View Full Version : Max is acting VERY nervous

10-16-2004, 08:21 AM
For the past few weeks, Max has been acting quite nervous, and it's kind of scaring me.

He's keeping an extremely close eye on me. He's always been protective, but he's superglue dog now. He comes with me everywhere, and it has to be absolutely exhausting for him. He doesn't rest.

My husband is in Iraq and we have a hired hand working here now, helping out with constructing the chicken coop, repairing the house etc. etc. He's a real nice guy, and Max has warmed up to him very quickly. So - I don't think it's him that Max is nervous about.

But even when we're building the coop, he walks into the coop and out of it with me every single time I move. We've actually been tripping over him.

Last night, he paced all night. From his bed beside mine, down the stairs. I could hear him checking out every room downstairs, then back to my room. Over and over again.

Right now he's cruising the perimeter of the yard. He's being very vigilant.

Any ideas? There are coyotes out here, but I wouldn't think that would upset him. There's been a cougar around, but not lately. I haven't seen any bears.

There are a lot of men who know I'm living alone now, though - that's what's scaring the crap out of me.

I got my concealed carry permit and I'm a crack shot with my 45 cal. Glock now.

Do you think maybe he's just being extra careful because Bob is gone? Maybe nothing is wrong, he's just being the "man of the house"?

Anyways. Maybe when I get Cruiser, Max will feel like he can take a little rest. He's just wearing himself out.

10-16-2004, 09:34 AM
I think he is either missing your partner and searching for him or he is simply looking after his mum.

I wouldn't worry too much about it as it's nice to know that you are safe with him as your protector.

Dogs can sense their owners anguish so if you are giving out energy signals of worry he could be picking up on them.

10-16-2004, 09:59 AM
It sounds to me that he senses your anxiety and is taking extra care to protect you.

When Dick is gone for several days visiting his sister, my Max will velcro himself to me to protect me. He will even put himself between me and the other dogs in an effort to keep me safe. He doesn't know he's a little dog. I keep telling him I'm OK, but he's feels better knowing he's taking care of me.

Your Max sounds like a great dog!!