View Full Version : Tubby Snoring

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-13-2004, 11:22 AM
Tubby snores when he sleeps. And sometimes he sleeps so soundly! Usually as soon as I touch him he wakes up. This time, as you'll see, I really have to keep poking him to get him to wake up! He's such a tired boy. :rolleyes: :D But I can understand because he was lounging in the sun and I know how the eyes get heavy when you're lounging in the sun. :D

Oh, this one is kind of long, and I turned the volume up so you could hear the snoring, but then it gets kind of loud in the end so if you're at work, please check your speakers. :D

10-13-2004, 11:26 AM
Awww Tubby, what a sweet snore you have! I just love when your mommy wakes you up, how you strecth and meow to let her know you love her. TOOOO sweet! *cuddles* to Tubby!:D

10-13-2004, 11:29 AM
:D Oh Tubby!!! What a cute video. That snoring would lull me to sleep I think!!!

10-13-2004, 01:08 PM
LOL That is so funny!

10-13-2004, 01:36 PM
OMG, I love Tubby! I don't think he was too happy about being disturbed from his nap though.

Why don't you just load him up in the RV and bring him down here while you go on vacation. I'd love to have that snoring boy around.:D Of course, we'd love to have Princess Peanut too.

10-13-2004, 03:08 PM
Oh sweet Tubby, I just saw your video. :) That snoring is so cute, Fister snores like that too sometimes, it almost sounds as if they have a cold.

Tubby, I'm sure you were dreaming sweet dreams of one legged mice and other exiting stuff - how could your mom wake you up! :rolleyes: ;) ...... But I'm glad she did, so we could see your lovely face.

Kisses and scritchies sweetie!

10-13-2004, 03:21 PM
:D :D ROFLMAO!!!! Tubby sounds exactly like Speckles when she sleeps.

Poor Tubby, I'll bet you were in the middle of a dream about your fantasy date and here your Meowmie had to go and wake you up. Don't worry sweetie. Go back to sleep and continue the dream.

Yeah, another video for my collection. :)

10-13-2004, 11:35 PM
Yes that was definately a sweet, "what, what, what's going on, why'd you wake me up?... " Then, "oh... no tuna... back to sleep..." Tubby's snoring would lull me to sleep too! What a cutie you have!

10-14-2004, 06:06 AM
ROFLOL!!! That is a great video!!:D :D What a sweet snore and the surprised meow when you woke him up was too cute. You could tell he was in a deep sleep. How cute!!

Tubby we LOVE you!!!:D :D

10-14-2004, 08:55 AM
Tubby,you are a sound sleeper,as most Cats,would awaken,if thier Guardians,came that close,with a Video camera! And you snore,as loudly as JJJ3,and Moose The Magnificent!

10-14-2004, 09:03 AM
That was so cute. I love hearing a cat snore I think it is very relaxing, I think I need to go take a nap now. :D

Killearn Kitties
10-14-2004, 12:13 PM
:D What a sweetheart Tubby is! He sounds none too pleased at being woken up from his nap. Can't say I blame him right enough. It looks extremely comfortable there in the sun.

Think I'll go and watch it again!

K & L
10-15-2004, 12:27 PM
Is that my husband I hear?:D :D Couldn't view the video, but could hear the snoring. How funny!

10-15-2004, 12:39 PM
Tubby is so cute just snoring away in the sun.:D
Shame on you for waking him up though! I hope you made it up to him later.;)