View Full Version : Bon in the "BIG" Bed

10-14-2004, 09:17 AM
Well as most of you already know Bon has been sleeping in the BIG bed with us. I have to admit that I do love it, he's a good foot warmer:D I know this will have to stop sooner or later but for now it's fun!
Here's some pictures I've taken...hope you like them!

Can you spot the dog:p
I love this one
Please don't look at me here, look at the cutie pie beside me!
He was out like a light!

Well that's about all I have time for right now. Like you all said I don't have any time at all to be on the computer. I swear it's like watching a little kid that just learned how to crawl! Some days he just gets into everything and then others he's pretty good and just plays with his toys.
Hope you all enjoyed.

Just want you all to know that I do lurk and have been trying to read all I can when he sleeps, I just don't have time to post...forgive me.


10-14-2004, 09:19 AM
OH OH OH!!! Hes SO cute....is he real soft? Give him so smoochies for me, please...right on that little nose of him, and the head too! :D :D

Holly's mom
10-14-2004, 09:42 AM
Adorable pictures! Bon's coat looks so soft and silky, he is such a cute pup!! I just love this picture:

What a sweetie pie!:)

10-14-2004, 10:03 AM

10-14-2004, 10:06 AM
Awww that is sooooo cute!!! :D

10-14-2004, 11:49 AM
Awww..cute pics Anna, thank you so much for sharing! That's okay that you don't have time to post, I understand I have a 3 month old pup and it is like watching a little kid! I just love Bon and can't wait to see LOTS more pics of him!

10-14-2004, 11:51 AM
awhhh what a spoiled lil baby ;) :)

10-14-2004, 12:19 PM
Awww, Anna, he is a DOLL!! :D

10-14-2004, 12:24 PM
"stop sooner or later? If he's anything like mine, now that he's in - he's IN!

Vet told us Max shouldn't sleep with us because of his allergies - we just looked at him. Try and get Bubba to not sleep in bed? Pulling my toenails out would be easier. Guess where he sleeps? Dead center in the middle of the bed - under the covers!
:D :D

BTW - I can see why you're so in love with the big guy - he's adorable!!

10-14-2004, 01:23 PM
awwww!! hes adorable!!! but you do realize once you say its okie for dog to sleep with you - theres nooo breaking them of that. Especially with him being so big... Pretty soon you'll be buying a bigger bed. :D

10-14-2004, 02:08 PM
OMG, Bon is ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us:D

10-14-2004, 02:09 PM
You're going to have to buy him his own bed!
Hehe, when we were there, Kiara slept in the bed with us. Hope that wasn't a no no :p

10-14-2004, 03:18 PM
Cuteness overload!! He is a doll. I love the one of him all stretched out on the blanket.

10-14-2004, 05:22 PM
AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! That is too cute!!

Also, I did the same thing LOL, Jasper would sleep with me as a puppy, in my SINGLE bed, and then when he got too big I bought him his own bed, when I fall asleep he's in HIS bed but every morning when I wake up, he's in MY bed ;) :D

10-14-2004, 05:33 PM
Oh Anna, those pictures are adorable. I just want to jump on the next plane over and give him smoochies all over.

Welcome home Bon. You are blessed with a caring family that will love you for the rest of your life. :)

10-14-2004, 05:40 PM
Everytime I've got a new dog I've said 'no more dogs on the bed' yea right :D Bon looks so comfy and he is so adorable!

10-14-2004, 05:56 PM
Oh, Anna, I am so sorry that Bon is having a hard time adjusting to his new life!

:D :D :D

What I wouldn't give to be able to give Bon some real kisses on that nose!

What a perfect choice for a new family additon.

10-14-2004, 09:07 PM
So when did you want us to come visit?!? He is sooo cute!! But the way Spot (at 55 lbs) pushes us out of bed, I can't imagine what a 200lb dog could do :eek:

10-14-2004, 09:23 PM
What?! Bon is sleeping in the big bed?! Talk about spoiling! I would never ever let either of my girls do this. Especially TORI!!!;) :p ;) :p ;) Geesh, I just don't know what is wrong with you and Mark!!:p :p Shame, Shame!

Love ya, Bon Baby!!! Big hugs for you and your sisters!

Robin :)

10-14-2004, 09:29 PM

I cannot wait to see the pictures in a few years from now, when you and Mark CANNOT fit on the bed with Bon .....:D :p

10-14-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
So when did you want us to come visit?!? He is sooo cute!! But the way Spot (at 55 lbs) pushes us out of bed, I can't imagine what a 200lb dog could do :eek:
Any old time you want to!

Robin, I "KNOW" you'd NEVER let either of your girls do that:p ;)

Yes Gini, you can just tell he's having a really hard time adjusting to his new home:D

We're just HOPING when he gets big enough he'll see there's no room for him and sleep on a bed beside ours!

10-14-2004, 09:36 PM
Cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!!:)

In a few months, that isn't going to be considered a big bed for Bon anymore!!!!!

10-15-2004, 12:19 AM
what a sweetie!!!

10-15-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
Any old time you want to!

what around the first weekend in November?
Is that too soon after Mark's surgery?

**litebulbs going off in my head**


10-15-2004, 03:37 AM
Holy Cow he is sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-15-2004, 05:50 AM
Anna, those are the sweetest, most cuddly pictures ever. Please give Baby Bon a hug and kiss from me!! :D

10-15-2004, 08:29 AM
Awwww Anna he is SO sweet :D. LOL i cannot wait to see photos of Bon in the big bed in a few months ;).

10-15-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
what around the first weekend in November?
Is that too soon after Mark's surgery?

**litebulbs going off in my head**

Nope, that would be fine! Mark's surgery went well and actually he hasn't been in pain yet:eek: But I'm sure tomorrow will be a different story:o
Saturday is ok as long as it is early in the day as I have to work at 4:30 normally. But I usually have Sunday off if you'd like to come that day:D

10-16-2004, 05:46 AM
Oh Anna,
He is Just GORGEOUS!!!!!
How do Huney & Roxey feel about the Big Bed Situation???

Then again,How could you say No?????;)

More Pupper Pics,Anyday and Every Day!!!!:)

10-18-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
Nope, that would be fine! Mark's surgery went well and actually he hasn't been in pain yet:eek: But I'm sure tomorrow will be a different story:o
Saturday is ok as long as it is early in the day as I have to work at 4:30 normally. But I usually have Sunday off if you'd like to come that day:D

Whichever day would work for you and Amy is fine by me. I don't have a husband I have to plan around!! ;) :p

How is Mark?

10-18-2004, 01:04 AM

Shame on your for sleeping in bed with another man! :)