View Full Version : Do your dogs wake you up at night?

10-15-2004, 01:47 PM
Buddy wakes me up sometime 2 times a night!!!:eek:

Sierra never wakes up, I have to wake her up just to make the bed!!:rolleyes:

10-15-2004, 01:52 PM
Molly is the instigator. Once she's awake - she gets just about everyone up to go potty/bark outside. Once she's gone out, she goes right back to bed. Happens almost every night.

Kirby would rather stay in, but in my book (and since I'm awake) if one goes out - they all go out.

Hope Molly thinks twice as the weather gets colder. I hate getting out of a warm bed at night. :)

10-15-2004, 01:54 PM
Star has woken me up every night since puppyhood! It used to be worse; maybe two times a night if she didn't get a good 1-1/2 hours of flat out exercise...swimming, retrieving, running. Without it, at 3am on the nose, she would jump on the bed and drop her tennis ball on my stomach!:D She's gotten a bit better!

10-15-2004, 01:55 PM
They used to when they would reposition themselves on the bed and the tags would jingle. I now remove the their collars before I go to sleep and I go zzzzzzzzzzz until morning. :)

10-15-2004, 01:55 PM
Sarah sleeps like a rock. But every once in a while, Dusty and Roxy will start playing in the middle of the night. It is usually because I accidently left a bone out and one of them has the bone and the other one wants it. I have to put all the dog bones, food, and toys away at night in order for it to be quiet.

10-15-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
3am on the nose,

Wow... that's weird.. 3am is Buddy's potty time also!


10-15-2004, 01:57 PM
You all are nuts! If my dogs had a 3am potty time, they'd be sleeping outside! lol. I'm a total insomniac, so I couldn't have that. I'd never fall back to sleep! :D

10-15-2004, 02:00 PM
never. my dogs curl up beside me at night and they dont wake up till I get up, then I get my cloths, I go upstairs I let them outside. lol even if my dogs tried to wake me up they would not be able to, I sleep like a rock, if I am in a deep sleep, a person screaming in my ear would not wake me.

PJ's Mom
10-15-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I'm a total insomniac, so I couldn't have that. I'd never fall back to sleep! :D

I'm the same way.

Peej and Bailey don't like each other, much less sleep in the same room, so I don't have to worry about them playing in the middle of the night. Peej sleeps with us and sometimes has to go potty, but usually he sleeps through the night. :)

Samantha Puppy
10-15-2004, 02:12 PM
Weekdays, I usually get up before Samantha does. But on weekends, if I'm not out of bed by 7:30, 8 at the latest, she wakes me up and looks at me like 'Moooom... you're gonna be late! Get up! Oh and while you're up, could you please let me out?'

10-15-2004, 02:14 PM
my dogs don't wake anybody in the house up at night:)

Kona & Oreo's mom
10-15-2004, 02:34 PM
All summer long, Oreo wakes up at 2-3 a.m. and wants outside where it is cooler. I can't wait until winter so I can get a whole night's sleep!

10-15-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by robinh
but in my book (and since I'm awake) if one goes out - they all go out.

My boys are the same way - almost every night one of them wakes us up to go outside and go potty - or get a drink of water or just run around the yard and bark at the moon. But when one goes - they both go. It has been that way since puppyhood and will continue to be that way!

10-15-2004, 02:45 PM
Nope, Dale doesnt wake anyone up...he is a big sleepy head at night :)


10-15-2004, 03:14 PM
YES!!! and i HATE it!!!
he jumps on my bad and trys to dig a hole in my bed so he can be comfy! and at night before i fall asleep he sits there and stares at me! it's like he's saying "i'm gonna stare you to sleep"

10-15-2004, 03:20 PM
Very, very rarely does anyone get us up in the night, but when they do it's usually Bitsy.

10-15-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Samantha Puppy
Weekdays, I usually get up before Samantha does. But on weekends, if I'm not out of bed by 7:30, 8 at the latest, she wakes me up and looks at me like 'Moooom... you're gonna be late! Get up! Oh and while you're up, could you please let me out?'

On the weekends I get a 7:30 wake up call by Buddy!
Even if I let him out during the night twice, he STILL wakes up at 7:30 on the dot!

10-15-2004, 03:25 PM
Occasionally they do. Depends on which dog. Most of the full-time house dogs don't. Preacher and Sleet have to be actually woken up and walked to the door or they'd never go outside most of the time!

Pingo needs out by 7am or she pees on the floor. Muskwa wakes us up if we try to sleep in past 9.

Generally, if it's the middle of the night, they wake us up having a Howl-fest or choir practice as we call it. It's a nice way to wake up reallly. They love to howl at the Northern Lights. There is a legend about the Rainbow Bridge for sled dogs. Part of it says that when a sled dog dies they get a silver harness to wear at the bridge. The reflection from that harness can be seen in the Northern Lights. I like to think the dogs are talking to Hoodoo when they howl at the lights. Since he passed away, i always make a point of stopping and talking to him when the lights are out.

10-15-2004, 04:07 PM
Mandy wakes me up at least once or twice every night since I've had her. I suppose it has something to do with her bad heart. She fusses awhile and I love her awhile and she goes back to sleep. I never get mad. :) Lacey usually sleeps all night.

10-15-2004, 04:10 PM
Snowy will wake me up once in a while when she sees something she wants to bark at or if she has to go outside.

10-15-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Occasionally they do. Depends on which dog. Most of the full-time house dogs don't. Preacher and Sleet have to be actually woken up and walked to the door or they'd never go outside most of the time!

Pingo needs out by 7am or she pees on the floor. Muskwa wakes us up if we try to sleep in past 9.

Generally, if it's the middle of the night, they wake us up having a Howl-fest or choir practice as we call it. It's a nice way to wake up reallly. They love to howl at the Northern Lights. There is a legend about the Rainbow Bridge for sled dogs. Part of it says that when a sled dog dies they get a silver harness to wear at the bridge. The reflection from that harness can be seen in the Northern Lights. I like to think the dogs are talking to Hoodoo when they howl at the lights. Since he passed away, i always make a point of stopping and talking to him when the lights are out.

I like that story. It's so sweet.

10-15-2004, 06:29 PM
They love to howl at the Northern Lights. There is a legend about the Rainbow Bridge for sled dogs. Part of it says that when a sled dog dies they get a silver harness to wear at the bridge. The reflection from that harness can be seen in the Northern Lights. I like to think the dogs are talking to Hoodoo when they howl at the lights. Since he passed away, i always make a point of stopping and talking to him when the lights are out.

I'm with Tonya...how touching:)

Cinder & Smoke
10-15-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

You all are nuts!
If my dogs had a 3am potty time,
they'd be sleeping outside!


Boy, aint THAT the truth!! :p

Furst Nite - fresh outta da Dwaggie Jail - Dad sed sumpin like >

"PupDawg - (I dint have no "name" back then) -
we're goin to BED and we're gonna SLEEP till *I* get up!!
GOT IT!????"

I figgered he sounded kina *seereeous* - so I jest got inna
*habbitt* of sleepin thru da nite.

SmokeMutt onlee spent a nite or two inna basement when we 'dopted
him - did sum *whimperin* & *whinin* fur a while -
but after Dad *SLAMMED* da basement door purdy hard -
he gotz da message ta keep it *quiet* at nite!

Wiff ALLUA us sleepin onna BigBed - da houwze kuld prolly fall down
an nunbuddie would wake up! :p
Wee'z ALL purdy *sound* sleepurz!!

An duzint dis jest *Twist yur Whiskerz*!??
ONLEE wun dat getz a middel-of-da-nite Poddy Break is Guess WHOO -
DAD! :rolleyes:

We make him pay fur it tho ...
HIS *spot* is usually filled by a Dawg when he tries ta klimb back in!
He oftin hazta tug atta blankit - an most of da tyme hazza LOT
smaller space ta kall his own!


10-15-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by pitc9
On the weekends I get a 7:30 wake up call by Buddy!
Even if I let him out during the night twice, he STILL wakes up at 7:30 on the dot!

Chester too!

Sometimes he only goes out once, sometimes twice, but I can always count on getting up at the same time every morning. Millie never goes out. In fact, I have to wake her and tell her to go out in the morning.

I'm lucky though in that we have a pet door, so they just take themselves out! :p

Usually Chester wakes me wanting back under the covers. :)

10-15-2004, 11:34 PM
Not usually, but once in a while.
Most of the time it's me waking up, and everyone following me the minute my toe hits the floor. Since we're up, I let everyone out to potty--Kito is usually too good to go out then.

I had to start removing collars before bed too--I couldn't believe how much better I slept without the jingling!!!!

guster girl
10-15-2004, 11:41 PM
Finn accidentally does with his tail wagging in my face or he gives me kisses at night and that will usually wake me up. ;)

Canis Amicus
10-16-2004, 07:47 AM
Normally not. But the neighbours upstairs from me enjoy a nightlife, and when they came back in the ewe hours of the night, Rex barks, and when they bring some people with them, he makes a scandal.

He used to be my morning alarm, but since one time when I was dreaming of a serial killer, who stabbed women in the back, and in the dream I was in a room I knew the s.k. was hidden there, at that exaclty "scene" of the dream, I felt something in my back (in the dream it was the serial killer) but in reality, was Rex waking me up with his nose, sniffing my back. Boy, the way I screamed, scared Rex to death. Since then he never wakes me up anymore. Now he waits till I wake up by myself and never complains if I oversleep.

10-16-2004, 09:41 AM
We went through a phase, notlong after we got Spot, that all the dogs wanted out everynight, about 3 am (what is it about that time?) Now it is pretty rare that they wake me up to go out...but on weekends, they still sometimes like to go out at 6:30 like they do during the week!

10-16-2004, 09:59 AM
Mine sleep in with me. Normally when I get up in the morning (5:30 for school) they're still sleeping when I get out of the shower. Simba is normally right by the bathroom door waiting for me though. The girls are always snoozing.