View Full Version : Oscar!

10-15-2004, 05:18 AM
Congratulations Oliver on DOTD!!! :D You are a most handsome boy! :D:D:D I just love your little nose.. and that picture of you is just stunning! :D Once again... congrats!http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2004/October/15.jpg

10-15-2004, 08:24 AM
Oscar, do you wish you were a wiener........dog?:D Just Kidding!

You are one beautiful boy and what a keen, alert expression on your pretty little face!

May you have a nice nap with your person today, and maybe a belly rub and tons of kisses to celebrate your day in the spotlight!

Congratulations Oscar--Cutie Pie Dog of the Day!!

barbara's mommy
10-15-2004, 09:19 AM
From the story, I think your name is actually Oliver, not Oscar?? :confused:

Whichever it is, you are very handsome and I hope you have a belly rub-full day!:D

10-15-2004, 09:28 AM
I'm sorry Oliver. Barbara's Mommy is right, either way, you're a precious DOTD!!

10-15-2004, 09:49 AM
My mistake - his name is Oliver, and I'll correct that now!

10-15-2004, 10:50 AM
What a handsome little man you are Oliver - such a special boy! You look so darling in your picture - and we can tell you have some seriously devoted humans!! YAY OLIVER!!! :) :D :)

10-15-2004, 11:25 AM
Oliver what a gorgeous dachshund you are! Congratulations, on being our most stunning dog of the day!:)

Linda York
10-15-2004, 12:19 PM
:D Such a beautiful and stunning little guy!! As soon as I saw your little face, you stole my heart. I am a softy and probably bias..................... I have three of my own! :D :D :D
In your story you are discribed perfectly. You are a living example of a perfect Doxie... right down to that "roar", being a hunter and such a love-bug. Congratulations on your special day. VERY DESERVING!!!!! Hope you get some extra "treats" today.
Congratulations again from your California Doxies Clan:

10-15-2004, 01:23 PM
OMG Oliver! Your are stunning!, such a gorgeous Doxie boy you are:D I was so happy to see such a beautiful boy when I came to PT this morning:DCongratulations on being DOTD!!!!!!

10-15-2004, 01:37 PM
I am Oliver's Mom and I'm just blushing here with all of the wonderful compliments. Oliver is just a wonderful companion... who knew he would have such an effect!!

Thank you all so much. You have made MY day!!

P.S. I thought I should include another picture (one showing his less serious side).... had a hard time as I've got so many to choose from.

10-15-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by barbara's mommy
From the story, I think your name is actually Oliver, not Oscar?? :confused:

Whichever it is, you are very handsome and I hope you have a belly rub-full day!:D

lol you were right! It is Oliver! :D whoops!

10-15-2004, 03:25 PM
As Mom to an Oliver myself, well, is there an Oliver that isn't adorable???;) What a handsome little guy you are Oliver! And what a fabulous picture! I can see the intelligence in that keen expression and what love and sweetness shines from those big, brown eyes! I so enjoyed reading your bio, Oliver! You pack a lot of poochie personality in that tiny package and it's no wonder you are so loved and adored by your humans...and spoiled:D Who could resist??? I hope you and your proud people throughly enjoy your much deserved reign as our Dog of the Day:) Lots of love and hugs to you sweet, sweet Oliver!!!:)

10-15-2004, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by lbilowus
I am Oliver's Mom and I'm just blushing here with all of the wonderful compliments. Oliver is just a wonderful companion... who knew he would have such an effect!!

Thank you all so much. You have made MY day!!

P.S. I thought I should include another picture (one showing his less serious side).... had a hard time as I've got so many to choose from.

WELCOME TO PET TALK!!!!!!:D I hope you decide to stick around, we would love to get to know you and Oliver! I have a mini Dachshund also named Tia and there are a few others here who have them:D

10-15-2004, 04:26 PM
When I first saw Oliver's picture, I could not believe it! He is a carbon copy of my doxie boy, Casey (especially the eyes).

My Casey is gone now, but he gave us twelve wonderful years!

Good Luck To You!

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

10-15-2004, 06:37 PM
Oliver is quite a handsome boy! I own a Miniature Dachshund as well. His name is Duke. They are the best dogs!

I hope Oliver enjoys his day in the spotlight!

Duke's Dad

10-15-2004, 07:22 PM
you are one of the most gorgeous boy ive ever seen!!!

10-15-2004, 08:26 PM
Oliver...... What a handsome fellow you are. I would love to give you a big hug.but since I can't your mommy can give you one for me. I am so glad you have a home where you are loved very much. Glad you made DOTD. I got to see you. Have a wonderful life.:) :) :)

Daisy and Delilah
10-15-2004, 09:22 PM
Oliver, you are just the cutest little guy!! We would love to have you over to play. We absolutely love your pictures!! Such a stunning boy in the first pic and we are smiling our heads off at the second pic. Actually, we are laughing at how cute you are with all four footsies up in the air. You are the perfect little companion Oliver!! We love all the things you do and we can certainly tell you know how to live the good life. Obviously, your Mom loves you very much. You are adorable!!! Enjoy your day as our cutie patootie DOTD and enjoy every day with your loving family. Treats and belly rubs all around sweetheart!!!:D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida:cool: :cool: