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10-17-2004, 02:15 PM
OK I am new at this:rolleyes: I did one successful claw trimming last week but the claws are again like needles. I just tried another trim. I got TWO claws done. ONE on each baby! Would it be normal for these babies to scream like I am killing them and to bite me?:eek:

10-17-2004, 02:28 PM
Well, I gritted my teeth and got the fronts done:rolleyes: But, not with out getting shredded and bleeding and bitten. Little shits!:mad: I have never heard shrieking like that, either! Eliot came in and glared at me while I tortured them, too.

10-17-2004, 02:30 PM
I don't know. We finally gave up and started going to the vet's every 6 weeks or so.

10-17-2004, 02:54 PM
As I understand it, it's normal and it improves over time.*

* Caveat: I'm a chicken wimp and haven't done it except when the fur-kids are sleeping...

10-17-2004, 03:01 PM
Gasp! Oh, such language!

I never have much trouble trimming nails around here. Zelda's the one that gives me the most trouble in that department, mostly because she likes to pull her foot out of the way just as I'm getting the clippers in position. I can massage her little foot all I want, but the moment the clippers come out... You'd think Mowgli would be the nail-trimming problem child, but no....

I just keep the clippers close at hand and when either of my babies wants a snuggle session, I just start examining toesies when they get comfy, and if there's a long nail or two... Snip-snip! Problem fixed. It's rare to get all those little nails at once though. :D

Just aim for a toe or two at a time and praise the little darlings oodles when you get a nail clipped. Treats work wonders to in changing nail-trimming attitudes!

Clip, praise, treat, clip praise treat, etc. :cool:

10-17-2004, 03:03 PM
My cats also act like I am killing them everytime I do it. I dont trim anymore (staying with my parents) because they need their sharp claws incase a cat fight persues. But they do act like wild things when I used to do it. I used to use a leash, and put it under each arm to hold them still. I would position them under my arm so that they couldnt really move. (such a big torturer here) lol I have done it since they were 5 weeks, and to this day, they still hate it. So no advice here. But it is normal to get bitten and clawed to death, and they ALWAYS scream, because they want to. I am sure it doesnt hurt them, but they like to think it does :D

Laura's Babies
10-17-2004, 03:14 PM
Where is that link to Jenluckenback instructions on this that she posted awhile back? (I have had NO luck today with the search for things....is the search thingie broke or am I THAT rusty?)

I clipped Yettas today and she didn't like it. I find mine don't like it either. They act like you are killing them, even when I attempt to put soft paws on them. I think they just don't want you messing with their feet and nails! PERIOD!

10-17-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
Where is that link to Jenluckenback instructions on this that she posted awhile back?
I saved those and use them for the big cats back claws but the kittens are too small to have that hold really help much:rolleyes:
Thanks for your help guys! I think Lacey has the right idea - a few nails at a time for now. I was trying to do the whole pedicure. They are usually so good about letting me play with their toes so I will try the sneak and clip a few approach so they don't stop letting me touch them! Sheesh - I wish you could see my hands and arms:eek: bloody road map!!!

They are not lil shits anymore:o They are cute:p

Jen's Tutorial (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=58788&highlight=tutorial)

10-17-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
...They are not lil shits anymore:o They are cute:p

Oh, yeah. I forgot that, too. :o :eek: Just how FAST kittens can morf between the two states, I mean. ;) :p :cool:

10-17-2004, 03:40 PM
I'm not sure how fast cat's claws grow, but I clip the dog's (front and back) nails every week with their weekly bath/ear cleaning/brushing. If I don't, they just get too long.

10-17-2004, 05:19 PM
Julie is finally figuring out that if she gives up wiggling about we get it done a lot quicker and she can go on her way. It just takes a little practice and timing. I try to catch her when she is in a relaxed mood. I usually do the front and back claws in separate sessions unless she is really cooperating with me.

10-17-2004, 05:28 PM
Oh no! I can sympathise and relate! Little Evie thrashes and screams like you're killing her - just ask Jen... she tried to trim those little claws today and of course my young lady behaved like anything but a young lady! :eek: I'm not sure but I think Jen didn't quite get all those claws done!

Perhaps if you catch them in a sleepy state it would be better. Definately don't grab them while they had better things to do (teasing Elliot or chasing that nasty toy mouse)

10-17-2004, 05:32 PM
I don't have much problem with the big cats (as long as Richard holds Jazz for me) but I haven't tried R&R yet and boy do they need it. Those little razors would make Freddie Kruger jealous. I guess I'll wait till their nice and relaxed in my lap tonight and give it try.

10-17-2004, 06:52 PM
I think that Jen cheated and used the most docile cat to demonstrate the claw trimming.


10-17-2004, 07:33 PM
Um ..... YEP, sounds pretty normal!:eek: ;)

10-17-2004, 07:48 PM
1st.......are you suggesting that I MISSED a nail on Evie :eek: ???

2nd.........Of COURSE I used the most docile cat for the photos, you wanted to see more than blurrs didn't you??? :p

3rd........LOL.....of course that is NORMAL!!!! LOL

your best bet is practice, practice, practice. And if you recall, I warned you about the daily need for nail clipping ;)

10-17-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
1st.......are you suggesting that I MISSED a nail on Evie :eek: ???

NEVER! :D She was sure a squirmer, wasn't she? :D Lets use blurry Evie for the next tutorial!

10-18-2004, 09:22 AM
I feel,like an idiot,when,the Vet can clip them,so easily,and I ahve to struggle,even with Michael,the Mild,and his claws ,have a tendacy,to curl,and grow into his paw pads!

10-18-2004, 09:57 AM
I feel your pain.

We just trimmed our boys this weekend and it's always a chore. I hold him on the kitchen table while DH trims. We have to be quick. And yes, you'd think we were killing them. At least they don't make any noise...they just squirm.

I have had the best luck while they are sleeping and I just sneek up and I'm lucky if I get two or three before they wake up and realize what I'm doing.

10-18-2004, 12:49 PM
I hold Sasha like a baby and trim hers - she purrs, but pulls away, but she's pretty good if I hold her on her back like that. Vivi, forget it, and Pep never would let us trim his.

10-18-2004, 12:55 PM
I tried again with the sneak up on sleepy kitten method and did MUCH better. I managed to get *three* back claws clipped and NO SHRIEKING:D Then I put the clippers away and continued to just massage the paws and make baby talk. Faked Robbie out THIS time! Aha! I tried thinking like a cat. It worked THIS time anyway:rolleyes: I will keep the paw massage as they do not seem to mind this. My big mistake was thinking I have to do the whole nine yards at one time - NO WAY:eek: Thanks for all the comments and reassurance that I do not have two maniacs on my hands.

10-18-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
... reassurance that I do not have two maniacs on my hands.

:eek: :confused: Maniac: Isn't that the definition of a kitten? Or is my memory going bad on me?

10-18-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Well, I gritted my teeth and got the fronts done:rolleyes: But, not with out getting shredded and bleeding and bitten. Little shits!:mad: I have never heard shrieking like that, either! Eliot came in and glared at me while I tortured them, too.

I have went thru the same thing twice also Debbie!
The first time I was like nothing I had ever seen! The second time wasn't as bad but not great.....
Keegan isn't overly thrilled when her nails are done either, last week I was holding on to her collar while she pulled me thru the kitchen! Not an easy feat for a girl like me!
I have worked with both of them messing with their feet since I got them, but it is a challenge, I don't even attempt Kylie's back claws.... :eek:

10-19-2004, 05:52 AM
LOL!! Sorry Debbie I don't mean to laugh at your pain but I know how you feel. I too ended up doing one or two nails at a time when they were nice and sleepy but the problem with that is trying to remember which ones you did when the next opportunity rolls around. Paw massaging only works for so long before they figure out what your up to!!:D