View Full Version : Mistys got another new trick!

10-16-2004, 10:29 PM
lol yup my smarty pants gets bored quick, and she has matured a lot latly, meaning I have been bale to teach her tricks that she would not do before lol in the past 3 days she has learned "go to your mat" "bring your mat" "roll over" and her newest that she learned a few minuts ago "bang" lol its funnys when she does her "bang" though lol because she does not just flop on her side, and rolls onto her back and sticks her front paws over her head! lol its histarical! I dont have pics though because well because the camera batteries are dead, I took pics today at the freetyle demo(they decided to go ahead with it anyway lol) but they are all crappy because of the camera batteries lol and by crappy I mean you can barley make out what it in the pics lol sao I will take pics of mistys new tricks when I got new batteries lol actaully I will have to get my mom or friend to video Happy and Mistys tricks then I will have to figer out how to put the vido on the computer, and how to post it here so you guys can see lol :p

10-17-2004, 09:20 AM
Congrats Misty! I cant wait to see it on a video! :D