View Full Version : Do you like Haunted Houses??

10-17-2004, 07:40 PM
omg im terrified of them!:eek: im going to one on halloween with my friend,and her boyfriend,and her boyfriends friend.(me and her are terrified..:p ) lol, im excited but scared at the same time.its sad:rolleyes: The one were going to is supposed to be one of the best ones in Houston...


10-17-2004, 07:59 PM
I'm not sure if you mean carnival like ones, or real ones.

I LOVE REAL ONES! On Sept. 11, my friends birthday, we travled in all this grass and water to get to one...it was so awesome! There was a decayed...fox? racoon? something in there....covered with dust. And there was a dress on the floor....it was so cool and scary!!!

10-17-2004, 10:42 PM
They're alright, but I don't really care for them too much. Halloween Horor Nights (http://themeparks.universalstudios.com/orlando/hhn/2004/overview.html) at Universal Studios is pretty cool if you're into that stuff (ok, so it's a bit far for most of you). My friend works there and use to lay in a coffin full of rats. This year she is in the Bill and Ted parody show, she is playing Paris Hilton. I haven't gone the last few years.