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10-13-2004, 10:14 PM
Hey there, PT! Long time, no see. ;)

Prince & I were in the dog show at our local country fair. We entered in Obedience & Showmanship. We did pretty well, and ended up getting Grand Champion in Obedience (in our class and over-all.) We got a Reserve Champion in Showmanship.

We made it to the Minnesota State 4-H Dog Show! It was in St. Paul, a six hour drive for us. We went on September 24-25. We left on Friday, and we had a hotel room booked.

A few pictures taken on the way there;
"The Lip." I was very suprised that I actually got this shot-- I have never seen him do this before!

While in St. Cloud, I was insistant on letting Prince go to Petco - for the first time! The nearest Petco is two hours away from us.

Arriving in St. Paul;
Him with his loot;
Modeling a bandana;

More coming!

10-13-2004, 10:20 PM
Prince is sometimes agressive towards new 'friends' that he meets, but he met a doggie that he *loved* at the hotel room.

Isn't he a cutie? I don't remember his name, but he was a Whippet/Shepherd mix, on the road with his daddy going all the way to Cali.
We would have taken them in the grass, but they had turned on the sprinklers.

After they played for quite a while, I brought Prince back in & let him enjoy some of his new stuff;
Sitting in the chair;

Even more coming!

10-13-2004, 10:29 PM
Finally, some pictures from the dog show!

This border collie was sitting behind us, waiting for his turn. He had been hit by a car earlier in the year. :(
A pugliee-
My sweet boy waiting for obedience;
Here we are during the long sit.

He did quite well during the obedience. Most of the points that were docked were "handler mistakes." He was being just a *bit* stubborn when I told him that he had to lay down for 3 min. ;)

Showmanship. Well. :rolleyes: Prince was acting very naw-tee, but I blame myself. Once we got into the ring he was fine. I started to stack him and then he decided the he wanted to play. And since mommy has always treated him like a baby, he thought it was alright!

He grabbed the leash & he did not want to let go. Whoa! We actually got a red ribbon. I was surprised. :o

In Obedience we got a red ribbon also. We were 10 (?) points away from a blue ribbon.

I am still very proud of my boy for even getting this far. I could never wish for a dog that is 'better' than him, because to me, there is none. Whatever color ribbon he gets, I will never love him less or more.

BTW- Guess what we saw there? A spitz pug. Has anyone ever heard of one? The body & tail was like a pug, but the face was different. His ears were erect & his nose stuck out slightly. Very neat looking dog. He was a cutie for sure!

More pictures can be seen in the album (http://photobucket.com/albums/v335/PiedPearl/Fur-Kids/State%20Fair/?start=0)

10-13-2004, 11:23 PM
Great pictures! Prince is such a handsome boy:)

Buddy Blaze Lover
10-14-2004, 07:41 AM
Congrats to Prince and you both! That must be a big accomplishment! I took Blaze to a county fair in 4-H a couple years ago, and we got second in obedience, first in a dog quiz and I WISH they had had showmanship but they didn't. We ended up getting best of show in the end though!! :D The year before I took my other Border Collie, Bandit (deceased) and we got best of division in showmanship which was awesome! I love showing dogs! Here's a pic of Blaze and his trophy. :D

10-14-2004, 07:43 AM
Boy.... Prince sure lives up to the name!!

I love the pictures of play time!!
Congrats to the both of you for your awards!!!

Holly's mom
10-14-2004, 09:13 AM
Wow, Emma, it's about time you post these pictures!!;) I've been wondering where you were! Those are fabulous pictures, you can be very proud of your gorgeous boy. Congratulations to you and Prince on an outstanding job!! :)

10-14-2004, 09:21 AM
How wonderful for you and Prince Emma! Sounds like you both had a great time and Prince got to get some extra special stuff from the store:D
Thanks for sharing your wonderful time and the pictures to go along with it!

10-14-2004, 10:16 AM
OOOOHHH.....it sounds like FUN!!! :D Since you are doing Junior Showmanship at a 4H Show, does he have to be neutered? Just curious. :) Congradulations Prince...you are SO pretty! I love Somoyeds. :D Give him a smoochie for me right on his little black nose. :p

10-14-2004, 11:46 AM
Wow, congrats Prince! Sounds like you made your mommy very proud:D

10-14-2004, 04:20 PM
Wow, Congratulations!!
You both did great!!

10-14-2004, 04:56 PM
Congrats on the great wins.You sure brought back tons of memories. I showed in 4-H and Akc shows for 16 years . I sure miss it, but I have decided Dugan is so mellow that I may try to make him a therapy dog. got to start again some where. You guys looked great in the ring.

10-14-2004, 05:10 PM

10-14-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Dogz

While in St. Cloud, I was insistant on letting Prince go to Petco - for the first time!

OMG, you realize that is less than 5 minutes from my house? I had no idea you were coming through St. Cloud! I'd have gone to PetCo to meet you!

Congratulations to you and Prince, what a wonderful job you did! I really like this pic:


Please let me know if/when you'll be in this area again, I'd love to meet you!

10-14-2004, 06:27 PM
Emma! :D:D:D SO glad to see you post! I've missed you!

Congratulations with Prince! It was nice to see pictures of that handsome boy of yours. Looks like a lot of fun!

10-14-2004, 06:29 PM
Congratulations to you both. :D
Great pictures.

10-15-2004, 07:59 AM
Way to go Prince and Mama, it sounds as though you both did great. :D

I love the photos, Prince is one handsome guy.

Thankyou for sharing them with us, i am off to check out the album.

10-15-2004, 12:11 PM
Thanks for the compliments, everyone! :D

Originally posted by K9soul
OMG, you realize that is less than 5 minutes from my house? I had no idea you were coming through St. Cloud! I'd have gone to PetCo to meet you!

Congratulations to you and Prince, what a wonderful job you did! I really like this pic:


Please let me know if/when you'll be in this area again, I'd love to meet you!

Jess-- Believe me, I thought about you numerous times while we were near/in St. Cloud. Hopefully next time we go down we can actually contact you. I would love to meet you and your duo!

Miranda_Rae-- No, they do not have to be neutered, but Prince is. :)

Another bit of info; Prince & I were in Petsmart (in St. Cloud) and we were looking for a show leash for further years. I asked a worker there if they had some. They didn't so she started explaining that we could probably get by with a thin chocker and thin leather leash.

She told us that her family was really big into showing. She gave us her brother's phone number and she was thinking that he could help us to get into AKC Junior Showmanship! :eek: It would be such a fun hobby for the both of us.

10-15-2004, 12:42 PM
It is so good to hear from you, Emma. Sounds like you and Prince had a great time and lots of fun. Give that beautiful boy a hug from me and tell him I said "Well Done". You two should be proud of yourselves. I just love Prince and I am ready for some more pictures of him!

Robin :)

10-15-2004, 12:55 PM
I have missed Prince!!! You have to post more pictures of him! He is handsome has ever!

10-15-2004, 08:41 PM
Thanks, guys. :)