View Full Version : spaying / microchipping

10-13-2004, 07:12 PM
Pixie is 5 months this month, which means she is due to get spayed next month. My mom thinks she's too tiny to get the procedure done next month. She thinks I should wait till December when she's 7months... I want to do whats best for her... So I dunno do you guys think she's too small?? I want to do whats best and easiest on her and the vet... I know if she goes through her first heat the operation is harder and more expensive. I've personally never had a female cat to get spayed.... Mercedes was so big when she was 6 months I didn't think twice. So what do you guys think???

I will also be getting her microchipped on this date and am scared to push that incase anything happens... She tries to escape frequently behind us when we walk out the door, but she's not smart enough to be quiet about it and chases after us meowing...lol I know to watch for her, but I've tried to tell family & friends or watch them leave the house.. I'm just nervous she'll slip out after someone and they wont notice. Its' not like she goes anywhere or tries to run away (like another bad man that lives with us... ahem Fifa) she either follows us or sits on the step it's just scary...

10-13-2004, 07:15 PM
She should be fine to be spayed at 5 months, most vets will spay kittens as long as they are 2lbs. As for microchipping I would recomend it, it's not that expensive and it's better to be safe than sorry.

10-13-2004, 07:23 PM
okay thanks... I will get her done both micro and spayed next month... the vets here wont do it until 6months old so I will just get it done and over with then... One more month! :eek: :eek:

10-14-2004, 09:07 AM
The Siamese Squad,loves Pixie,and hope,that all goes well,at TheWhite Coats!

10-14-2004, 09:14 AM
Your little one could hypothetically conceive soon. If she's trying to get out, I'd get her fixed as soon as possible.

I'd also highly recommend microchipping. At our animal shelter it is mandatory for all cats and dogs that leave our facility.