View Full Version : Myth or Fact

10-15-2004, 08:44 AM
Ok I'm getting a little perturbed here.

Everyone is telling my sister to stay away from Mina because she can get Cat Scratch Fever because she is pregnant. I think it is a load of poppy cock, but I thought I would ask just in case. She really likes Mina and loves playing with her.

I mean what's going to happen when I get pregnant and have kids. I don't want to be like a friend of mine and get ride of Mina just because I'm having a baby. She has only been with me for a short time, but to me (and I know its sounds corny) she is my daughter.

10-15-2004, 08:56 AM
The only thing,that she really should be concerned with ,is handling the Litter Box! I wish,taht idiots would stop spreading,the Cats smothering babies,old wife tales!

10-15-2004, 09:13 AM
The only threat to your sister from Mina is called Toxoplasmosis. It is a disease that is carried through cat feces and is only a danger to your sister if she is exposed to it while pregnant. If she has already been exposed (by having cats herself), then she is in no danger.

As long as she doesn't play in the litter box :eek: and washes her hands after playing with Mina, she'll be fine.

10-15-2004, 10:03 AM
It makes me so made to go to the shelter and see these cases where a cat has been in the family for years but then given up because they now have a baby. I actually saw one that said the mother had heard that cat will steal the baby's breath.:(

10-15-2004, 10:09 AM
I would never, never give away a pet because of something like that. I actually don't even want kids, I'm making sure theres absolutely no way for it to happen (very strict on getting my depo - I go in weeks before I'm due hehe) The worlds so overpopulated, theres lots of kids in adoption and everything. But my real reason for choosing pet over child is because: their better. thats it. A pet still loves you in its teen years, its there to love you and comfort you when your sad. not many children do that.

10-15-2004, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by Maresche
The only threat to your sister from Mina is called Toxoplasmosis. It is a disease that is carried through cat feces and is only a danger to your sister if she is exposed to it while pregnant. If she has already been exposed (by having cats herself), then she is in no danger.

As long as she doesn't play in the litter box :eek: and washes her hands after playing with Mina, she'll be fine.

That's absolutely right. Look at all the Pet Talk babies in kimlovescats, Cataholic's and Sirrah' family:)

It can checked whether your sister is already immune against toxoplasmosis.

10-15-2004, 10:17 AM
no way. i raised three kids with cats. this is no reason whatsoever so get rid of a cat:mad: sorry but i hear this excuse and just makes my blood boil.
my eliot with my new grandbaby
misha is growing up with her own three kitties, too
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid137/p83f54f56c4e0e999f32998c6bfa49655/f7334942.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid137/pe3e71cfe35af1a4190538d6919bb6076/f7334923.jpg

10-15-2004, 10:19 AM
My SIL is the world's biggest germophobe... and even she says she's ok to handle the cat and its litter. She investigated it quite seriously... because when she was pregnant the first time around she was so sure that touchng the cat at all would mean disaster. The only disaster was how gross their house was from my brother NOT keeping up with the cat's messes and litter... and that IMO is worse because now the germs are bredding freely and progressively opposed to daily box scooping. ANYWAY, with the first baby, she listened to everyone spooking her over the litter and the cat.

This pregnancy, however, she investigated the truth and asked dictors, vets, and so on about it. They said that so long as she takes care not to touch the waste litter and washes up afterwards, she's a-ok.

10-15-2004, 11:22 AM
I did some research into cats before I got pregnant. The only thing I found was the toxoplasmosis. Make sure she does not have anything to do with the kitty box! Now that Misha is here, we don't make a big deal out of her and the cats. We will suprevise but the cats come up and smell her and even rub on her feet. We figured we won't going to make a fuss until the cats did something to Misha. It has seemed to cut down on jealousy with them. They have learned they can still cuddle with me, even though I have Misha on my lap.

10-15-2004, 11:37 AM
No chance of any pregnancy looming in my (middle aged) future LOL! Toxo is the only possible problem with pregnant women, and a simple test can be done to the cat to rule it in, or out. But better safe than sorry, and have someone else take on potty duties till baby's delivered. Too many cats are given up by uneducated people! GRRRR!!! :mad:

Laura's Babies
10-15-2004, 12:31 PM
I had all my babies with cats in the house and most of my grandbabies had cats in the houses before birth. To me, some people just look for a excuse to get rid of their pet. I had a cat with my first baby that was the best babysitter that baby ever had. He would cry, the cat would jump in bed with him and comfort him until he would fall asleep. All Eddie had to do was cry and the cat was there!

10-15-2004, 12:46 PM
Laura: My Bryan also had his Harvey kitty who stayed with him all the time. Even in the crib! He would lay near but never quite touching Bryan. (this is Christine's husband and Misha's daddy) My mom was ballistic and one who told me the cat would "suck out the baby's breath". Of course, we watched carefully at first but learned that each baby was quite safe with our kitties. The others would just watch from afar. Missy had her Ernie all of her life - he died just a few days before her wedding. Thankfully, all of my children are pet lovers and so I know that my grandchildren will be as well.
Getting rid of a cat because of pregnancy is sheer ignorance. Now, if the infant were to have severe allergies - then rehoming would probably have to be done - but that is another story. Pregnancy is just a pathetic excuse to treat a pet as something disposable.

10-15-2004, 12:47 PM
Thanks everyone. This puts my sister and me at ease. My finace and I both scoop Mina's litter box and we always wash our hands when we're done. :)

I'm going to e-mail this thread to all those brainless idiots getting my sister all upset because of this.:mad:

She will feel better knowing I'm not the only one who thinks its ok for her to play with Mina.:D She just adores her.

10-15-2004, 12:48 PM
And you can rest assure that Mina will stay with me until God deciedes to take her home with him!!!!!!!!!

10-15-2004, 03:45 PM
I have never even heard of cat scratch fever, I say it's Tommy Rot, but yes Toxo is the only danger, so make sure she stays away from the litter box or is very careful. .

10-15-2004, 04:02 PM
Oh it makes my blood boil these stupid old wives tales still doing the rounds!

It's something ignorant people use to rid themselves of poor cats that have harmed no-one.

I've been around cats all my life - and wouldn't have thought of getting rid of my then furbabies when I was pregnant. Although with Elizabeth - I felt we all wanted to leave home for the first 4 months - little perisher never stopped crying!! :eek: :eek:

Even when Elizabeth was diagnosed as being asthmatic at 1 year old - the cat stayed - yes she did show an allergy to cat fur, when she was tested at 5 - the cat still stayed - I'm convinced the process of re-homing our dear Kisi (RB) would have caused more trauma - and when Elizabeth was poorly in bed - who stayed with her all day - Kisi! Even our doctor thought she may get some resistance to her allergy if she was around a cat - it was just the one at that time! I'm convinced there's such a thing as too clean - kids neeed to get used to a little dirt.

Gone right off topic here sorry - but suffice it to say a sensible woman who doesn't do the litter tray won't have any probems.


10-15-2004, 04:08 PM
There is no way. Both of my children and now my grandchild have had a pet of somekind. I've had kittens for over 15 years and will have one the day I die. They are great fun to watch and have.

10-15-2004, 04:23 PM
Pffft. My parents had RB Tiggus and RB Crybaby (Horible name I know but it DID fit her lol) when I was born. Crybaby would always be near me to comfort me and we had a special relationship until she died at 19 (Ooold kitty!) My mom worried about the cats being near at first but they never were a problem. Mom said she thought about taking me to the shelter because I was harassing the cats lol! I really do think having critters around when I was little gave me the respect I have for animals today. I think that if a parent is all paraniod about animals, the kids will learn that thats ok and do it themselves. I'm all about stopping the cycle of ignorance!

10-15-2004, 04:46 PM
My husband and I are trying to conceive, and we absolutely will not get rid of our cats and dogs when baby comes. My husband does kitty litter duty, anyway, so that won't be a problem.

10-15-2004, 05:01 PM
I tucked this story away a while ago. All too many people (get rid of grrr..get rid of trash, not pets) relinquish their animals due to pregnancy. I thought this was a great article to hang onto. Kids and allergies to pets, do mix after all!

http://archives.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/parenting/08/27/kid.pet.allergies/index.html ;) ;)

10-15-2004, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
... Kids and allergies to pets, do mix after all!...

Wow. Good to know. Thanks!

10-18-2004, 08:16 AM
I e-mailed a copy of that article to my Sister.

She would be able to scoop our litter because Mina is strictly indoors and will remain that way.

10-18-2004, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Wow. Good to know. Thanks!
Here's another article I posted about RE: kids & pets/allergies.