View Full Version : About Me

10-17-2004, 07:21 PM
A friend of mine thought it would be a good iea to make a thread about myself and then she would talk about herself. We decided to do this so we could get to know more people and make more friends. Well a litle about me:

I LOVE CATS!! I'm 13, a girl, and I have a sister named Sheridan. We have 3 cats and 1 dog, along with a fish. Cats: Cubby, he is a brat, affectionate but he is my baby and I think he loves me the most, and i love him sooooo much. Jack, he is shy and lovable, very affectionate, Nikka, scared, and was found a feral. She is a little crazy. Dog: Rainy is an affectionate, cute litle girl who "guards the house". Fish: Silver Gill is mine and he/she has lived for 3 years in counting! I am usually a nice person, with an attitude though.:rolleyes::o I am a nice, sensitive, caring, shy, and smart girl. I am a blond, and I have what I call my "dumb blond moments". I play flute and a little recorder. I like to sing, and I take ballet. I have trouble talking to boys I like, and I can either be a silent person or wild, and I like to know if my friends consider me a friend. That's one sensitive part of me. I also get embarassed easily. Well, that is all for now, but I will keep posting stuff I think about.;):D

10-19-2004, 11:12 AM
Welcome to PT. This is a great place to meet new people (young, old and in between), get advice about your pets, talk about whatever. We have a wide variety of young people here that I'm sure would love another PTer to chat with.

My name is Donna. I live in Michigan and am owned by 7 furbabies and a bald dude (a hairless cat named MooShoo).

I know you'll love it here!!

guster girl
10-19-2004, 12:41 PM
Hey, again! Glad you were able to get back onto Pet Talk! :)

Let's see......

My RB pets are Dusty and Bruno. I only put them in here because they WERE my childhood. Dusty, a Siamese/Himalayan mix, was my tenth birthday present, and, Bruno, a red lonhaired dachshund/cocker spaniel mix, was given to me when he was a year old and I was thirteen. Bruno passed in June of 2003, and, Dusty joined him in December of the same year. Awesome friends, both of them.

I lived with Chris, now my ex, and, we got Lock, a Bengal (I miss him, he stayed with Chris), and, Finn, a yellow lab. Finn, of course, came with me! I also have a hairless rat named Luli and a dwarf hamster named Houdini Jingles.

Finn is the center of my heart. He will never replace Bruno, but, I love him more than anything. I know that makes sense to everyone in here. :) He's simply fantastic. He still thinks he's a lap dog, and, just crushes people with love. Ha ha. Fifty pounds of it! I can still pick him up and put him around my shoulders, and, he will just chill up there. He loves his rubber fire hydrant (not a kong brand, but, so far, indestructable) and his tire biter. He loves plush toys and squeakers, but, those are rairly brought out, because all he does is eat them. :)

As for me, I'm a 28-year-old, native South Carolinian, living in Dallas, Texas. Looking for new work, hopefully will start a new job by November 1st. I love the outdoors, and, want to get into more outdoors activities. I've never been competitive, but, I like watching sports, especially hockey. I love horses, and, wish I could be around them daily. My favorite things are music, photography, movies, and, animals, not necessarily in that order. I love trying new drinks and new foods, and, I love meeting new and different people. I'm rarely shy, and, I'm not a conservative person at all. I watch very little television, but, will turn it on for background noise sometimes. But, I love the Family Guy and most of the other adult swim cartoons on Cartoon Network. I used to watch Cheers all the time. I will sometimes watch animal planet and the music channels (MTV, VH1, CMT). I also like history and forensic type shows. I hate reality tv, but, love Fear Factor and Blind Date. :) Street Smarts is another show I like. I try to eat well (tons of fruits and veggies, no sodas, that kind of thing) and I try to stay active. The operative word there is TRY. ;)

My parents and two step brothers live in Columbia, South Carolina and my two brothers live about ten minutes away from me. And, yeah, I talk a lot. :) Sorry, guys, I'm super bored!

10-24-2004, 12:49 PM
Wow, you and I have a lot in common. I am 14 (just 14) and I play the flute. I have trouble talking with guys I like to. It is really hard for me to stand up and say hi to them.:rolleyes: I have brown hair and a brother. (josh) maybe we could be e-mail pals or sumething some time. Well, nice learning about you!;)

10-24-2004, 01:15 PM
Hi Miranda, I'm Kari. I am 22 and have been married to my husband Justin for 4 years. We have many pets. We have 7 cats and 4 dogs among others. I look forward to getting to know you and your pets.:)

10-24-2004, 01:32 PM
Miranda, why did you set you settings so u have recieve pms. How can i reply you to you email:p

10-24-2004, 08:01 PM
Mkitty I need to email you! Please allow pms!