View Full Version : Shelby's Tumor

10-15-2004, 01:33 PM
I would like to ask for some pet prayers for my boyfriends basset hound Shelby as well as the whole family. Long story short - he moved away from home and Shelby was used to having someone home all day long and wouldn't have made the transition to being alone for 9 or 10 hours a work day and his Mom and Dad had become very attached to her. 5 years ago his Dad passed and his Mom has never quite gotten over it - they were together for 50+ years - true love, soul mates. Shelby is his Mom's last tie to his Dad. So not only is she a family member, she is also part of his Dad. She hasn't been feeling right so she went to the Vet. After some blood work and x-rays, it was discovered that she has a tumor around her spleen and liver. The vet feels that there isn't anything more to do except let her go ORB. He is heading back home tomorrow for this and to help his Mom.

So if you all could send your wishes to them please?

Thanks for listening/reading....

PJ's Mom
10-15-2004, 01:38 PM
Oh no. What a sad story. :( Prayers and best wishes headed their way.

10-15-2004, 01:51 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry for your boyfriend's mom and for Shelby:( Our pets can be our lifelife during difficult times and a cherished link to those we have loved and lost:( I will keep them both in my thoughts and prayers, hoping that dear Shelby still has some quality time left with his "mom." {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

10-15-2004, 02:29 PM
Thanks PJ's Mom and tatsxxx11. I don't think she will be coming home from the Vet's however. It will be hard on all of them - this is my boyfriends first, real, all his pet that he picked out etc. so he is torn up about it also.

As a history - she was from a "good breeder" who was later shut down becuase of abuse/over breeding etc. And my BF's Mom was called on to sit on the jury of this nasty person. She of course didn't - after they found out she had one of the dogs! Funny how things go around in this world eh?

10-15-2004, 02:52 PM
I'm So sorry to read this post. It's heart wrenching and everyone who has lost a furkid can relate all too well to the pain. My thought's and prayers are with you, you're boyfriend and his Mom.
Gentle hugs from all of us.

Deb, Monty and Kiki.

10-15-2004, 03:42 PM
Oh Snappy:( I didn't understand that Shelby wasn't coming home:( My heart breaks for your boyfriend as well as his mom:( How ironic, that she should one day be called to sit on that jury! Is there any chance that she would welcome another pup into her life after a while? Perhaps a deserving senior? I know how empty a house can be without the pitter patter of little paws. Thinking of you...{HUGS}}} Sandra, Cody and Star

10-15-2004, 04:27 PM
Oh sad.... prayers and hugs to you, your boyfriend and his mom.

Special prayers for Shelby!!

10-15-2004, 05:54 PM
At this time - Mom doesn't want any more dogs. She still has one cat left and all the neighborhood cats that have adopted her house as a place of welcome. Maybe later on she would take another one but not right now.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.....

10-15-2004, 11:16 PM
I'm seeing this late, but I will keep Shelby and everyone in my thoughts.

10-18-2004, 07:36 AM
Shelby went over the rainbow bridge Saturday. It wasn't easy for any of the family, but she is in a much better place.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers - it helped knowing that people were thinking of us.

Lee Ann

10-18-2004, 09:49 AM
I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure it is for the best.
Everyone has a new angel watching over them now, an angel named Shelby.
She is at the rainbow bridge, pain free, and watching her family here until they reunite one day.

Rest In Peace, sweet Shelby.

10-18-2004, 04:10 PM
Thinking nothing but good thoughts....:confused:

10-18-2004, 07:19 PM
I just saw this now. I am so very sorry. RIP, Shelby, you were truly loved. Hugs.

10-18-2004, 09:04 PM
I'm so sorry. :( I hope your boyfriend and his mother will look back on Shelby's life with fond memories. It is always so sad to lose a loved one, whether it be a pet or a human being. :(

Rest in peace, Shelby.

10-18-2004, 09:08 PM
Oh Dear Oh Dear I am so very sorry. Joannie and the boyz :( :( :(