View Full Version : Mongrel Mash ((*A LOT OF PICS*))

10-17-2004, 12:55 AM
Me, my mom and my friend Trish went to Mongrel Mash today!! It was *so* much fun! There was only about 200-300 people there, all of the people were really nice and the dogs were all totally sweet and well-behaved. Gonzo loved all of them, and he made a lot of friends. We got Gonzo a skunk costume, because he apparently has a love for getting skunked >.<.. people like it a lot. It looked cute on him! I can’t believe how good he was, I wasn’t even expecting how cool and friendly he would be, I’m totally proud. He did great in his school’s demonstration and he kicked butt in the CGC test!! I cannot believe my doggy is a canine good citizen, it’s awesome. Got pictures of everything... I saw a couple total PT look-a-likes there too!

Da handsome man in his costume... he was soo excited!

the first beautiful doggy we met, Tasha. When I first saw her I though “omg its Simba!!”.. something about the face. Her mommy was so nice, she said Tash is a rescue, and a pittiexshepherd. she was sweet!!

then we ran over to the 4 paws booth to do our demonstration...

woohoo. Gonzo and dorky me ~_^

oh my gosh, the most handsome Dal I have ever seen!!!! He reminds me of our PT dal boy... jeez they are studdly dogs!! His name was Dodger =D I wanted to steal him soo bad!

such a sweet sheepdog =P

the catahoula from obedience, just for you guys!

10-17-2004, 12:58 AM
tonnes of flyball pics.. Sac Flyball Club did a demonstration! And we saw a bunch of flyball buddies! That boston girl is Betty Boope, my hero ^..^ Oh gosh I love her!!

SPOT! Gonzo loved this dog so much, it was hilarious.. he was trying so hard to wrestle on leash with him. they looked so cute together, the skunk and the bumblebee!! whoa, he reminds me of Cincysmom's Spot...

firsty.. ;p

FINALLY, some pics of Trish and Danica! Oh goodness, I <333 Danica. She is the most gorgeous Aussie, ever, and the sweetest puppy I’ve ever seen. We have known her since she was a baby, she’s from Woodstock kennel. Now she’s 8 months... ^.^ she loves Gonzy, they always flirt with eachother

10-17-2004, 01:08 AM
What great pictures!!! Looks like it was so much fun! Looks like everyone had a blast, and again, congrats to Gonzo for getting his CGC!! All the dogs are gorgeous, and I love that Aussie!! ^_^

You should have told me about it earlier - maybe I could have come up with Seshy! :D Oh well, maybe next time!

Give your pup hugs from me for being such a good boy. :D

10-17-2004, 01:19 AM
a few more left... I took so many pics! thanks Di!! oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I totally should've invited you guys!

hello guide dogs

oh my gosh!! Sassy the chi and the most adoorable pittie pup ever! (his biker hat had fallen down over his eyes, omg the cuteness)

I *loved* these hounds.. this girl had two whippets and a Borzoi, she was so awesome!! Gonzo was very interested in the Borzi, he thought it was some kinda big Border Collie -g-

lmao.. he wasn’t too sure of the Rivercat

aww, this girl won most creative costume in the contest, she is a piggy! They even dyed her tail pink!

doggies in costume... cuute!!

Gonzy lovin his friend Spot.. xP

10-17-2004, 01:21 AM
CGC TEST!! The first one is us doing the “friendly toward other dogs” thing, he had to show little interest in the other dog. And the second is me sitting behind a tent while Gonzo sat with the evaluator for 3 minutes!! I couldnt believe how good how was ;D

EXCITED that he got his CGC! and he did it with a costume on and everything!!

with the skunk toy we got him!! Lmao... the little stinkers

back at home, with the toys and treats we got him and his CGC papers!! He put his paw on it on his own.. I think he’s proud of himself =D

done.. way too many pics, I know :D

10-17-2004, 07:24 AM
There are NEVER too many Pics!!!!!!!!!!

They are all Great Pics!!!!
Looks like so Much Fun!!!!

I wish we had a Mutley Mash here!!!

10-17-2004, 07:30 AM
Cute pictures!!! I thought I was seeingmy Spot in one of them!! And Cincy has the same piggy costume!!

Congrats again to you and Gonzo for your CGC title!!

10-17-2004, 07:38 AM
I will ditto delidog, there are never too many pics :D.

Congratulations Gonzo on getting your CGC, way to go. I loved all of the photos but my favourites would have to be the Flyball ones :D.

I am so glad you had a fun day and that Gonzo was a good boy, thanks so much for sharing the photos.

10-17-2004, 08:03 AM
aww! They all look so adorable! :D Looks like a lot of fun!

10-17-2004, 11:24 AM
Look at that beautiful Border Collie face!! :D

Great pictures, again!! I also love Borzoi and Whippets! They're such beautiful dogs.
Haha, and the piggy-dog. So cute! :D

10-17-2004, 01:45 PM
thanks everyone :D :D

Cincysmom, I know!! Spot looked so much like your Spot, thats what I first thought when I saw him. He was sooo sweet too!

Rhiannon, lol, I knew you'd like the flyball pics... ^_^ those dogs were pretty awesome. the BC girl was the fastest, of course! I bet none were as good as Elvis though. we need some pics of him when he starts competing!!

Di, aww thank you. I loved that picture too.. I took it really quick, the nice lighting suprised me. the hounds were really awesome, they're so proud and quiet.. unlike our BC's, huh? x.x

10-17-2004, 02:34 PM
Great pictures!!

AWWW! That pup reminds me of Simba SO much! she's adorable.
Did you get a new camera? It seems different!

10-17-2004, 05:01 PM
WOW - looks like you had a BALL!!!!!

Thanks for posting a spotty pup .............. a really happy looking spotty pup :D

10-18-2004, 12:25 PM
Kay, thanks!! yeah, I did get a new camera.. did I forget to tell you guys? It's a Fujifilm S3500, I love it to death ^_^! yeah, she was such a sweetie, and totally reminded me of Simba :D minus the adorable flippy ears, but close.

Captain, aww yeah, I wanted to post him for you and Captain. He was such a nice boy :D :D one of Gonzo's favorites too. <3 the blue eye!