View Full Version : Freaking Out!!

10-13-2004, 07:32 AM
I haven't been to school for two weeks now cuz of my operation, I have 2 assignments due today which I hafta go to the school and hand in. I have a project thing Friday an exam monday another assignment due Tuesday which can only be completed at the school and 2 on Wedensday!! I phoned my teached three times for 3 different reasons and she still hasn't called back even to say well ANYTHING. I left my name and number all times. Plus my doctor hasn't even told me if I can go back to school yet, I find that out tonight. :( I"m sure he will say yes, but it's like no point now tomorrow all I hafta do is hand in an assignment theres no class then or on Friday just assignment no class... So It's not even like I can go to try and catch up... I had to call my teacher again thismorning because the assignment due next wed is a group one and I don't even have a group... And as if they'd even want me cuz I haven't been there to do any work. I'm feeling like it's impossible to do all this, I'm so stressed out and I'm not even supposed to be doing anyhthing, but resting... Of course I haven't because I've had so much school stuff to do... GRRRRRRRRRR why do they pile all the assignements and tests into two weeks why can't they spread it out! I'm probably not the only one that thinks this it's really ridiculous!

10-13-2004, 08:38 AM
That blows, When I was in High School, if u were really ill or had an operation, u were exempted from the assignments or they were due at a later date, some evenallowed thekids to do their assignments for the next semester or they got u to do several small assignments to make it easier on u.

Ur school sucks

10-13-2004, 08:59 AM
LOL I'm in college

10-13-2004, 12:25 PM
Ive been there, trust me. I got real sick last semester and my profs didn't even care :p Almost flunked a class cause of it too!

10-13-2004, 10:38 PM
High School, College, its all the same :D
I had 1 assignment for all 10 classes once a semester heheh. & the assignments were small & stupid. So homework was never an issue, u knew what was coming from day 1 & if u were smart & was able to get a heads start u did.

I got a whole semester ahead in my frence class. I did the whole book in a weekend :D