View Full Version : Babies Rescued From Georgia shelter!

10-17-2004, 10:05 PM
Rinkrat (Brook) our new pter, picked up her new kitties Saturday night at Boston's Logan airport's cargo building. I thought I'd never see her as she had got stuck in traffic and was late and I was getting only a little nervous. Nervous enough for Jan and me to drive around to feed cones and cats (didn't see and cats but they are there on the ocean side). Anyway, she got there and got all her sweet babies!!! She managed to fit all in her car without having to use mine as a backup so that was ok (we had no idea what kind of carriers to expect- giant crates or what!!!???) Jan took 3 pictures and Brook PROMISED to keep us updated on these lucky dolls! Brook has a good head on her shoulders and I commend her on this huge project!

10-17-2004, 10:50 PM
It sure has been busy to take care of 7 cats! I had to do rotations for potty and playbreaks because everyone didn't know each other. 2 kittens, then 2 more, then 1 adult, then second adult, then third. It got to be a cycle! I tried to keep them in the kitchen so I didn't lose track of anybody and they all stayed safe. Today, I broke the rule and most everyone explored for a long while a few times today.
I got quite discouraged last night. I had promised my not too happy boyfriend that I'd have a few gone home last night. I had 7 until 1:00 today! People either didn't answer my calls, or ran into something else they needed to do. I was worried. Then finally today one went home, and a few more followed.
Today was a long day taking care of adoptions and cats. I'll fill in detals tomorrow afternoon when I'm not so tired and about to fall into bed. I now have 3 cats: Minnie (brown tabbie with green eyes), Ailene (I always spell it wrong, and still don't know how to say it, so I think she needs a new name-she's pretty, silver ornamental), and a black kitten (Spicy) now named Licorace. Everyone seems so nice who adopted, and I even got a call this evening from Phyllis' mom! They just LOVE her. She's the black and white kitten.
As a Red Sox fan, I'd better at least finish the game, then jump right to bed and sleep! I'll be back with pictures and details tomorrow after work. Thanks Leslie and "queenscoopalot" did you say? Sorry, I was kinda distracted by all the cats I was bringing home. I really appreciate the support and back up transportation :) At least something good came out of being stuck in traffic, that you were able to fill some kitty's tummies last night :)

10-17-2004, 10:52 PM
Welcome to Massachusetts, babies!!! Thank you, everyone involved!!!

10-17-2004, 10:55 PM
Sleep well! I knew not to bother you today but feel free to call me whenever! And yes that was QSL with me (Jan). She wasn't even late with her cat sitting job!!! you have all my phone numbers!! The black and white kitten (checker board face) is SO CUTE!!! OH MY who in their right mind could...

10-17-2004, 11:06 PM
To everyone who volunteered to drive legs... you all were ready all weekend and I know you had given up doing better things! Thank you everyone! I had signed up with 11 transport groups for Lucky and Louie and Brook is STILL the only one who has responded! Well, I actually just got approved to one, and not approved to Angels on Wheels... Anyway, had Kevlin not been so sick, Lucky and Louie may have been on the same flight with this crew of sweeties!
Again, thank you everyone for volunteering your time and gasoline! (We may need you yet! I am waiting to hear from Laura) But I want this thread to be about Brooks newbies!
I think the shelter she got them from was harsh with her but what do I know, they were in a rush but I couldn't understand why a foster home couldn't hold them till the transport was filled... Also, the 8th cat is still there or not. Dx with ringworm which is easily treated but apperently they had to hold her back. Not that any of the airline people would have noticed.. OH Well...

10-18-2004, 09:14 AM
Bless You,for helping those Stary Cats,and your life,will be that much fuller,of love,and they will repay,you a million fold,for your kindness!

10-18-2004, 10:23 AM
I'm glad you adopted out some already Brook. I fell in love with that black & white kittens markings, but all are beauties. Good job getting them here. Thanks for the update, and I'll get the pics up soon. ;) Jan

Laura's Babies
10-18-2004, 12:21 PM
Great Job Leslie! I know you are excited!!

10-18-2004, 12:31 PM
Brooke and Leslie and Jan - you're Angels - I'm just so happy - nice safe furries - ahhhhh.

Many, mnay thanks on their behalf xxxx


10-21-2004, 10:59 AM
A few pics of the big event! It was dark, and things were rushed due to trouble finding the cargo area, but all seven cats & kittens were picked up.

Brook (rinkrat) & Leslie waiting for the kitties


Here they all come!


Hard to see, but two of the kittens in the carrier.

10-21-2004, 09:23 PM
look at all the cats and kittens! Only 3 left to adopt! 2 are at my house right now while Brook recoups from an illness. They have been super with my other cats! One has claimed my apt as her own and has decided everyone else is an intruder, the other (minnie, I think) prefers to stay in the bathroom, even when the door is ope,n but comes forward for loving whenever i go in there. They are both putting on weight which is ok cuz the spays make them look gaunt. The "pushy" one has big eyes and ears like Tabitha so I call her "Tabitha kitty" and she comes to that. She likes to doze on the bed for a while with me, and is fine with my other cats up there as long as they don't try to sniff her. (Poor Scamp is desperate to play with her but she gets so witchy with him!!) She LOVES the windows and spent at least an hour the first night in the front window watching the trees sway from the wind! They were BOTH worth Saving! Thanks Brook for all your efforts! these gals will live long and happy lives with forever homes because of you! (And hope you are healing ok too!)

10-21-2004, 09:57 PM
Great job, Ladies!!! Love the pics, and Leslie, Tabitha is thrilled that she has a namesake!!!;) :D

10-21-2004, 10:52 PM
I love happy endings! :D These all were slated for death until rinkrat/Brook came to their rescue, and pulled them from a 'high kill' shelter! Thank you Leslie for cramming them into your teeny tiny apartment, and letting Brook get her needed medical help! ;) Team work makes such a difference! :D

10-21-2004, 11:06 PM
Such great news!! You all are amazing, I'm so glad they are finding homes. :)

Keep up the good work. :)