View Full Version : I'm Very Sad

10-13-2004, 12:51 AM
This afternoon I found out that a friend of mine had to put her male kitten named Joey to sleep because he had FIP.:( She also has his sister and two other adult cats that are 16 and around 5 years old. I feel so bad because I was the one who e-mailed her Joey's picture and then gave her the info about the foster mom. I feel that if I hadn't intervened that she would have found a healthy male kitten on her own and wouldn't have to go through this sad period in her life.:(

Here's another link to Joey's thread http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=61173 .

Here's a picture of baby Joey. He was a siamese mix and his sister is a tuxie.

10-13-2004, 12:55 AM
No No - don't blame yourself.

He was a cutie ........... {{{{{hugs}}}} to you and your friend too .......

10-13-2004, 01:42 AM
What dreadful news!

FIP is certainly a horrid disease. Hoping and praying that it hasn't spread.

10-13-2004, 05:23 AM
Tracy - you simply can't blame yourself xxx

Just think Julie gave Joey a wonderful happy life - he was adored and went peacefully. She's going to grieve for him - that's part of life - and you can give her a BIG hug and share it with her.

My heart goes out to you both - xxx

RIP dear Joey - a wonderful new bright star in the sky tonight xx


10-13-2004, 08:01 AM
I posted in Cat Memorial but I'll post here as well.

It's not your fault so please stop blaming yourself, Tracey. You are not psychic so how were you to know about the FIP? I think this happened for a reason. Julie was able to give Joey a loving home for the short time he was here on earth and that's a good thing.

Tracey you are a most loving and caring person and I hate to see you feeling bad. {{{HUGS}}} to you and Julie and still more prayers coming that the other kitties remain healthy.

10-13-2004, 08:05 AM
Don't blame yourself hun. I'm sure she doesn't. She is probably grateful that you helped her have the happy times she did with little Joey. Remember even though our beloved pets may pass on they all leave pawprints on our hearts.

~big hugs from Mina, Rags and Renae~

10-13-2004, 08:35 AM
Oh Tracy, please don't blame yourself..... there is no way ANYONE could have known!


10-13-2004, 08:54 AM
:( :( The Found Cats,and I ,are sad,to see that taht Little Snoe Show,left us,too soon,but he is an Eternal Kitten,now,in the Pet Angel Army,and still loves Julie,and all that she did,for him,and one day,they will be reunited!

10-13-2004, 10:38 AM
Oh Tracey, it is sad, but don't blame yourself. While little Joey was here, he lived with a loving human and I'm sure he got spoiled. :)

Rest in peace, sweet Joey.

Hugs to you and your friend!

10-13-2004, 11:19 AM
Thanks everyone. :) I know that I shouldn't blame myself but I'm just taking this very hard. I feel like I lost one of my own cats.:( I never even got to meet him in person. Julie would e-mail me pictures, call me, and come by my work to tell me all about Joey and Emmy's adventures.

10-13-2004, 11:24 AM
Im so sorry for you and your friend. :( It WASN'T your fault....like slick said, you didn't know that the kitten had FIP...so please don't feel like its your fault and blame yourself. You were trying to bring joy into both of their lives, and I think you did well, even though it had a sad ending... Your friend brought joy into the kittens life by giving it a loving, peaceful home, and the kitten brought joy to your friend because your friend knew she was helping the kitten and loving it...whenever people help someone or something they get joy inside....in a way its bittersweet....theres sadness in it knowing that the kitten is no longer with her, but theres joy in it knowing that she gave him a better life. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to both of you. I am so sorry. :( :( :(

10-13-2004, 11:25 AM
Oh Trac, I'm so sorry, hon. :(

Like the others have said, its not your fault in any way. Life has a saddness to it as well, and we just can't know these types of things. Maybe that little angel just needed an excellent kitty meowmie for his short stay on earth? It seems like he really got that.

Take care,

10-13-2004, 12:02 PM
I'm so sorry. We know what it's like to lose a treasured friend.

10-14-2004, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by slick
I posted in Cat Memorial but I'll post here as well.

It's not your fault so please stop blaming yourself, Tracey. You are not psychic so how were you to know about the FIP? I think this happened for a reason. Julie was able to give Joey a loving home for the short time he was here on earth and that's a good thing.

Tracey you are a most loving and caring person and I hate to see you feeling bad. {{{HUGS}}} to you and Julie and still more prayers coming that the other kitties remain healthy.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Seeing that photo of that beautiful baby brought tears to my eyes. Had it not been for you, that little guy would never have had his own Meowmie!! He'll be waiting at the bridge for his special human and enjoying himself in the meantime!