View Full Version : Previous Pets

12-20-2000, 03:55 PM
Anyone notice how many other pets there are on Pet of The Day?
I have 2 Russian dwarf hamsters and unfortunately no scanner or digital cam and would rather talk about em than see em. Anyone want to talk about hamsters or other pets?
Reo's mom http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-20-2000, 10:52 PM
I've been dying to talk about hamsters! I don't have the ability to send their pictures either, but I'm going to do something about that soon. I haven't decided yet whether it will be a digital camera or a scanner, but I plan to do something.
I don't even know what "type" of hamsters I have, but they are lovely, both of them. When our token male, Rusty, died in April after a very long life with us, we decided to get two females. They are Phoebe and Evelyn. Phoebe is brown, with lovely black eyeliner around her eyes and Evelyn is a cream colored girl, who is much fatter than Phoebe.
My troubles with these hamsters is that they live to escape! I have than "trapped" now and try to entertain them with toys, wheels, etc. They just don't seem content. They love to be held and played with, but I'd love more ideas about how to make them happy. Give me suggestions! If you want to start an e-mail discussion, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] or my "weekend" address, [email protected]. Can't wait to talk more about hamsters!

12-22-2000, 11:59 AM
My 2 Russian dwarfs are girls, and are named Pip and Squeak. They aren't very old or big and I got them on Thanksgiving this year.
Previously, I've had 3 hamsters since 3rd grade and they've all been teddy bear hamsters-very sweet!
I hang lettuce around the cage using large clips and it makes my hamsters more active because they smell the food and try various ways to reach it. It also keeps them occupied. Rotating the toys in the cage also keeps them interested and plastic tubes provide them a sense of freedom as they can crawl through them on contained "journeys".
We can keep talking on this site since others may want to share these ideas.
Reo's mom