codes...heard that before??:p
Anyway I want to add a pic in my post..hope it works..how do I add a thingy under my name?:confused:
Take care,

10-18-2004, 02:53 AM
Dang it..no picture.....Oh well .....try and try again...I am such a dork sometimes...:D

10-18-2004, 04:59 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! :) Can't wait to hear more about your babies and see more pics! I have two dogs and two cats. Your pups in the pics are cute!

10-18-2004, 06:10 AM
Welcome to PT...its a wonderful group...I so enjoy reading all that is going on with every one..

What is the name of your group, I would love to check it out..I am the mgr of one too but its for signatures..(siggys)

10-18-2004, 07:13 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! To get the "thingy under your name" you need to first resize or crop an image so it is 60 x 60 pixels or less. Then save it to your hard drive, and go to your User CP. Under there hit "edit options" and scroll down, and you'll see where to add your avatar (that's what it's called).

My avatar is Miss Hoppy, she's my little brown bunny! :) Welcome again!

10-18-2004, 07:23 AM
Welcome!! Yes, this is a wonderful place to be!!!

I have two German Shepherd Dogs. Sierra is 3 and Buddy will turn 3 in December.

I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures of your pups!! (esp your GSD/Mal mix, those are two of my fav breeds!!!)

10-18-2004, 08:38 AM
Hello Victoria, Welcome!!

My name is Kay and I have three dogs --
Simba my 6 year old Shepherd/Pit Bull
Nala my 1 year old Lab/?? mix
Kiara my 6 month old Rottweiler mix

If you'd like, post the pictures you want in a signature or avatar and i'd be more than happy to make you both! :)

10-18-2004, 09:09 AM
Welcome to Pt,, youll love it here,, and your pup is super sute too!!!

I have 2 babies,,, LucyBelle a Dobie/Am Staff cross 2 yrs old and Merlin,, 4 months old, a mystery mix at this point!!!!

10-18-2004, 09:20 AM
Hi, Victoria! Welcome to PT. I love papillions! They are so cute. I'm looking forward to seeing a pic of Jackie, that's an interesting mix. And I am partial to sled dogs, so I can't wait to see the GSD/Malmute. My dogs are in my sig.

10-18-2004, 02:17 PM
Welcome Victoria! You will love this board, everyone is so nice and there are always intersting threads to check out and plenty of pictures! I do not know much about papillons but my friend just got a 12 week old one and she is a doll! I look forward to seeing pictures of all of your babies!

10-18-2004, 02:31 PM
Welcome! I love your little ones! They are so cute.

My name is Robin and I have five doggies. Max is a black and tan dachshund; Carly is a GSD mix (german shepard dog); Molly is a yorkshire terrier (terror); Kirby is a bichon; and Muffin is a black and tan dachshund.

Glad to have you here!

10-18-2004, 02:38 PM
Welcome Victoria and family:) What cutie pups you've got there:D I look forward to getting to know you and furfamily and seeing lots of pics! I'm Sandra and you can meet my furfamily below in my sig...2 dogs, 2 kitties, 2 guinea pigs:D

10-18-2004, 04:33 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!! :)

10-18-2004, 06:09 PM
YIPPIE!!!! More Papillions! My all time favorite breed! I can't seem to find a pure-bred papillion in my area, but I was lucky enough to find my baby girl, Chloe....she is my pride and joy! And what a smart breed! I can't wait to see a million pics of your three papillions...and others as well!!!! I am also owned by Venus (a doberman) and Sahara (great dane), so we have a variety of sizes as well! Welcome to Pet Talk!!
This is my girl, Chloe...a Papillion/Sheltie mix :D

10-18-2004, 06:15 PM
A very warm welcome to Pet Talk.
The pics of your two are adorable.

10-18-2004, 08:37 PM
Hi Again...What a Awesome welcome! I see I am going to love it here! I need to go make dinner right now...I have been learning to burn CD's all day and my eyes are freaking out,lol..Anyway,I am so excited to get those blinkies and that "A" thingy..I will learn the lingo soon.I looked where you said and I don't see where to add a avatar.....I am proff you can teach an old dog new tricks.
I will tonight pick out some photos and maybe take some new ones for this special,very special siggies to use here.:)
I do have a mangers meeting tonight..can't miss that..And Chis Reeve's last work as a director is on tonight on A&E..a tear jerker for sure..It's on right after my meeting..oh heck..record it Victoria:D
I have Soooooo very much to say..but must get off this PC I can't feel my Butt...heheheh
Talk soon my new friends..
OH..My Dog groups...1st..The Papillon Plyground..a msn group...and the Dog World USA..a msn group..I will add links is if knew how..just go to msn groups and do a search..that will work for ya..
Thanks again ALL of you for the Welcome....I was very excited to see these posts.
Hugs,Victoria & the Pack of pappys and Mutts...OH! On Animal Planet tonight is a show called..Love those Mutts..might be good...I have got to stop watching so much TV!:( :)

10-18-2004, 09:59 PM
welcome! I am also mom to 5 dogs- 2 border collies, 1 JRT, 1 schipperkie/bosten terrier, and 1 pyrshep. I am also mom to an array of other creatures lol 11 guinea pigs, 5 gerbils, 1 Rabbit, and lots of fishies! :D

10-18-2004, 10:02 PM
Idid it!!!! I made my own thingy under my name...Phew..that was hard..I don't do PSP, etc, due to health problems and it's just not for me..When I get something it's like my Birthday!! But I changed the pixels,etc, on this siggie of mine..I am very proud...
Hugs Victoria..Now if I could just add a photo "IN" my post..

Buddy Blaze Lover
10-19-2004, 02:51 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!! Your pups are sure cute!!:D I have a border collie--Blaze, and a guinea pig, Domino.

10-19-2004, 03:37 PM

I just love Paps--those ears!!!!!!!

My name is Emily, and I have 4 dogs: Kito, a shiba inu who will be 3 next month; Abbey, a beagle mix who will also be 3 next month; Riley, a labbie mix who will be 2 in January; and Jada, a rottweiler, who is about 2:)

Can't wait to hear more about all of your babies!!

10-20-2004, 03:10 AM
Hi...I Love the shiba inu breed, from Japan right? It seems most of Japans dogs have erect ears and curled tail...I love the looks of the Akita also. I thought about getting one like your shiba inu. How are they as far as protective personality, kids, etc?

ShutterBug? I Love your pappy/mix...so beautiful! I live in Oregon and breed one litter per year. I have had only one so far, with 2 baby girls born on Valentines day. Whether mixed or purbreed Papillon..One must be around them in person to understand the fun loving personalitys they have..and oh they love mischief also.

Thanks for all the "Love them ears"...Thats what attacted me to Papillons at first. A fact about them:
They are very hardy and tough little dogs..So much of a clown, I laugh everyday at them.
No Internet time today..and not much tomorrow either..so sad...BUT..I will be back asap and get caught up on what you all are doing...I still need to pic some photos for a siggie..yayayaya.
Niters all...Looking forward to feeling more relaxed here...and mostly? Getting to know all about you and your dogs..

10-20-2004, 03:23 AM
Hello Gracies Mom...I belong to 2 msn siggie groups..is yours yahoo? I don't go to yahoo groups. I would love to check out your group if it's msn. Did you see the name of my 2 dog groups? One I am asst manager..The Papillon Playground...and the other I am Co-Manager.... is called...Dog World USA[/COLOR...
I would Love for you or anyone else interested...to please come check us out..we aren't huge..just small enough we all know each other...But we would love to add you to our Family.:)
I keep trying to add a pic into my post and it is always an attachment..any hints on what I need to do?? Please?:confused:
Pappy Kisses,

10-20-2004, 07:05 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Victoria!! I think you are really going to like it here. A great place with great people and great pets! ;)

I have to tell you that I am already in love with your Papillons. Oh my! They are just adorable. I can't wait to see lots of pics of your gang. I'm not good at explaining all the picture stuff and can barely do it myself so I'll let someone else help you out with all of that. You'll catch on soon though. Lots of wonderful people here to help you out.

My name is Robin. Those are my two girls in my signature photo. Katie is my one year old Akita and Tori is my 9 month old Siberian Husky. We are so happy to meet you!

Robin :)

10-20-2004, 07:34 AM
Hi Victoria, welcome, I'm Kari. I have 4 dogs, a pomeranian, a miniature pinscher, a chihuahua, and a pug. You have a cat named Friday:), I have a cat named Sunday (only we spell it Sundae). In addition to Sundae I also have 6 other cats, and a multitude of other pets.

Originally posted by LuvmyPapillons
I keep trying to add a pic into my post and it is always an attachment..any hints on what I need to do?? Please?:confused:

To post a picture without making it an attachment you need to upload it somewhere on the web, photobucket (http://photobucket.com) or imagestation (http://www.imagestation.com) are two places that you can use.

10-20-2004, 01:07 PM
Thank You KBlaix for your advice..I would have never figured that out..lol It sounds like a weekday name isn't just my cat..My grandson at age 4 gave her that name. She is named after that TV cop..remember that show? My son always watched it and Chandler liked him. I see you have some little dogs too...I can just imagine the fun you have at your house,lol
Thank you for a warm welcome.

Robilee...I am blushing...Thanks for loving my Pappys...I am a Big Dog person...but I'm hooked on these little clowns for sure..It sounds like a house of fur-babies at your place...You are a awesome mommy!
Thank you also for making me welcome..
Big Hugs and pappy kisses to all the critters..

10-20-2004, 01:22 PM
Welcome! I am Mommy to three wonderful Doggie Max a 86 Pound goofey Boxer, Tobi a 6 year old Pug and My Special baby Boy FizzGigg a Bichon frise. (You can see his website hereFabulos Furry FizzGigg (http://www.geocities.com/bichon_fizzgigg/index.html) ) I Love Pappys But I must admit Bichons have always been my favorite. Pappys and Bichons seem to have the same personalitys thow Happy all the time and very friendly. Hope to see you on soon!