View Full Version : I need your help!

10-17-2004, 08:31 PM
ok, I need help like infomeration or something, like solid evediance. ok see my friend has a 6 year old spayed female cay named Sammy, now over a month ago Sammy started getting really touchy about her one back leg, she walks just fine, but every other times she favors it, this is still going on today. also Sammy has gotten really fat, really fast, so my first thought was worms. here is the problem, my friend is only 11 years old, and her parents refuse to take sammy to the vet, she has tried everything she can think of, and pesters her mom and dad about it every chance she gets but they just say "oh, shes fine" and she gets in trouble for pestering her parents about it, Sammy is her baby so she keeps pestering them anyway. my idea is to try to provide her with solid evidence that Sammy needs to go to the vet, and that she is not just fine, that their is a good chance she has worms, see her mom thinks sammy is just fat from not being able to run around anymore(she used to be indoor/outdoor, but someone cpmplained so now they have to keep her tied up outside) but that has only been for less then a month, and their is no way she got that fat in less then a month. any help is appreciated!

10-17-2004, 08:37 PM
Shame Shame on her parents for keeping her "tied up" outside. That is terrible. and I hate to say it, but in my opinion it is animal abuse. They cant keep her inside?
Second, sounds like she does have another issue besides" being fine". If their is no way for her to get to a vet , their are over the counter pills that can be given for worms. But I doubt that is all that is wrong with her.
If they still refuse to take her to the vet, I hate to say it but I would call animal control on them, because it is ILLEGAL for a pet owner to deny their pets medical attention if it is deemed necessary. And being tied up, isnt right. In no way, shape, or form.
And if you cant call animal control, I would have a serious talk to her parents and tell them that is crulty, and that they should give her to someone that CAN AND WILL take care of her. She deserves it. I hope this helps.

10-17-2004, 08:38 PM
Well, this is going to sound a bit gross, but one thing your friend might want to do is check Sammy's poop. If there's anything in it that looks like rice or spaghetti noodles, you're definitely dealing with worms. But that would definitely give your friend the proof she needs. If it is indeed a case of worms, most likely the vet'll give Sammy that magic, worm-killing Drontal pill. I know that Walmart sells dewormer, but I'm not sure how effective it is. I'd also be more worried about that leg than worms. Worms are easy enough to clear up.

10-17-2004, 08:45 PM
Is she spayed? she could be pregnant too.

I'm with kt_luvs_kitties regarding the abuse issue. But they won't see it that way. Your poor friend, I know she's helpless with what they do.

10-17-2004, 08:48 PM
you misunderstood! sammy is NOT kept tied up outside! :eek: she is an indoor cat, but she use to get to go inside and outside whenever she wanted, now she just has to be leashed(tied up) when she is outside. Sammy goes to the vet yearly etc.. and does get vet care, the porblem is that her mom does not believe anything is wronge with sammy, which is what we need help with lol

10-17-2004, 08:49 PM
yes she is spayed, my friend rescued her from her cousins who got her and did not take care of her, my friend made sure she got spayed right away, so she is not pregnant..

10-17-2004, 09:07 PM
I absolutely misunderstood what was being said. lol I am sorry.
About her mom not thinking anything is wrong with her. I highly doubt that worms is making her favor one leg over the other. But about the worms to be safe, at Walmart they sell Over the Counter worming pills, for about 2-3 dollars. I would have her buy some and see if that helps.
About convincing her parents to take her to the vet, I dont know what to tell her to do. I wish they would do it because they want to, but if not, maybe she can contact a low cost shelter to see if they can check her. Or maybe if they just dont have the money, she can ask the vet about a payment plan. I know my vet only charges around 23.00-30.00 for a vet visit. worming is 7.00. So in all it isnt too expensive.(x rays in turn DO get expensive sometimes) She could have an internal infection that is causing her legs to get weak. Thats about all I know. Maybe other people could tell you what is wrong with her that have more experience. I worked with a vet for over a year, and I have never heard of worms causing the leg to hurt. But I could be wrong. Hope this helps.:D

10-17-2004, 11:07 PM
lol thanks, the worms I wouldent think have anything to do with her leg lol they would have to do with her getting really fat so fast. Kat(my friend) is thinking that maybe someone kicked sammy while she was outside(when she had free roam outdoors) and that is why her leg is sore, but we are concerned because it has been sore for so long. I think if I understood her correctly on the phone today her dad gave sammy a worming pill, I know they do use the worming pills, but their vet had told them only to give her 1 worming pill a year... now I dont know much about cats, but for the over the counter worming pills is it not supoosed to be like every 6 months or so? I mean only once a year how effective can they be? lol if I am right and they did give her a worming pill today, lets hope it helps lol

10-18-2004, 01:06 AM
I take my girls/boy to the vet to get dewormed every six months. Just as a precaution. But I did buy some over the counter dewormer for one of my moms cats, because they are inside/outside and cats can get worms so easily.

The package directions read:
for kittens 8 weeks and older use one capsule. Sprinkle directly on food. Repeat dosage the following day.

For older cats use one capsule for every 2 1/2 pounds of body weight. ( her cat is 10 pounds and it equals 4 capsules). repeat following day. At 30 day intrevals, repeart the 2 day dosage as followed above to prevent reinfestation. And the brand is Hartz advanced care once-a-month wormer. I got it at winn dixie for about 3 dollars. I hope this helps. :D

10-18-2004, 07:48 AM
Your friends cat might have a slow matabolism. Since she is not getting the exercise that she was when she was an indoor/outdoor cat her body has slowed down on burning her fat. She might want to change the food to something to maintain weight, or just feed her so much a day.

10-18-2004, 09:04 AM
or they might be feeding her,a cheap food,of which,she has to eat a lot more of,to get nutrtion,and that will put on weight,fast!I found that with The Found Cats,when I once tried,to save money,on food!