View Full Version : Miss Kate update, and cool cat story

10-16-2004, 08:38 AM
I went to see Miss Kate! I wish I had brought my camera - because she is GEORGOUS! Huge, fluffy - looks 100% Maine Coone. And her tail is always straight up in the air. All the time.

I also met Zipper - the other cat in the household. The guy who adopted Kate from me (his name is Lance) had had Zipper for a few years before he got Kate. She's a beautiful little black cat with huuuuuuge green eyes.

I couldn't help but notice the extremely close bond between Zipper and Lance. She talks to him nonstop - chirps and trills constantly. She sleeps with him every night. And - she hates everybody else. Absolutely vicious, actually.

I commented to him about her close bond with him and he told me that she was born in his lap!! Her mother, RB Velcro, was sitting on his lap when he felt a warm gush of fluid. He thought she had peed on him - but looked down to find a kitten!

Have you ever heard of a cat crawling into somebody's lap to have her kittens? I think that is just the neatest thing.

10-16-2004, 08:49 AM
Now that is a new one on me! Normally cats want to be alone when they have babies. WOW he must have had a very special bond with Velcro as well. No wonder he and Zipper are so close! Poor little thing probably didn't know which one was her momma when she was born!!;) :D

I'm glad to hear Kate is doing so well. Does she get along with Zipper? Make sure you take your camera next time because I would love to see Kate all grown up. She was a beautiful kitten. This is a great update!:)

10-16-2004, 11:40 AM
Oh I'd love to see pictures of Miss Kate. Does my Rumor look a lot like she did as a kitten?

I'm glad she so happy in her new home. Now next time take your camera, please!

10-17-2004, 09:00 AM
Rumor is the SPITTING IMAGE of Miss Kate! That's unbelievable!

Laura's Babies
10-17-2004, 11:10 AM
That is such a amazing story! Had the baby in his LAP!! WOW!! I think that would bond you forever with the little one!!

10-17-2004, 12:31 PM
That is trust,indeed,to have a Cat,give birth,to her babies,any where,near any person,and you,must be specail,to warrant,that trust!