View Full Version : Cat gate

10-13-2004, 11:02 PM
I made a gate for my room so the dogs/cat could see each other but not actually harm. Anyway..someone mentioned baby gates..but I'm not only cheap, but I'm poor so I thought I'd make my own. So I did. I made a frame out of wood and attached some of our left over fencing to it...it's like chainlink or something...(I'll take a pic later)

It's high too. About 3/4 of the doors height. Worked great...till Kiba discovered a hole in the bottom..mind you, a very small-a-cat-couldn't-possibly-fit-threw hole.....yeah..so I come up stairs...see Kiba strut out of my dads room (down the hall from where she SHOULD be) like nothing was wrong...so I put her back to see how she got out..turns out the brat indeed got through that SMALL!!!!!!!!! hole. So I covered it up. Done. She can't get threw now.

SO. Tonight everyone - dogs included (kitty upstairs in room. Gate across) is in the tv room. I notice Josie suddenly focus on something and when I look to see what...what a suprise, it's Kiba! She came alll the way downstairs...Brat! She ran back upstairs when she saw the dogs though. -sigh- I thought there was no way she could fit through that hole now?! So I put her back in andwatch how she does it this time....the bugger CLIMBED it, and jumped over the other side. Urg!!!! So I'm going to attach a panel tomorrow so she has nothing to climb on..I'm sure then she'll find a way out too. Nasty girl. I had to give her kisses and hugs though cause it was the cutest thing watching her climb it haha. I should tape her doing it XD

I drew a pic of her btw

I love her so much :) I LOVE having her and my dogs in the same place. It makes me so happy.

10-13-2004, 11:08 PM
Audrey, maybe a screen door would be the answer. A wooden screen door would not be terribly expensive, and probably much more practical. My sister used one when she had her first baby to keep the cats out of the baby's bedroom and it worked beautifully.

That's one industrious and beautiful girl you have there!! :)

10-13-2004, 11:09 PM
lol...videos are certainly in order! I wanna see! By the way, maybe you should consider these cat agility contests!

10-13-2004, 11:13 PM
Haha, it sure is something. If I haden't covered the hole, I'd show her climbing threw it.

The problem witha screendoor is that I have no where to put it..and by poor I mean that literally lol. Andwhen I'm not poor I'm very cheap. Why spead when you can build? LOL :o

10-14-2004, 08:59 AM
That is a good idea,as Dogs,without meaning to,scare Cats,by their aggressive approach,which,to other dogs,means lets play! But,to ats,means an Attack!

10-14-2004, 05:35 PM
Yeah, she's fine as long as she knows the dogs can't get her

10-14-2004, 06:05 PM
LOL you sound like me trying to keep Pixie from entering my parents house.... Impossible I bought an accordian door for 30$ she squeezes under it and I have a baby gate on the other side so she squeese under the door and climbs the baby gate. LOL I'm hoping when she's full grown she'll be to fat to fit hehehe... For now she only goes down if I'm not home or sleeping so it's not that bad she goes to find her big brother :rolleyes: LOL Good luck with the door!