View Full Version : Bill O'Reilly

10-14-2004, 09:07 PM
Have you guys read the allegations against Bill O'Reilly??? They're horrifying, puzzling and just bizarre.

I think this guy did this, they have him on tape. What do you all think?

10-14-2004, 09:37 PM
Horrifying? You mean more horrifying than Monica?

Seriously, I have been waiting to see how long it would take for you to bring it up. I am surprised it took so long. Here's my take.... Oh to what depths the Dems will go. I can’t wait until it comes out that this woman is a pawn of the Democratic party. Now that we finally have a network that is not 100% liberal-biased and widely respected and the Dems are getting a little afraid. This seems to me like a real valid poke at Fox to discredit the network and bring them down. Be very afraid people if this should happen. Working to hush up a dissenting network is very scary. Soon there will only be One Voice in this country. **shudders**

I was just on a website reading up about Ms. Makris. This is from an e-mail she sent to a friend last month regarding her return to Fox after a short stint at CNN:

"things are wonderful, amazing, fun, creative, invigorating, secure, well-managed, challenging, interesting fun and surrounded by really good, fun people. I'm home and I'll never leave again."

Doesn’t sound to me like someone upset over sexual harassment. Oh and of course she has asked for $60 million not to file suit. Also her attorney reportedly gave a very large contribution to the Democractic party. Hmm….

I report you decide.

BTW, if he did it I am disappointed somewhat, but like you Clinton lovers, it's how he does his job that is important.

10-14-2004, 09:55 PM
I am going to take the middle road here. I have heard it, but, don't know that I believe that it's all that the media has portrayed it. I am ALWAYS skeptical about the people who scream sexual harassment....I don't care who makes the accusation or who is being accused. I will just sit back and let this one play out.....just like I did with Clinton. I don't, however, think that it's a ploy on the Democrats part. O'Reilly is a high profile, fairly influential (whether you agree with his politics or not) man, so it really shouldn't be surprising that someone has made the accusation. I guess what surprises me most is that it hasn't happened sooner. I have heard him with his 2 female co-hosts and he makes cracks all the time (and they respond with cracks of their own) and neither one of them seems to be overly concerned about it.

10-14-2004, 10:17 PM
Why would any Democrat work for The O'Reilly Factor for so many years?

You know, you should really direct your paranoid delusional ravings towards your own kind, like Karl Rove. Then you'll actually have material to justify your suspicions.

I think the Dems have bigger fish to fry than O'Reilly. And honestly, I really don't think this has anything to do with politics....money, probably, but I don't see this woman as being some sort of political operative.

This man is disgusting. Not only was he cheating on his wife, he was bragging about doing it while visiting the Pope. Nice.

It's just so wonderful to me that the same people who charge Clinton with the moral decay of an entire society are the same ones forcing women to listen to their sexual fantasies over the phone while they get their rocks off.


P.S. Did you hear the bit about the falafel??!!! HAHAHA!!!

10-15-2004, 06:42 AM
Actually, Soledad, one of the female hosts is ultra liberal and they spar all the time.

And as far as Clinton and his moral decay. I find his personal life repulsive, but, I really don't care about it as long as he does his job. I DO have a problem with perjury.

O'Reilly needs to answer to the charges and be done with it. I do think that it is financially motivated and not politically motivated.

10-15-2004, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by mugsy

O'Reilly needs to answer to the charges and be done with it. I do think that it is financially motivated and not politically motivated.

I tend to agree with you Mugsy. The timing was a bit curious though.

10-15-2004, 06:55 AM
There is a website where you can read O'Reilley's lawsuit and the accuser(Andrea Mackris)'s lawsuit. PM me if you want the link - I am not going to post it on here because Mackris' lawsuit details all of O'Reilley's alleged phone sex talk and it's got some disgusting words in it. Mackris' claims are very detailed. She apparently has him on tape saying some really disgusting stuff. I don't know why she would be stupid enough to say she had him on tape if she didn't.

This will all come out in court over the next few months, and I'm sure it's all we'll be hearing about for a while. :rolleyes:

10-15-2004, 07:41 AM
I don't have much of an opinion on this one . . . O'Reilly isn't my favorite person in the world. (surprised?)

It is funny though . . . her last boss at CNN was fired for similar charges.

We'll see what happens.

Edwina's Secretary
10-15-2004, 10:45 AM
I can tell you one for sure.....whatever the outcome it will not change my opinion of the man one iota!:D

10-15-2004, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Soledad

It's just so wonderful to me that the same people who charge Clinton with the moral decay of an entire society are the same ones forcing women to listen to their sexual fantasies over the phone while they get their rocks off.

Doncha mean oral decay???


Forcing women to listen to their sexual fantasies over the phone??

Just like I force you to read my posts......


My Mom's rule number 4 on phone etiquette.

"The nice thing about a phone is that you can hang up."



If a woman is that stupid to listen to sex fantasies over the phone she should get money......

As an 800 phone gal...

10-15-2004, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Soledad

P.S. Did you hear the bit about the falafel??!!! HAHAHA!!!

Is that the same falafel mentioned in the Kama Sutra?:confused:

10-15-2004, 12:13 PM
I do beleive he has answered the charges he is standing up by calling a halt to all the black mail she and her lawyer tried. 60 million dollars to keep quiet./ sounds to fishy for me. I think it just seems out of Bills charhcter. But of coorse I'll get slammed by our ulra liberal Democrate so I have stated my poinion and will not revisit this thread.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-15-2004, 12:13 PM
Ok, just to show you guys why I don't normally get in on these threads.....who's Bill O'Reilly?

I don't understand, I listen to public radio all the time and I can't say as I've ever heard of Bill O'Reilly. :o

10-15-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Ok, just to show you guys why I don't normally get in on these threads.....who's Bill O'Reilly?

I don't understand, I listen to public radio all the time and I can't say as I've ever heard of Bill O'Reilly. :o

He's Baba O'Reilly's little brother.

10-15-2004, 12:19 PM
The funny thing is I am not sure who to believe in this case, and frankly, it doesn't even hold my interest.

Deb, Mr. O'Reilly is yet another of a group of radio talk-show people who gets paid to be opinionated and to offend some people.

10-15-2004, 12:35 PM
Maybe I am naive but how can anyone force another person to have phone sex? If they call: HANG UP THE STUPID PHONE!

10-15-2004, 12:38 PM
We all will have to wait for the legal system to untangel this mess and so far, I take no side on this latest "scandal." Regardless of whether or not the woman has a legitimate claim to sexual harassment, whether or not she is a gold digging, lying, embezzler, (which she very well might be) if there exists recorded tapes that backup that he did have such discussions, his career is finished.

10-15-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Maybe I am naive but how can anyone force another person to have phone sex? If they call: HANG UP THE STUPID PHONE!

I'm with you on this one, Connie! :)

Debbie, in addition to a talk radio show, Bill O'Reilly also has a very large audience on his nightly show on Fox News Network called The O'Reilly Factor. He comes on our local talk radio at 6 pm, so I rarely hear him. He is not one of my favorites, but he does, at times, have some thought provoking topics and he is not afraid to speak his mind about Republicans and Democrats alike.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-15-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Deb, Mr. O'Reilly is yet another of a group of radio talk-show people who gets paid to be opinionated and to offend some people.

Oh, another one of [i]those[/b] guys. Guess I'm not missing much. ;)

10-16-2004, 07:53 AM
O'Reilly needs to answer to the charges and be done with it. I do think that it is financially motivated and not politically motivated.

I agree with Mugsy AND Pam. It seems awfully strange that all this comes out 3 weeks before the elections. How come this nothing was said about it up till now??? Hmmmm.

Personally, I think O'Reilly is an arrogant, pompous self-centered individual. I've seen him in action on tv just recently and had to change the channel I was so annoyed. Yelling at people and telling them to "shut up" is NOT my idea of a professional.

10-16-2004, 10:42 AM
Convenient that she wants $60 million dollars....:mad: :mad:

Bill was not on the O'Reilly Factor last night but will be back on Monday. I'm sure I'll take hits for this, but, it smacks of money grubbing whining. O'Reilly's lawyer asked the prosecuter to get the tapes. I've read reports from a lot of sources (yes, both liberal and conservative) and I still think this woman is the type that gives people who are REAL victims of sexual harassment a bad name. I do agree that O'Reilly is a pompous @$$ but, I think he's getting the shaft on this one.

And I agree also....how can you be "FORCED" to have phone sex. The stupid wench could have hung up IF it actually happened. I really dislike whiny women (and men for that matter).

10-16-2004, 05:25 PM
I agree with you, Mugsy. If I were her, the first time anything happened, I would have hung up the phone, quit my job and then sued him. Of course, maybe she's not a strong independent woman like me! :D Maybe she got some bad legal advice, maybe she resents him and is trying to take him down, maybe it's politically motivated (though I doubt it)...who knows. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

Christa - that's interesting about her former boss at CNN!! :eek: I'd hadn't heard that. Where did you read that? Link please! :)

As much as I dislike O'Reilly, no one should have to go down for something they didn't do.

10-16-2004, 05:45 PM
This is hilarious...I can't believe that you people are using your energy to defend a man who BRAGGED ABOUT CHEATING ON HIS PREGNANT WIFE WITH HOT ITALIAN WOMEN WHILE HE VISITED WITH THE POPE.

Sure, the accuser is most likely out for money. The whole thing is shady, but the man is on tape with this and he has not denied one scrape of it.

When you get out your bullhorn and chastize everyone for a lack of family values and society's moral decay, be prepared to get your ass kicked when you're caught CHEATING ON YOUR PREGNANT WIFE and SUBJECTING EMPLOYEES TO YOUR SEXUAL FANTASIES AND ENCOURAGING THEM TO USE CERTAIN EQUIPMENT.

It's hilarious and completely tragic. It's also proof that no one has any dignity any more. This man is a disgusting hypocrite and he deserves everything coming his way.

10-16-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
This is hilarious...

Oh my! Such righteous indignation! What would be laughable would be imagining a James Carville (what a studmuffin... NOT!) or Paul Begala doing such a thing. :p Somehow I don't think you would be wasting your time posting about it then. Take a few deep breaths Soledad. It's really no big Whoop. :rolleyes:

10-16-2004, 06:56 PM
Carville and Begala were not the ones to make someone's sex life fodder for public discussion. And I also don't hear them talking about how profound their family values are.

It's interesting to me that you, such a devout Christian, think someone lying and cheating on their wife and propositioning anything with legs is "no big whoop." I agree for the most part, unless the person in question is the same one playing sanctimonous family guy on tv.

10-16-2004, 07:17 PM
Ok Soledad, let me get this straight....you hope that O'Reilly gets everything thrown at him because you don't like his morals yada yada yada, even IF this woman is only doing this for "revenge" or more likely for the money. So it really doesn't matter how awful this woman is and what her motivation is, just as long as O'Reilly gets stuck.

Now, I am not disputing his cheating on his wife, but, where did you get this information?

And exactly how is this different than our former commander in chief who was entertained by his intern in the oval office (which I still honestly could care less about....it's between him and Hillary)?

10-16-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
Christa - that's interesting about her former boss at CNN!! :eek: I'd hadn't heard that. Where did you read that? Link please! :)

From NY NewsDay:


10-16-2004, 07:47 PM
Mugsy, O'Reilly has long talked about other people being scumbags for cheating on their wives and not having real family values. As a result, I think his personal life is completely open for criticism since he's used it against others.

It makes him not only a cheater, but a hypocrite. I suggest you go to the website where the deposition is. It's not for kids to read, so you'll have to search a bit since I won't supply a link.

It has all the details you'll need. O'Reilly has not disputed any of what the accuser says, he's only said that she's an extortionist.

10-16-2004, 07:57 PM
I did read it. Well, at least part of it....it got old and boring fairly quickly. I'm not disputing that if everything happened that she says happened did, then that's morally wrong, but, to say that he deserves everything he gets because of his morality is nothing different than the people who were outraged and said that Clinton should be impeached because of his morals.

I'm not going to lie and say I don't enjoy listening to O'Reilly because he is entertainment to me, but, I'm also not going to say that what he did (if everything is true, which I don't necessarily think it is) is right.

10-16-2004, 08:00 PM
to say that he deserves everything he gets because of his morality is nothing different than the people who were outraged and said that Clinton should be impeached because of his morals

That doesn't necessarily follow. My whole point is that the only reason I care about O'Reilly cheating on his wife in such a tactless manner IS BECAUSE he was one of those people calling Clinton a scumbag and calling for his impeachment.

If O'Reilly thinks someone's sex life is fair game and reason enough to fire someone, then the same should apply to him. He's a hypocrite.

10-16-2004, 09:53 PM
But I don't think that a money grubbing wench should get $60 million because she doesn't know how to hang up a phone.

10-16-2004, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

If O'Reilly thinks someone's sex life is fair game and reason enough to fire someone, then the same should apply to him. He's a hypocrite.

I totally agree with this. My dad watches Bill O'Reilly because he finds him funny. I have to leave the room because I can't stand Bill. He's not only a hypocrite in this area.. he's proven himself to be a hypocrite just by having democrats on his show and then not allowing them to talk or answer questions. I saw him interview Alec Baldwin. He set it up like "I want to let my guest have a chance to talk and blah blah.." then he monopolized the entire conversation and littered it with cheap shots. It was pretty disgusting. It's pretty hypocritical in itself to invite someone on your show only to badmouth them because of a differing opinion. But, like I said before, I guess that is the entire point of his show :p

10-17-2004, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Soledad

It's interesting to me that you, such a devout Christian, think someone lying and cheating on their wife and propositioning anything with legs is "no big whoop." I agree for the most part, unless the person in question is the same one playing sanctimonous family guy on tv.

I don't mean that adultery is no big deal. I just mean that getting all worked up over it is no big deal. My comments about Carville and Begala were only to make the point that if one of them had been found in such a situation you would have never started the thread and, believe it or not, neither would I have. It is just not important enough and that's what I mean about no big deal. They were just a couple of names that popped into my head. (No real reason except I think it is very unlikely that any woman would find them attractive enough to "sin" with. :p ) I never looked to Bill for moral leadership so if he should be as decadent as you and Ms. Makris think he is I find it a disappointment but not a big deal. Mrs. O'Reilly is the one who ultimately will see it as a big deal. I agree with Mugsy in that I find him entertaining and I love this comment of yours Mugs:

But I don't think that a money grubbing wench should get $60 million because she doesn't know how to hang up a phone.

Clinton's *problem* was more of an issue, being that it occurred in the Oval Office during time that he was on the taxpayers' clock and he perjured himself.

10-17-2004, 08:06 AM
Pam, I honestly don't even care that Clinton was on the taxpayers' time....I have a problem with perjury.

O'Reilly does need to get over himself, but, this woman is wrong, wrong, wrong.

10-17-2004, 08:31 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
Pam, I honestly don't even care that Clinton was on the taxpayers' time....I have a problem with perjury.

O'Reilly does need to get over himself, but, this woman is wrong, wrong, wrong.

The other worry with Clinton was that for someone in his position to obviously have so little self-discipline who knows what he may have said to Monica during his little sessions with her about things which she ought not know about. National security was part of that concern.

If Bill bites the dust so be it. I just hope there is no subsequent effect on Fox. Honestly when John Kasich has hosted the show in his absence I like it just as well but of course he has his own show.

10-17-2004, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
Personally, I think O'Reilly is an arrogant, pompous self-centered individual. Yelling at people and telling them to "shut up" is NOT my idea of a professional.
Donna, I saw him in a programme called "Outfoxed" only yesterday - appalling!! :eek:

Btw, I wonder how many of you have seen the programme!!

Here's a link: http://www.outfoxed.org/

10-17-2004, 12:17 PM
I personally wish the entire WORLD would stop being so interested in everyone else's sex life!

A person's sex life should concern no one else but them and their partner. I'm tired of it all being shoved in my face 24/7. I personally don't care if O'Riley or Clinton or anyone else, for that matter had sex with 7 monkeys and a gorilla! I just don't want to hear about it!!!

If someone was wronged they should call the police and/or get a lawyer and leave the rest of us out of it! The only reason the media keeps reporting this stuff all the time is they know it gets ratings!

Get a different HOBBY! Geech!:eek:

10-17-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Donna, I saw him in a programme called "Outfoxed" only yesterday - appalling!! :eek:

Btw, I wonder how many of you have seen the programme!!

Here's a link: http://www.outfoxed.org/

I've seen it. You're right on the money to use the word appalling.

10-18-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
I personally don't care if O'Riley or Clinton or anyone else, for that matter had sex with 7 monkeys and a gorilla! :eek:

You are right...

It's not adultery, it's beastiality.:confused: ;)


While I don't condone WHAT O'Reilly said to this chickie,
there is a certain amount of leeway that women are given as far as filing a 'secshul' harrassment suit...

You tell the joker that you DO NOT WANT to be spoken to in that manner. Once you make that point, should he continue then you go crying and screaming to the lawyers...

From what I understand they didn't have sex-

Aural sex maybe..........but that doesn't make it a 'slam dunk' win for her....

And having worked with mostly women in my lifetime I think most of you should sue each other for the stories I have heard you telling each other about first dates, one night stands, marital problems....

My ears weren't burnt and I did get up and walk out. :eek:

10-25-2004, 02:26 PM

O'Reilly 'offered' this piece of dirt 4 mil for her to take a hike....she wasn't satisfied with that-She probably wanted what any harrassed 'woman' would want-JUSTICE!!!

My sides hurt from laughing.

Sooooooo, she files a lawsuit for 60, O'Reilly counter sues and she'll make a few million more.

And she didn't even have the decency to hide out......She did the Amber Frey....Her lawyer told her to dress like a librarian and not answer a question during the news conference....

All that, over a falafel!!!!!!!!

10-26-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

It has all the details you'll need. O'Reilly has not disputed any of what the accuser says, he's only said that she's an extortionist.

Reuters- Oct 26 2004.

O'Reilly hard of hearing.

Bill O'Reilly has admitted that he has a hearing problem. O'Reilly, in a candid interview, admitted to his failing hearing and blamed it for his current legal woes.

"I thought she said she was an exorcist....I have all these devils in my head and thought that if I confessed them to this witch I'd be forgiven."

Apparently not.

"Exorcist, extortionist-those words are too hard to spell, let alone hear!"

The woman, who has jumped on the free money gravy train, claims that O'Reilly sexually harassed her at work and over the phone.

"I'm just like all the other people who can't seem hang up the phone when something like that happens-I have always admired Linda Tripp- I want to grow up JUST LIKE HER!, I figure a movie deal or some speaking engagements will follow, they always do!"

Critics of O'Reilly and his Fox News program have jumped all over the story.

One source, who refused to be identified, made this statement to reporters.

"Anyone with Man Parts has this problem. She Super-glued the phone to her head and couldn't put it down-it's an unfortunate set of circumstances."

"Both parties should shoulder the blame-O'Reilly for being able to use the toilet standing up and her, for not having any brains."

Lawyers for both parties are working on a out-of-court settlement. Speculation is that the woman will be prohibited from practicing exorcisms in the State of New York and O'Reilly will be banned from talking about falafels.

10-28-2004, 06:23 PM
Just heard moments ago....the case is closed. Both sides have settled with both expressing no wrong doing by the other. No details. Too bad, because inquiring minds wanted to know. :confused:

10-28-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Just heard moments ago....the case is closed. Both sides have settled with both expressing no wrong doing by the other. No details. Too bad, because inquiring minds wanted to know. :confused:

Someone's getting a new car, someone's getting a new car....:rolleyes:

10-28-2004, 06:50 PM
A new car and SO much more:eek: Guess Bill's offer was better than Keith Olberman's on MSNBC, who offered her 99,000.00, the sum she claims she's in debt for, in trade for the tapes. Can't wait to hear what he has to say tonight. I thought he swore he was going to fight this?