View Full Version : Cubby is starting to spray!

10-13-2004, 09:58 AM
We are almost all packed up and ready to move. I took a nap the other day and my hubby came in to wake me up. As he was talking to me he seen Cubby out of the corner of his eye spraying me. Did he do this because almost everything is packed and ready to be moved to the new house and only the big furniture is left out? So far he hasn't seemed to upset by us moving. Every now and then he gets an anxity attack but he quickly calms down when I lay next to him and talk to him and pet him. I have told him that we are moving and that he will be moving with us (as if he didn't already know this.) but I know he doesn't understand.

My mom called the other day and left a 10 minute message for Cubby saying we are going to get a *GASP* D.O.G.

Oh and btw I will be calling the vet today to find out if I should medicate him for the move.

10-13-2004, 10:13 AM
Try some pheramones, like Feliway. Someone suggested it to me when our cat Jack was spraying(he still is sadly, because i haven't got the Feliway yet:o ) But you should try it, it will calm Cubby down. Maybe he is stressed. Hope this helps!

10-13-2004, 12:44 PM
:o I misread the title of this post as 'Cubby is starting to pray' and wondered what the little guy had to pray for... :o I'm getting blind in my old age, now to go nag a whipper-snapper. ;)

Yes, Cubby sounds stressed to me, too. I'm not crazy about medicating our little fur-kids, but you might want to check with your vet. Maybe a touch of kitty Prozac and/or Feliway will save YOUR sanity. Moving is a pain for all concerned and Cubby is probably totally confused right now. Good luck.

10-13-2004, 01:04 PM
I called the vet today. They said I would have to take him in for a check up before they will give him any prozac. Which I can understand. I know he isn't sick or anything, I think he is just really stressed out. He has been fine all day today. I think it's because I am home with him today and when ever he starts getting freaked out he comes next to me and gives me head bumpies, so I stop what I'm doing and pet him. Then he goes and takes a nap or sits in front of the window and watches the birds out side. He only has to get through 1 more day of us not being home, then we will be home with him for over a week straight. :D